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[QUOTE=Patrick Carson]

3 Los Santos Police Department
San Andreas,
Los Santos
Pershing Square
SA 90012



Dear Cadets,

We would finally like to congratulate you on passing the application process and heading through to the final stages of the Academy Examination processes. You will now rely on the notes you have taken and the abilities you have overcome over the whole entire process from the Academy. This examination is required to be handled and completed individually without any help of any other cadet, civilian or Police Officer. This is an individual task and is required to be sent within 24 HOURS of original arrival. Please follow the rules stated below and we will wish you look.

Rules & Regulations

Must be completed individually
Must be completed & sent to examiner within 24 HOURS of arrival (Patrick Carson)
You now rely on your notes, please do not contact anyone regarding your exam else it will be a immediate denial.
The exam is out of 51 marks, you require 40 marks for a pass.
Please fill out the exam in Light Blue ink




2.1 Chain of Command

What is the Chain of Command? Chain of Command is the Hierarchy the LSPD follows,

Why is it vital to follow the Chain of Command? .

In what order do you follow the Chain of Command? .

Who is the first resort if you have questions or enquires? .


2.2 Rank Structure

How many ranks are in the Police Department? .

List all the ranks in the Police Department: .

What authority do you have as a Police Officer First Class? .

What rank is classed as a 'Sergeant in Training'? .

List the ranks under Command & High Command Team: .


3.1 Departments Organization

How many Offices are under the Police Department & List: .

What are the preferred rank to lead an Office: .

List all units under Metropolitan Division: .

Define the role of Traffic Unit and how it is beneficial to the Police Department: .

What are the duties as a Unit Leader?: .


3.2 Units

List the Superior Units & their duties: .

What is the role of a Robert Unit?: .

What Divisions does the following units lay beneath; NORA, EDWARD & DAVID: .

Why does the department have desperate units? .

What ranks are authorised to take a SAM unit? .


4.1 Department's Service Weapons

Who can take an M4-A1? .

Under what circumstance is the MP5 is to be used? .

What rank can take a Shotgun? .

Where must a heavy weapon be stored? .


5.1 Departments Radio

List the basic formatting the departments radio: .

List several scenario's where you would use the department's radio: .

Why do we use the department radio?: .


6.1 General Field Knowledge

You arrive on a scene where there has been several shootings however the suspects have fled. What would your immediate action be? .

How do you process evidence? .

What ranks are required to gain approval from charges? .

What is required when frisking a female civilian? .


7.1 Professionalism

What is professionalism? .

Why do we have to enforce professionalism in the Police Department? .

Why is it key to maintain a positive department reputation? .


8.1 Corruption

What is the LSPD's rule against corruption? .

What is the consequence against OOC corruption? .

What is Internal Affairs and their duties? .

Who is the Director of Internal Affairs? .


9.1 Felony Traffic Stop & Traffic Stop

List the process of a Traffic Stop: .

Why is it required for two Officers to exit the cruiser to the vehicle? .

List the process of a Felony Traffic Stop: .


10.1 Force Matrix

Explain the steps to Force Matrix: .

Why do we enforce Force Matrix?: .

Are we permitted to fire upon a civilian (with our lethal weapon) which is insulting to the Chief of Police?: .

Are we allowed to user the taser or beanbag shotgun against an armed suspect? .


11.1 PIT

What is a PIT? .

Explain the process of a PIT: .

Explain the 4 golden rules of a PIT: .


12.1 Pursuit Training

What unit is required to update during a pursuit? .

What do you change your frequency to during a pursuit?: .

Under what circumstance are you permitted to overtake another Officer?: .

You are in a pursuit where a Officer is updating, you feel like he is updating poorly; how would you act? .



Congratulations on completing the exam. Please forward the exam to Patrick Carson AND Phil Roberts and do not contact any member regarding your results. You will hear a response within 24 hours.

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Regards; Team

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