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based on the timing of this message, you probably know who i am, but if not thats ok, its not relevant. i must say mckenzie, despite our squabbles here and there you sure are an interesting character. never would i have expected you to be an avid crusader against bullying, so much so that you would join a game not even played by 10 concurrently to fight for your cause and modding subreddits and being a member of several roblox groups. i definitely stand for what you fight for, maybe not how you fight it but i must say your cause is noble. with this being said, i hope we can set aside our previous fueds as i hope to find it insignificant to your character. i hope that the rest of your "encounters" or "anti-bullying crusades'" don't involve kids who are just trying to play the game. what strikes me as most peculiar, even though I see that you are very against admitting it, is your willingness to "hack". again though, who am i to stop you if you are doing it in the name of furthering a better cause? these seeming contradictions are whats most fascinating abt your character. i've seen from the subreddit that members such as yourself will go on for hours trying to get someone to "truce" even after relentlessly "haggling" them. i feel like setting this as a goal is counterproductive so i'd like to see on your take on why its productive to stop bullying. to me its just hate breeding hate. with the time spent on these crusades, i can only see that they mean so much to you. again, i don't have any fault with your desire to stop bullies, but id like to know why you listen to your calling or the specific exigence that brought you to do what you do. looking forward to a response, mckenzie. hope u don't mind the lackluster grammar, just wanted to type this out faster.

oh and by the way that wasn't my alt. :)
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