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Chapter one.
There was a town called Frumpton. Frumpton was a small town in London, England. Lived there lived was a small boy named Lawrence Bennett. He had short brown hair, with brown eyes, he was a short and skinny boy, being the age of 11. Being an 11-year-old was hard for Lawrence since his mother passed away when he was young. Lawrence's father was a short and huge man, starting to bald with grey-ish hair and brown eyes named Stanley. Lawrence had a pretty dull life. ''Lawrence!'' Shouted Stanley, full of anger. ''Yes, father?'' Replied Lawrence. ''Why haven't you done the dishes yet!?'' Stanley said, bitterly. ''I'm sorry father.'' Said Lawrence as he grew anxious. His father was a very poor man, and he was unhappy with his life, and became very lazy, as he was jobless, and made Lawrence do most of the jobs around the house. ''Hurry up!'' He said as he began coughing. Lawrence hated doing chores and just wanted to live a work-free life and wanted to play with friends. But Lawrence didn't have friends, since he had moved houses recently, he wasn't too happy about this, since he had lost many friends, and lost contact with them. Lawrence was very sad and became grew quite depressed. Lawrence was starting school soon, and he was excited about making friends. He started doing the dishes, his father stood up and walked into the front room, and he started watching television. That's all he did, all day every day. Lawrence wasn't allowed to watch television as his father said he was 'too young.' But Lawrence never thought that was fair, all his friends got to watch television. Lawrence finished with his chores and began getting ready for bed. He cleaned his hands and stood at the hasp of the door, staring at his sleeping father, laying there in an old grey t-shirt that didn't fit him and a pair of baggy jeans. His father had a beer in his hand. Lawrence walked into the room and sat down, staring at the small old dusty television, his father awoke and began shouting ''Lawrence! What did I say about watching television!?'' He said, filled with rage. He tried to speak, but he was choked with tears. He ran out of the room, and up to his room, his room was small with white walls and his bed was placed next to the window. He put on pyjamas and went to sleep. Lawrence woke up after having a nightmare, he couldn't remember what it was, but he was scared and thirsty. He went downstairs and grabbed a glass, the glass slipped out of his hand, and his father woke up the glass breaking into a million pieces, Lawrence froze in fear, and knew what was coming next, his father moved faster than he ever had and looked at Lawrence as his face began turning red. He sprinted towards Lawrence he began shaking him viciously ''What on Earth do you think you're doing?!'' He said at the top of his voice. ''Lawrence tried to free himself, but his father's grip was too tight. ''Huh!? he said. ''Answer me!'' ''Lawrence began to cry, and his father grew, even more, angrier, he let go and pushed Lawrence onto the floor ''Man up!'' His father said. Lawrence cleaned the mess he made and ran up to bed. He laid down and began to cry. He eventually fell asleep.
Chapter two.
The wand
He woke up to his alarm, he went downstairs and walked to the kitchen 'Ow!'' he cried out, he had a piece of glass in his foot, a bit that he didn't pick up. He grabbed a dirty old rag and turned on the tap, and run it under the water, and wiped the blood away. He searched the drawers for a bandage but could not find any. He knew he couldn't walk around with a cut, so he went upstairs to put on a pair of socks, he found a dirty white sock with a hole in the end, ''This will do'', he said. He walked passed the front room and heard his father snoring. He shook his head and walked to the kitchen where he grabbed a bowl and a spoon, he went to the fridge to grab milk and noticed that there was non left. He let out a sigh and walked slowly to the drawer in the passageway, he grabbed £2 that he found on his last walk, then chucked on his coat and went to the shop. There was a shop not far from his house, it was a tiny shop but always had the best sweets. He went to the fridge at the back and grabbed the cheapest milk, which was only £1.20. He grabbed it and rushed to the counter, and placed the money down, the woman looked him in the eyes and said nothing, she opened the till and put the money inside she gave him the change and he was excited, he was thinking about what sweets he could get. He looked around the shop and found the sweets he wanted and grabbed them, he then placed the sweets on the counter, and she then said ''You don't have enough.'' ''What?'' Cried Lawrence. She then said ''The sweets are £1, you only have 90 pence. Lawrence grabbed the sweets and money and he walked slowly back to the aisle and put the sweets back, he placed the money into his pocket and walked out with the milk. He arrived home and shut the door, his father still sleeping. He walked to the kitchen and placed the milk on the table. He got the cereal out of the cupboard and put it into the bowl, and then began opening the milk, then he poured it into the bowl. He put the milk into the fridge and then sat down to eat his cereal. His father walked in, still angry over what had happened during the night. ''I hope you're going to clean that! Lawrence!'' He said, raising his voice. ''I will, father!'' He said, starting to get upset. ''Don't give me attitude, boy!'' He said, now growing in anger. Stanley grabbed his bowl of cereal and smashed it against the floor. ''Clean it up!'' ''Y-yes, father,'' Lawrence said, with a tear streaming down his face. He grabbed a dustpan and brush and began cleaning. He put the dustpan and brush back, forgetting about the milk. He began walking to his room, feeling pretty sick. He laid there for a while then he heard, a thump. His father had slipped on the milk. ''His father then shouted 'Lawrence!'' At the top of his voice. Lawrence