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“Hello guys my name is Stephanie Hwang but you guys can call me Tiffany, I've been transferred here so I hope we can get along” It's my first day in this school. As expected after introducing myself, they aren’t giving me feedback. It seems the teacher aware of this and let me sit on the table near the window in the second row from the back.
The lesson was boring, I don’t even paying attention to it at all. “When this class be over?” I asked myself and it looks like luck was on my side. The bell rang signing class is over, everyone went out from the class so did I, but Ms.Ahn the teacher stopping me “Tiffany, this is the list of our school clubs, you have to join one of them because that’s the provisions of this school.” Ms. Ahn gave me a piece of paper contains a list of the clubs in this school. I took it and bowing to her then walking out of class.
I scan the lists “Cheerleaders? A big no. Basketball? I’m done with it.” I keep reading the lists until the end of the list “Case Code Club? I never heard about this, maybe I’ll join this club”.
I walked down the school hallway looking for Case Code Club room, I keep walking until I find the room down the hall. Without knocking the door, I open it and walk in.
“Do you need help?”
I rise my head and see a boy standing infront of the whiteboard. He has perfect face with strong features. His eyes, nose and lips perfectly placed. I did not realize had been daydreaming until his voice awaken me.
“hey, I ask you ‘Do you need help?’”
“Ah yes, I want join this club. Can I?” I looking at his handsome face once again.
“sure” He walked toward me with a piece of paper in his hand “take a seat then complete this form”
He drop the form on the table infront of me, I take a look and start to fill it
“you are transfer student right?” he’s sitting in front of me
“how do you know?” I said without looking at him because still filling the form
I heard his soft laugh “I’m your classmate”
“what?” I rise my head then looking at him
“I’m your classmate, my table is right behind yours”
“oh I’m sorry, I don’t know” I was feeling bad not knowing the fact if he is my classmate.
He is just smiling and did nothing, waiting for me to filling the form.
After a few minutes pass, I give the form to him and he read it
“Your handwriting look alike my sister’s”
I just frowning while looking at him “Really?”
“Yes, and she is in elementary school”
“ahh~ wait. What? So you’re saying my handwriting is the same with kids?” I looking at him, disbelief.
He’s just lauhing
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Regards; Team

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