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Unit–I:- Digital Electronics: Logic Families: TTL, ECL, MOS – Logic gates
AND,OR,NOT,NOR,NAND and XOR – Boolean Expressions – K-map –Combinational Circuits –
Flip-flops – registers – Counters – decoders, multiplexers and semiconductor memories.
Unit –II:- Microprocessors: 8086 microprocessor – architecture, segmentation concepts – register
organization – addressing modes – instruction set – preliminary features of 80286, 80386 and 80486
Unit –III: - Computer Organization: Functional blocks of CPU – Fixed point, floating point number
representations –instructions – addressing modes – stored program concept – instruction execution
– memory hierarchy – virtual memory, associative memory – cache memory – I/O organization –
methods of data transfer – programmed I/O, DMA, Interrupts – IOP.
Unit –VI: - C and Data Structures: Data types, storage classes, operators and expressions – control
statements – functions, parameter passing – arrays and pointers, structures, unions – type definitions –
pre processor statements – files – Data Structures – Linked Lists – queues and stacks – trees – sorting :
bubble, selection , quick and merge sorts -Searching : linear and binary search techniques.
Unit –V:- Computer Networks: OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model –Network
topologies : Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh, Hybrid – LAN components – Coaxial, twisted pair, optical fiber
cables and connectors – repeaters, hubs, switches, NIC – Ethernet, token bus, token ring, inter network
packet exchange/sequenced packet exchange – HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Telnet – TCP/IP addressing scheme
– IP address classes - sub netting.
Unit –VI: - Operating Systems: Operating system concepts, functions, types, system calls – process
management – CPU scheduling algorithms – deadlocks – memory management – overlays, paging,
segmentation, virtual memory, page replacement algorithms – disk scheduling- free space management –
allocation methods – disk scheduling algorithms.
Unit –VII: - RDBMS: Need of database systems, data independence, Data models, E-R model –
structure of relational database – normal Forms : 1st, 2nd, 3rd and BCNF – SQL – data types,
operators, DDL and DML commands – views, sequences, synonyms, indexes and clusters – PL/SQL –
data types, control structures, cursor management, exceptions, functions, procedures and packages.
Unit –VIII:- Object Oriented Programming Through C++: Concept of OOPs – classes and objects –
Constructors and destructors – arrays, pointers, references, strings – function overloading and operator
overloading – inheritance – virtual functions – friend functions –this pointer – i/o manipulators – file
and i/o functions.
Unit –IX: - Java Programming: Java – data types, variables, operators, arrays – Classes and objects
– methods – constructors – overloading –inheritance - Visibility mode – packages –
Interfaces – multithreading – exception handling – applets.
Unit –X:- Internet Programming : Internet fundamentals – HTML, tags, attributes, formatting text –
VB script –data types, operators – control structures – procedures and functions – ASP objects and
components – use of ASP with database.
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