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"Blockchain" is also used to refer to the technology which has no use outside of bitcoin applications, as a distributed ledger. e.g. Quorum.

Blocks contain the following:
A Merkle tree rooted at the genesis block
A timestamp
The hash of the previous block's hash
A list of transactions (in reverse chronological order)
Nonce (used for sequential ordering of coinbase transactions)
Difficulty target
A set of connected blocks (explained in the section about non-binary trees)
Hash of the previous block's hash

Block header

The header consists of a single byte specifying the version number of the block. Currently the only defined version is 1 (same as version 0, but with a differently formatted string). This byte has no additional significance. This is because 0-6 are reserved for future versions of the protocol.

The other bytes of the block header contain 8 byte hashes of the previous 8 bytes of the header (the merkle root). The first 4 bytes of the header are, in order, the byte-length of the nonce, the number of transactions in the block, and the version. The last 4 bytes of the header contain the first 4 bytes of the merkle root of the previous block. These 4 bytes are necessary so that even if the database holding the blocks is corrupted, a node can still validate the transaction tree.


The first element in a block is a variable-length list of transactions. There is no limit to the number of transactions per block, but it is limited to a few hundred bytes by block size. Each transaction consists of a 20-byte transaction id, a 4-byte timestamp, a 1-byte version number, and up to 95 bytes of data. It is in the list of transactions in reverse chronological order by 4-byte timestamp.

The transaction id is a hash of the transaction's input values. They are hashed together with the public key of the receiving address, the script of the transaction, and the signature of the sending address (explained below). The data is the actual bytes of the transaction, beginning with the version number. For an input, the input script is the script that unconditionally pops the top stack value and pushes it on the stack. This is followed by the script for the output for the same reason. The input values are written in the reverse order, from the output script to the redeem script of the
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