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The Benefits of Reflexology
Reflexology is a treatment that is that is based on the Chinese theory that certain areas on the soles of the feet and hands correspond with various parts of the body. It is not invasive, does not involve drugs, and improves circulation. It could be the right treatment for you. Reflexology has been proven to have positive effects on hundreds of people. You may be eligible to receive free or discounted treatment for reflexology if you suffer from cancer.

Reflexology is based on the Chinese principle that certain areas on the soles of your hands and feet correspond to other areas of the body

Reflexology is a great therapy with many benefits, including reducing the pain and improving sleep but there are also certain disadvantages. It's not a replacement for conventional medical treatment, but rather is a complement to it. After reflexology, patients need to rest for approximately an hour. Drink plenty of fluids and ensure that they hydrate their bodies to avoid the buildup of the toxins.

It is not invasive.

Reflexology, a holistic treatment technique that uses reflexes to ease discomfort and pain it is also known as holistic healing. Reflexology is a method to alleviate symptoms associated with digestive and hormonal problems. It works by stimulating certain regions of the body. It is non-invasive and safe. This is just one of the many benefits of reflexology.

It's not pharmacological.

Reflexology is an alternative medical practice which involves applying gentle pressure to particular areas of the body. It can also be done with your hands or ear. The therapy is based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet that are connected to different parts of the body. It's similar to acupuncture, which utilizes points on the body. Reflexology, however, isn't a drug as acupuncture.

It boosts circulation

Reflexology can trigger the body's relaxation response. It creates a state that is tranquil and restores equilibrium. This is vital since stress compromises circulation in two ways: The first is that it redirects blood away from the bladder, abdomen and intestines. And secondly, it enlarges the muscles in the entire body. Both of these results are counterbalanced by reflexology. It also relieves stress by deepening the level of relaxation.

It can help reduce stress.

Reflexology stimulates specific areas in the body to reduce stress. The relaxation response fills the brain with vitality, resulting in an euphoric effect. This relaxing response could have significant effects on stress reduction. The reduction in stress is also linked with improved sleep, which is essential to a healthy state of mind. Reflexology works by helping the body to rebalance its internal rhythms, called Circadian rhythms.

It reduces the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer.

Recent research has demonstrated that reflexology can help patients who suffer from cancer lessen adverse effects by improving their overall health. It could also reduce symptoms like nausea and difficulties sleeping. In studies with patients with breast cancer, reflexology reduced nausea and fatigue, as well as aiding in improving physical and emotional condition. It could also help reduce the spread of cancer, because reflexology may boost circulation and increase antioxidant activity that destroys cancer cells. While research into the benefits of reflexology in cancer patients is ongoing, archeological evidence shows that it was practiced in Egypt as well as China around 4,000 years ago.

It helps reduce migraines

If you suffer frequently with headaches, you've likely heard about reflexology. Reflexology, an ancient technique that relies on pressure to alleviate migraine pain, is based on placing pressure on specific points of the body. The practice has been around for many thousands of years but only recently has it caught on in the United States. 천안출장안마 If you want to try reflexology for migraines seek advice from your primary care doctor or a professional in reflexology. Reflexology is a great alternative to migraine treatment.

It can help with sleep disorders.

Reflexology helps to ease insomnia by stimulating pressure points associated with anxiety, stress and pain. It improves quality of sleep, reduce stress, as well as mental clarity. The immune system is also enhanced through reflexology. It has been proven that reflexology can improve sleep quality, as per recent research. Numerous health benefits are obtained through reflexology, including the ability to combat common colds and other chronic illnesses.

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