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How to Speak Chinese fluently in 6 weeks
Did you know that learning by doing is the most effective learning method? Practice Chinese a little bit every day and you’ll speak like a native forever! Start right now with these top 10 most common Chinese Speaking course words and phrases pronounced by native Chinese speakers.
Chinese people can’t tell that I’m not Chinese.
You might think that if I speak Mandarin Chinese fluently, it must be because I have a natural talent for languages. But if you had been in my first year Chinese language class, you would know that I was an average student struggling with pinyin and tones along with everyone else — definitely not someone who would end up speaking Chinese particularly well.
I don’t have a natural talent. What I do have is a disciplined approach that works. And I’m confident that anyone who applies it can also learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese fluently.
I was basically on par with my peers while I was in my college class at Duke University. But I started to excel after two If you’re not familiar with these programs, you can sum it up in this phrase (which is basically PiB’s motto): 好好学习,天天受罪. Chinese Speaking course It’s basically a spin on the phrase 好好学习,天天向上,which Chairman Mao used to exhort everyone during the Cultural Revolution. The original version basically means to “study hard and excel each day.” instilled habits that formed the foundation which enabled me to speak Chinese fluently.

Listening TPRSC Chinese speaking course

The most important part of learning Chinese is getting a chance to practice what you learned by speaking the language. Otherwise, it’s all lost, like most of what we’ve learned in school. That’s exactly why our language experts have included Chinese speaking exercises in every lesson. chinese speaking lesson to find a Chinese friend to help you rehearse. No need to go to a Chinese-speaking country. How can this be possible? We have created a high-tech computer program you can use to have a smart conversation with (really!). We call it the TPRSC Chinese speaking course. Sit back and it engages in a conversation with you using a friendly, native Chinese voice. Chinese Speaking course Don’t be shy: respond to its questions or even ask it one. Like magic, it will understand what you are saying and respond as a regular person would. No wonder millions of people around the world have already tried TPRSC Chinese speaking course to learn how to speak Chinese.

Always Be Speaking Chinese
The second crucial step is to always be speaking Chinese. When you’re in class, or you’re with students, you have to try to talk a lot. Chinese Speaking course But the point is not just to be annoying. It has a two real functions:
Speaking a lot helps you strengthen your grasp of tricky words.
Speaking helps you make mistakes that expose your weaknesses.
So there is a corollary that arises out of these two points: Don’t waste time on vocabulary and phrases that you already know. Go out of your way to talk using Chinese words that you don’t know, which you don’t feel comfortable about. Otherwise, you’ll just end up being that guy at the gym who has amazing biceps… which look out of place on the rest of his body.

This last step is the most important one, because it’s the foundation for the first three steps.
The three steps that I’ve mentioned—total immersion, speaking Chinese constantly, and targeting mistakes—are very simple, but actually incredibly hard to maintain.
It requires Chinese Speaking course a ton of discipline because it’s uncomfortable. It’s not what you’re used to doing. I’m asking you to focus on what you’re not good at and delay gratification.
The best way to address these challenges is to change your mindset.
First, change the way you measure progress. Instead of seeing perfection as a good thing, flip the equation and see mistakes as progress. If you stop making mistakes, then you’re no longer improving.
Second, understand the fact that it’s natural for you to be making mistakes while speaking Chinese. At this point, it’s just an arbitrary collection of sounds and images to you. That’s the same way it is for everyone.
Third, know that becoming fluent at speaking Chinese is just a matter of time. How does a rock become smooth? It’s by friction that rounds out all the rough edges, and in the end it’s smooth. It’s the same way with learning how to speak Chinese fluently. Once you Chinese Speaking course identify all the rough edges and smooth them out, the inevitable result will be fluency in speaking Chinese.

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