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Blockchain projects
Applications of distributed ledgers are found in areas such as Internet voting, platform grants, property rights, content sharing, supply chain management, healthcare, asset management, and alternative voting. See Chaining.

Ideas about blockchain applications in elections have been around since the publication of Nick Szabo's paper in 1997. Over time the concept evolved to focus more on the public record, especially as blockchains have become an acceptable form of public record. Observers state that public records are always imperfect, including those that are stored on blockchain.

As more developers have started working on blockchain for decentralized applications, several voting systems have been developed on blockchains.

In 2013, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) proposed the blockchain based Verified Registries technology as a solution for managing domain name updates.

Internet voting projects
Fossil Computing Labs has developed blockchain voting software and hardware. The idea behind using blockchain technology for voting in elections is to empower voters with control.

The Self-Esteem Over blockchain project (SEOB) is a free, open-source, permissionless blockchain-based e-voting platform that allows voters to easily verify the integrity of the election.

Associative voting is a decentralized voting protocol that enables participants to vote on a set of candidates in an election. However, voting in this protocol is associative, rather than individualistic. It means that, whenever a participant’s vote is considered, all the other votes are considered as well.

Internet Voting Services offers a network of volunteers that run several blockchains, and maintains the record of votes. This system allows websites and email to send voting instructions to people that are enabled to vote.

The first online elections in history were held in a decentralized manner on the BitBilling network, between the first and second rounds of the Dutch election in March 2018. Bitshares, a blockchain platform for financial applications, is developing a e-voting platform, named Bitshares Democracy (BD).

Platform grants
Platform Grants (PGs) are distributed tokens to give out in exchange for functional or non-functional contributions to open-source software and the development of blockchains. Blockchain technology applications in crowdfunding are being heavily researched and developed.

Property rights
Property rights can be recorded on blockchain using a distributed ledger called the Substrate.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the application of cryptographic
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