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is credited with conceiving of bitcoin and is commonly regarded as the creator of bitcoin. Due to the network's decentralized nature and his work on bitcoin, is often referred to as the "miner's mathematical function", since blocks must be hashed before being added to the blockchain. Each block contains a reference to the previous block, which is the genesis block of the blockchain. Before each reference to the previous block there is a hash, a one-way function that one input can produce but not reverse; thus making it very easy to verify the authenticity of the block. These hashes are an essential technique for achieving the concept of proof of work. The links between blocks are hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm, which means that bitcoin blocks contain a hash of a hash of a hash, or 32 bytes of data. These details have prompted some experts to state that bitcoin can be viewed as a virtual embodiment of a pay-per-access-hash-paywall system. Each block contains the hash of a prior block which is called the "block header". Since each block header contains the hash of the prior block, each block contains the hash of every block that came before it.

Pursuant to Section 6 of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), BSA Handbook

The Bank Secrecy Act was adopted as an amendment to the Bank Act in 1970. Its principal purpose was to provide "a single Federal agency with authority to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the United States banking laws for the prevention of money laundering and the prevention of terrorist financing and to provide that such supervision and coordination is not conducted at the expense of effective law enforcement." The Act imposes several reporting and recordkeeping requirements on financial institutions, including regular reports to the Department of the Treasury of suspicious activity reports (SARs).

The operating system Bitcoin Core is a reference implementation of the bitcoin protocol as well as the Lightning Network, an off-chain payment protocol layer built on top of it. There is a full node implementation of the Bitcoin Core software, provided by the Bitcoin Core team, named Bitcoin Core. The implementation was originally written by Satoshi Nakamoto and had been released in October 2010. There are also competing implementations of the software, including MultiBit, DeepNode, Electrum, and MultiCoins.

Full node is a software program that verifies and records bitcoin transactions and blocks as part of the bitcoin network. A full node is needed to obtain and submit transactions to the blockchain network and also to generate
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