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The bitcoin blockchain can be used to timestamp data. As one blockchain exists for the entire network, linked lists of timestamped information can be produced for each party, which may later be used as a distributed version of a traditional centralized ledgers. While in a centralized ledger many parties hold copies of the database, in a blockchain each party is in charge of the integrity of their own data-including which data they store-and this makes the production of fraudulent data or the loss of data integrity much more difficult.

Timestamped data
In a timestamp tamper-proofing scheme, the modification of data contained in a tamper-proofing data field is cryptographically captured in the data itself. The data is stored or sent in tamper-proofing data fields throughout the chain of linked blocks.

Hashes are a special type of hash function. In general, a hash of a piece of data (or piece of binary data) is an abbreviated form of the data in which the original data is converted into a fixed-length digest or a permutation of the original data. In the case of data in a blockchain, the purpose of a hash is to make it computationally infeasible for an attacker to determine the input from which the hash was calculated, i.e. to provide cryptographic proof of the data. This is done in a way that makes it easy to generate, store, and verify the hash of any piece of data.

Merkle tree
A Merkle tree is a special kind of hash tree.
In a blockchain, it can be used as a timestamping mechanism, i.e. to store information about the creation of the individual block. The information is gathered by asking each block which includes the block in question to generate a Merkle root, which can be used to link the block back to the root of the tree., but it can also be used for other purposes. The general idea of a Merkle tree is that given any node in the tree, the hash of this node can be computed from the hashes of the nodes of the path down to it, and these hashes can be determined for each node in the path only by combining the hashes of the parent nodes (but not the children of any one node): Merkle trees provide an encoding of the information stored in a binary tree structure.

Level of validation
The validity of transactions in a blockchain can be validated at different levels of validation, (
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what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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