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The blockchain could be maintained by a decentralized autonomous organization., since miners are all peers.

The invention of bitcoin has been recognized as having a considerable effect on the world of finance, however, by its nature, bitcoin cannot really be controlled and stopped, and hence the world of finance will continue even if bitcoin should vanish.

"In June 2009, the bitcoin protocol was invented by someone or a group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. The name was registered as a trademark on October 9, 2009. On October 31, 2014, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office cancelled the registration after it had been challenged by Nakamoto. On April 11, 2015, Nakamoto applied to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to have the name registered again. On June 12, 2015, a federal judge ruled that Nakamoto had abandoned the mark and on September 29, 2015, the Patent and Trademark Office cancelled the registration again."

"Estimates of the total number of bitcoins in existence, also called the bitcoin wealth, vary. One study puts the total at 21 million.

However, on 24 April 2013, the US Internal Revenue Service issued a press release stating that, according to the agency's "research and analysis", a January 31, 2013 filing in Nevada demonstrated that the creator of bitcoin "maintained control of the private key corresponding to digitally signed transactions", effectively making him or her the owner of all 21 million bitcoins contained in wallet.dat, and the holder of the largest single hoard of bitcoins, at the time.

Bitcoin has also been described as the first decentralized electronic currency.

Bitcoin technology

The protocol

The entire blockchain (including the complete set of unspent outputs) is constantly growing. Over time, a new block is appended to the end of the blockchain. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block (see diagram). The hash is calculated based on the list of transactions included in the block. Additionally, each block contains a reference to the previous block via the coinbase transaction (a special transaction to create a coin, analogous to the genesis transaction in the traditional coin creation). This allows for the verification of the blockchain: any data entered into the system is present in the blockchain, and vice versa.

The block is around 1 MB in size, so 1 MB is the block size target of the protocol. This target is a free parameter. For example, the Bitcoin Core implementation normally creates blocks of 1 MB,
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