said ''Oh no.'' He rushed down the stairs his father ran over to him, faster than last night, punching him in the face ''You did not clean it up!'' ''I did!'' He shouted, ''Do not shout at me!'' He punched Lawrence in the eye, giving him a black eye. His father went back to the front room and slammed the door shut. He grabbed a mop and began cleaning up the milk. Lawrence went out to the garden for some fresh air. He was happy that he was starting school in a few days and he was hoping to make lots of friends. He sat on the grass, then, he heard something or, someone calling his name, maybe it was his father, but no, he did not recognise this voice. It grew louder and louder as he got closer and closer. It was coming from the basement, he had never gone down there before. He began looking for the key, 'Aha!'' He had finally found it, he went to the basement, and opened it, walking down, it was dark I swore he saw something and rushed back up, and locked the door. He put the key back. A few days had gone by, and Lawrence was asleep. It was the night before school, and Lawrence awoke to the voice, he was frightened and worried, what if someone was in his house, he knew he had to go look, but what if his father woke up? He thought, but, what if there was someone in his house, maybe he was in danger. He walked downstairs and grabbed the key, and opened the door, he had a touch this time, and this time he was braver. The voice was getting louder and louder, he saw a box with his name on it. He walked towards it and put down the torch, and opened the box, there was a book, a book? He thought, he grabbed the book and then saw a stick, he didn't know what any of this stuff was. The stick was straight and tapered to the point. It was light brown and had a handle that carvings into the handle, he grabbed the book and stick and took it upstairs with the torch in his mouth. He locked the door and went upstairs. He opened the book, and it had strange words such as 'Lucem,' Lucem he thought. It says here, Lucere is the light summoning spell, spell he thought, but, spells are not real. It says to 'hold the wand and say the spell'. ''Wand? But, wands are not real, are they? I'll give it a try.'' He raised the wand hand and read the book, ''Lucem!'' And the tip of his wand ignited. ''Woah!'' He said, with excitement. ''Let's see, are there any more?'' He searched the pages. He found the reverse spell of Lucem. 'Pice', he raised the wand again, saying ''Pice!'' ''Woah! This is cool he thought. He heard his father coming upstairs, he hid the book and wand under the blanket. His father walked in, Lawrence was pretending to sleep, and his father walked out dropping his beer bottle onto the floor, leaving it for Lawrence to put in the bin. Lawrence looked through the book, and found a spell that could conjure fire ''Woah!'' He said with delight. ''Ignis!'' He pointed the wand at the floor, a small fire started, and he began to panic, searching for a water spell. ''Aqua Insania!'' He yelled, A stream of water shot out of his wand and put out the fire. His father bolted up the creaking stairs. He walked into the room, and saw Lawrence awake, he went to him, and said ''Do you know what the time is!? You fool!'' ''Yes father,'' Lawrence said, with a little bit more confidence. ''You woke me from my sleep!'' He said, with confusion had been getting up to. ''Sorry father,'' he said. Lawrence then grabbed the book of spells and the magic wand, he looked for more spells. There was a spell for making people unable to speak, called the no noise spell. He thought maybe he could use this on his father. That's a great idea. He grabbed the book and wand and crept downstairs, he saw his father sitting on the sofa, watching television. He whispered ''Nullus strepitus.'' A red beam shot from the tip and hit his father. He slowly went upstairs. He was ecstatic about his what he was capable of. But, how was he going to use his new wand, what was he going to do, maybe, he could become a superhero. No, maybe not. I'm not sure what I will do, but I'm sure I'll find out. He began to wonder who it belonged to. He flipped to the back of the book, and saw the name Lucia, ''Lucia!?'' Lucia was the name of his mother. But, his mother cannot be magic he thought. He didn't know what to do with this information. He looked through the book, he saw a spell that can explode things, ''Woah! Explode things?!'' He went out of his room and saw his dad's beer bottle, ''Destruam!'' He muttered, a firey looking spark shot from the tip of the wand and exploded the bottle, it was nothing but a pile of ash. He went back into his room and saw the time. ''Oh no!'' ''It's 5:53 am!'' He put the book and wand in his school back and went downstairs. He got dressed. The time was now 5:56 am. He looked at his dad. He then went outside and began walking to school, it was early, but maybe he could use his magic here. It was cold, and a tiny bit dark. He went down an ally and got his book of spells and his magic wand. He looked for a spell to maybe make him worm up, he thought about the fire spell, but that was dangerous. He began looking through the book, ''Aha!'' ''The heater spell!'' He pointed the wand at himself, and said ''Calefactio!'' He began heating up, and he felt a lot better. ''Maybe there is a spell to speed time up!?'' ''Oh, there is, but it only speeds time by 60 minutes.'' He swished his wand above his head and said ''Tempus sauter!'' A white swirl went around his head, he had jumped 60 minutes in time. It was now 6 am. ''Woah!'' He put his wand in his bag but kept the book out and read it. ''Full body bind spell?'' I wonder what that does? ''Paratum cadavre?'' ''Hmm? Maybe I can try it on my father.'' He arrived at school, he put away his book. He found his class and sat in an empty seat. There was a blonde skinny short boy with glasses next to him. ''Hi, I'm Lawrence, Lawrence Bennett.'' ''Hello, I'm Noah Alcott.'' ''Nice to meet you, Noah.'' ''Nice to meet you too, Lawrence.''
