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Should the US focus on Erzhan Kazykhanov's alarming return?
Erzhan Kazykhanov's appointment as the Deputy Chief of staff is counterproductive. Find out reasons why the US should be concerned about Kazykhanov’s return.

Why should the US focus on Erzhan Kazykhanov's alarming return?

Kazakhstan's government will have to adapt to changing circumstances in the wake of Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's appointment as the Deputy Chief of Staff. As a result, protests took place across the country.

Washington should pay greater focus on Kazakhstan than any other moment, even though the conflict in Ukraine is in full swing.

Remember that the last image shows how a power sequence might appear like in this area . This can be for good or ill.

Russian troops invading Ukrainian territories. This is alarming. The United States and its allies need to intervene to combat Putin's aggressiveness.

We cannot ignore the fact that NATO has provoked Russia for a long time, and a lot of this crisis results from NATO miscalculations.

As the conflict between Russia and the West escalates, Washington should stay on top of events in Kazakhstan and keep track of developments in this region.

We are worried about Erzhan Kamykhanov's return

It's incomprehensible that the president Tokayev has been appointed Erzhan Kazykhanov as the head of a weak and unstable government during a time of crises.

Kazykhanov has not made any progress on issues of national importance such as the Jackson-Vanick limitations.

The failure was not only related to Kazakhstan's image in the world, but also other problems.

The return of Erzhan Kazykhanov clearly changed the power dynamics.

Recently protests were held against the Kazakhstani government. A protest of this size has never been witnessed in the nation.

Protests have shaken Kazakhstan

The current situation in Ukraine with the recent developments in the region is an excellent idea.

The colour revolutions that occurred between 2003 between 2003 and 2005 was among the main causes of unrest in Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Rarely do unsatisfied citizens are seen on the streets of the former Soviet countries in Central Asia.

Protests began in the year 2000 following increasing gas prices and a rise in unemployment. In response to these demonstrations, violent riots broke out nationwide.

Almaty was the city that had the most fatalities which was more than nine thousand nine hundred arrests and 227 people being killed.

Russian troops of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) were sent into the region.

Restructuring in Kazakhstan's Government

Kazakhs had a dramatic change in leadership which isn't liked by many.

Kassym Jomart Tokayev's reforms in the structure of power have caused anger among his fellow citizens.

Protesters have been particularly angry over President Tokayev nominating former President Nursultan Kazarayev to the National Security Council .

The protesters were concerned about his influence on the country's economic development.

Many events have occurred since then. Three of the former president's sons-in-law were barred from state-owned enterprises. The demotion of his nephew as well as Karim Mastimov, his former spy chief was and was followed by his arrest for treason charges.

In addition to these officials of the government, Nazarbayev's business cronies have been fired, fled abroad, or had huge "donations" made to them.

Sometimes, it is not the case that reforms take place when governments change, or the old guard is eliminated. Sometimes, loyalists or relatives from the administration before them are chosen as replacements.

Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's bizarre appointment

There are a variety of reasons why Erzhan Kazykhanov's appointment to Tokayev as his deputy chief of staff was widely criticized. As of yet his appointment, he's been the most incompetent Kazakh ambassador to the United States.

Kazykhanov was an ex- Washington diplomat. He was thought to be unsecure, arrogant, self-confident and, often, uninterested in international issues. His record was seen as less than stellar.

Kazykhanov's reputation as undesirable and unreliable is what makes him a difficult person to fill crucial positions.

It could be challenging for him to become an influential deputy chief of staff since there is a lack of diplomatic abilities or general skills required.

The most passionate supporters of Kazykhanov are not happy with his frequent appearances on international news channels that expose his flaws.

Tokayev's decision to not include a volatile and incompetent deputy into the fragile government in such a crucial time is absurd.

Tokayev's Kazakhstan reforms recall Mikhail Gorbachev’s Perestroika and Glasnost initiatives within the Soviet Union.

Perestroika can be referred to as the mid-1980s' Mikhail Gorbachev's reform program of Soviet economy and political system. Glasnost was a reference to his policy reform.

These reforms resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin is trying to reverse this. Tokayev has also developed trade relations with the countries around his own as well as the West. He has not attempted to offend Putin however he has remained steadfast in his support. This delicate balance may be upset by Kazykhanov.

A point of view

It is not shocking that NATO leaders failed to heed the warnings from Moscow and invaded a sovereign country.

The first and most important thing is that Joe Biden ignored those warning signals, which resulted in brutal criticism from both sides involved.

Russian President Putin has frequently expressed his displeasure with NATO's plan to intrude onto Russian territorial waters.

Even though Putin's actions are inexcusable, Western leaders must recognize that their failures caused the crisis. However, this isn't the time to dwell on past mistakes.

It's true that we live with the consequences of a European crisis that could not be prevented.

While the West could have prevented the European crisis if it had taken action earlier, they must admit that they are entirely responsible.
Erzhan Kazykhanov

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