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Pengertian Bussiness Plan - Bussiness Plan
Bussiness plan artinya dokumen tertulis yang disiapkan oleh wirausaha yang mengambarkan semua unsur-unsur yang relevan baik internal, maupun eksternal mengenai perusahaan untuk memulai sewaktu usaha.
- Menurut Histrich dan Peter : “ The business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepeneur that describe all the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It is often an integration of functional plans such as marketing, finance, manu­facturing and human resources."
- Menurut Max Coulthard, Andrea Howell, and Geoff.Clarke : “Business plan is a detailed study of the organization’s activities which highlights where the organization has been, where it is owe and where it might get to in the future and incorporates an action program to achieve these results.
- Menurut Megginson : "It is a written statement setting forth the business's mission and objectives its operational and financial details its ownership and management structure and how it hopes to achieve its objectives "
- Menurut Bygrave : A business plan: a document that convincingly demonstrates the ability of your business to sell enough of its product or service to make a better definition : A business plan is a selling document that conveys the excitement and promise of your business to any potential backers or stake­holders.

Business plan dibuat dalam bentuk jangka pendek ataupun jangka panjang yang pertama kali diikuti untuk tiga tahun berjalan. Business plan merupakan rencana perjalanan atau road map yang akan diikuti oleh wirausaha. Business plan seakan-akan menjawab pertanyaan : 'Where am I now? Where am I going? How will I get there?'

materi by : @Chief_Exa
noted by : @ryuslyz
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