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Each transaction has inputs and outputs: the former are payer and payee addresses that receive and send bitcoins, while the latter are references to unspent transaction outputs that can be redeemed for the bitcoin. Transactions are defined by a list of inputs [COPY] and outputs [SHARE].

When a network node receives a transaction it adds the transaction to a list of unprocessed transactions. It may choose to relay these transactions to other nodes. When a miner accepts a block of transactions ready for inclusion in the blockchain, they must thoroughly validate it. The miner first collects transactions ready for inclusion in the block, called inputs, into a new transaction, called a coinbase. The coinbase always has two inputs, one paying the miner and one paying the coinbase reward. The miner uses these two inputs to construct a hash (first create a big hash from the block's contents, then subtract a secret value), and then gives the hash as a proof-of-work to the network to accept the block. Once the block has been fully validated, it is added to the blockchain.

When a sender transfers bitcoins by writing down a list of addresses and amounts to a private key on a piece of paper, they also create a transaction with inputs that reference those outputs in the ledger. Since a transaction must reference the outputs in its first input, that input can then be spent in future transactions. This allows money to move from the original owner to any other address while allowing the transfer to be completely irreversible and audit-able through the blockchain: all that has happened is that a record of the original transaction has been added to the block.

Bitcoin Core automatically formats transactions in the following format:
A version (1) four-byte unsigned integer; a one-byte transaction type, which can be;

an opcode for typical transactions for sending or receiving coins,

a bitcoin-specific "varint" for certain opcodes (e.g. P2SH for pay-to-script-hash transactions),

a 16-byte lock time field, a variable-length mandatory-to-read-"nonce" field, and a variable-length varint representing the hex-encoded size of the transaction's data field, unless transaction type is LTC.
The Legacy Encoding fields can be empty or can encode OP_RETURN data.

A version (2) byte (actually an unsigned integer) containing the number of inputs,
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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