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Kazakhstan Unrest won't be slowed through Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's return
Kazakhstan Unrest won't be eased by Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's return the Country As Deputy Chief of Staff

The government of Kazakhstan is facing the reality of the country after the events that shook the country.

Erzhan Kasykhanov's return could be an indication of the changing power dynamics.

The international community needs to change to accommodate a more assertive citizenry. Policymakers should also be aware to recognize these developments and come up with effective ways to engage with their country.

Ukraine's Role in Kazakhstan's shift
The past couple of weeks have seen all eyes focus on Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin planned and launched an en masse invasion of the sovereign nation. It was shocking that NATO leaders , including President Biden ignored Moscow's warnings. Russian President Putin has repeatedly declared his opposition to NATO's plan to intrude on Russian territory.

While Putin's actions are inexcusable, it is true that western leaders played a role in the crisis. Now we are dealing with the effects of a European crisis which could have been prevented, it is fair.

Protests in Kazakhstan
It is worthwhile to compare the situation in Ukraine with the recent developments in the region. This includes the 2003 and 2005 color revolutions, as well as recent protests in Belarus (and especially Kazakhstan). As a former Soviet republic, it's seldom seen in the streets, expressing anger.

Protests began in Kazakhstan in the spring of this year, to protest rising gas prices. These protests became violent riots that eventually resulted in nationwide protests. Almaty was the most shattered of all, with 227 residents killed and more than 9900 detained. Russian troops from The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), were briefly deployed.

Restructure Kazakhstan Government and Erzhan Kazykhanov Return
Kazakhstan's newly elected president Qasym-Zhomart Tokayev has made a number of modifications to the structure of power within the ruling elite. These changes has raised concerns, questions and anger among many Kazakhs, even in times of peace.

Protesters were particularly outraged by the fact by the fact that President Tokayev has assumed the presidency of the government's National Security Council. It replaced former President Nursultan Nasarbayev, whose influence was a source of worry for them.

The former president's sons in-laws were dismissed and three nephews of the former president were expelled from state businesses. Karim Mastimov, former head of the spy agency, was defrocked. A number of top business leaders associated with former President Nazarbayev lost their positions or emigrated abroad for lengthy vacations, or were given massive "donations."

Reform isn't always feasible when there are changes in the government or removal of the old guard. It is too common for members of the previous administration to be replaced by similar ineffective family members and loyalists.

Erzhan Kykhanov's Application an unreserved
Erzhan Kazykhanov's elevation to President Tokayev's highly influential position of the Deputy Chief of Staff is not productive. Kazakhstan's most ineffective ambassador in the United States was Kazakh Kazykhanov.

Washington saw Kazykhanov as an arrogant diplomat who was confident and uncaring about the image of his country. Kazykhanov was also unsuccessful in his attempts to make improvements on important national issues such as the Jackson-Vanick restrictions as well as other issues that affect Kazakhstan's reputation around the world.

As a result of his controversial and unresolved reputation, Kazykhanov seems unlikely to be chosen for important post. Deputy Chiefs of Staff need diplomatic skills, a broad understanding and expertise, none of which Kazykhanov is highly skilled at.

Even Kazakhstan's most loyal supporters are not happy with Kazykhanov's frequent appearances on major international media outlets, which reveal his flaws. Tokayev's decision to bring in an self-promoting, incompetent and volatile deputy into a fragile government at such an important moment makes no sense.

Tokayev's Kazakhstan reforms are similar to Mikhail Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost initiatives in the Soviet Union. Perestroika is often referred to as the mid-1980s' program of Mikhail Gorbachev to improve Soviet economics and politics and Glasnost referred to his reforms in policy. The reforms he instituted led to the demise of the Soviet Union. Putin is trying restore the Soviet Union. Tokeyev has established strong economic relations with both the West and the countries that surround his country. But, he has not tried to defy Putin. Kazykhanov could disrupt this delicate balance.

During Unsteady Times The US should pay attention to Kazakhstan as well
Washington should be watching events in Kazakhstan because they provide a preview for the way a power-sequence could unfold in this region.

The Russian invasion invading Ukraine is an alarming trend. It is imperative to ensure that the United States (and its allies) adopt the necessary steps to confront Putin's aggressiveness. However, it's important to remember that NATO has been provocating Russia for years. This crisis is in part due to their own incompetence.

Washington should pay the events in Kazakhstan, as this could prove to be the next major tension point in the war between Russia and the West.
Erzhan Kazykhanov
Erzhan Kazykhanov

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