A tall and skinny boy walked up to Noah, he doesn't look friendly. He grabs Noah's glasses and puts them on. ''Look, I'm Noah, I can't afford better glasses!'' Shouted the mean boy. ''Give them back! Liam!'' Said Noah, cowardly. ''Just give them back!'' Said Lawrence. ''And who's this?'' ''Why should I?'' ''I-I, because I-I said so.'' ''Because you said so? Huh!?'' He said, beginning to get meaner. He pulls Lawrence off his chair, and Lawrence falls to the ground. Lawrence becomes angry, but he hides it well. ''Hah!'' Liam drops the glasses to the ground and stamps on them. ''I'm sorry, Noah!'' He looks at Noah in sadness. ''It's ok, I'm used to it.'' The teacher walks in, he is a lanky man with brown hair and green eyes.
Chapter 3.
The broken glasses
Good morning class, my name is Mr Bixby. I'm going to be your History teacher for this year! Lawrence doesn't really like Mr Bixby, he's very shouty and unkind looking. Liam throws a paper ball at the back of Lawrence's head. Lawrence ignores it. An hour goes by and then the bell rings. Everyone runs out of the class apart from Lawrence and Noah. Lawrence looks at Noah and says ''Are you ok?'' ''Yes, thanks.'' ''Go to your next lesson then boys!'' Says Mr Bixby. ''Uhm, Mr Bixby, Liam has broken Noah's glasses!'' Says Lawrence boldly. ''What do you want me to do about it? Magic new ones?'' That's it, magic! He thought! ''Ok, bye sir. C'mon Noah!'' Says Lawrence Eagerly ''Uh, ok.'' Simply says, Noah. ''Here, c'mon!'' Says Lawrence. He pulls out his magic wand and book of spells. ''What's that?'' Noah says, looking at Lawrence in confusion. ''You'll see!'' Says Lawrence excitedly. He waves his wand at the glasses, and says ''Reparationem!'' An invisible beam hits the glasses and they fix themselves. ''Woah!'' Says Noah, ''How did you do that?!'' He says ''I'll explain later, c'mon!''
They both rush to the next lesson. ''We have Science next!'' Says Noah. ''Oh no.'' Says Lawrence ''We're late.'' They rush into Science. ''Decided to join us, boys?'' Says their teacher. ''Sorry we're late,'' says Lawrence. ''I'm Mrs Johnson, you're Science teacher. She was tall skinny and had black frizzy hair, she was a mixed-race woman, with a nice personality. I'm guessing you two are Lawrence Bennett and Noah Alcott, am I correct?'' ''Yes, miss.'' Says Lawrence.
They both sit down, two seats apart. Lawrence has to sit next to a girl called Alice Watts. ''Hi, I'm Lawrence.'' ''I know,'' says Alice, annoyed. Noah has to sit next to Liam. Liam keeps kicking Noah in the leg. Noah wants to tell the teacher, but he's too shy. Another hour goes by and then the bell rings. Mrs Johnson asks both Lawrence and Noah to stay back. ''What was the reason you were late, boys?'' Says Mrs Johnson, confused and intrigued. The boys freeze up. ''We had to talk to Mr Bixby!'' Blurts put Lawrence. ''Very well then, run along!'' She smiles at them. The boys run to their break. They hide in the bin area. ''It smells,'' says Noah. ''It does, but we need to hide from everyone else.'' Lawrence gets his wand out ''What spell shall I do?'' ''I'm not sure, what can you do?'' ''I don't know.'' He searches the book. ''Aha! The dancing feet spell?'' He said in visible confusion. ''Try it!'' Says Noah excitedly. ''Dominariloin!'' A purple spark hits Noah, making his legs move uncontrollably. ''Stop it, Lawrence!'' Said Noah, scared unable to control his legs ''I can't!'' Said Lawrence. He searches the book again, ''Aha! Don't worry!'' He said, heroically. He flics the wand at Noah, he gets zapped by a dark blue beam, and falls to the ground. ''Better!?'' Says Lawrence. ''Indeed.'' Says Noah.
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