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The Risks and Benefits of Shiatsu Massage
The Japanese therapeutic art of Shiatsu makes use of touch to stimulate Meridian points in the body. These points enable qi (energy) flowing easily throughout the body. Essentially, shiatsu massage releases waste and stimulates your hormones to function better. Shiatsu massages are also comfortable and easy. The Shiatsu massage, even though it has a long and esoteric past, is still widely practiced more than the past 4,000 years.


The practice of Shiatsu massage is not as common in people who are suffering from high blood pressure or heart problems. The techniques of massage stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system that releases neurotransmitters that improve the body's processes. Additionally, it improves circulation and generates natural killer cells that are your body's protection against infections. Japanese scientists have also shown that Shiatsu massage is a great way to reduce heart diseases and improve blood oxygenation. If you're not convinced about shiatsu's advantages for health, keep reading!

The shiatsu massage technique is a technique that originated in Japan. It relies on pressure from fingers to specific acupressure points to control and balance the body's energy. This type of massage balances the flow of energy and promotes self healing. Shiatsu techniques for massage can ease physical and emotional stress and increase the body's ability to heal. Apart from helping to relax, Shiatsu massages promote a feeling of well-being.

Side effects

Shiatsu massages can cause side effects, despite its many advantages. It is possible to feel tingling, or discomfort at certain pressure areas. The pregnant woman should not utilize massage points since they may lead to miscarriage. A session may cause swelling or bruising in patients with a low flow of blood. Before undergoing a Shiatsu Massage you should discuss with your physician.

The study examined the results of Shiatsu and Acupressure on patients suffering from cancer. It found that both practices enhanced serotonin levels. These can help patients be more calm and focused. Shiatsu also increases dopamine, which can lead to greater motivation and productivity. Ultimately, Shiatsu is a natural therapy which reduces the chance of anxiety and helps improve sleep. Around one out of five people in the United States has a sleep disorder. So shiatsu could help them have the sleep they want.


Although shiatsu massage has low risk, it does come with some risks. The risks only apply to massagers with substandard quality or when equipment is employed in a faulty method. Shiatsu massage is a great choice for safety and health. There are some possible risks that shiatsu massage could pose. The risks include:

Shiatsu shouldn't be used to patients with medical conditions. While it might seem like a random choice, Shiatsu is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions and psychological disorders. It has been proven to be efficient in the treatment of many different health conditions, including the chronic stress condition, bowel or arthritis, as well as chemotherapy-related side effects. 천안출장마사지 Shiatsu's positive effects can have a significant effect on one's health and well-being, and their ability to be more conscious of their body and mind.


Shiatsu massage is a practice that has roots in Ancient Japan. Shiatsu massage was developed by monks who travelled to China to study Buddhism as well as Chinese traditional medicine. They studied the five elements and the interplay between the different cycle of the body. Five elements include the yin and Yang, water, wood, fire earth, as well as metal. Alongside their research of old Japanese massage techniques, these monks invented a healing technique known as Shiatsu.

Massage was not permitted to be practiced during it's Edo period. However, the Emperor allowed blind people to use massage. It evolved into the form is known today as. The most famous figures like Nakamura and Todo Yoshimasu released works on massage around 1300. The treatises eventually named Amna. The benefits of massage were stressed in these treatises, which included improving the function of organs and circulation as well as increasing the body’s ability to eliminate the toxins.


In addition to the relaxation of your muscles and replenishing your body's energy, Shiatsu massage is also helpful for improving your mental well-being. Shiatsu massage is a traditional method of massage that is based on using delicate pressure. It is based on the notion that energy may be transferred to different parts of the body for healing as well as energizing. Therapists using Shiatsu apply gentle pressure to the body's meridians to stimulate circulation of blood. Prior to a massage, the therapist may perform acupressure pulses on specific regions of the body to identify which parts are overstimulated or weak.

Besides relieving muscle tension, Shiatsu also improves blood flow. The University of Alberta has found that Shiatsu can be a successful treatment for people suffering from concussions. Shiatsu helps people calm down, improve sleeping quality, decrease cortisol, a stress hormone, and increase brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Shiatsu is also beneficial for the skin. Shiatsu is a great way to maintain healthy skin because it affects the capillaries.

Treatment Options

There are numerous advantages to the shiatsu massage. Massage with shiatsu can boost your vitality and boost the circulation, hormonal and lymphatic system. Additionally, it has been employed to treat numerous well-known health issues, like joint pain, sciatica neck pain, back discomfort, and sprains. Additionally, it can be utilized to treat ailments such as sinusitis as well as blocked passageways. It should however be remembered that shiatsu massage could not be suitable for people suffering from certain medical issues.

Shiatsu is a Japanese method of massage which uses pressure to specific areas of the body through regular movements. It is based on pressure from fingers. In balancing energy flow the body can heal itself. The Shiatsu massage is an extremely relaxing and therapeutic experience that promotes overall wellbeing. After each session, patients report feeling more relaxed. Shiatsu massage treatment options are plentiful. However, if you're interested in knowing more about its advantages, here are a few Shiatsu massage treatments you can take into consideration:

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