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Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes

Aromatherapy massage has been using essential oils for hundreds of years. Their calming scents have been proven to boost mood and high-quality air. Make your own essential oil at home for a soothing massage. Here are 22 Aromatherapy massage oil recipes that you can make for an at-home massage session. Find out more! Let's first review some of most well-known aromatherapy oils.

Lavender oil

Aromatherapy massage, among the numerous benefits that lavender oil can provide can be a fantastic way to ease physical and emotional pain. Lavender oil can apply directly on the skin, and help relieve the discomfort that comes to menopausal. The oil is able to reduce headaches, nausea, and reduce tension and discomfort. 군산출장안마 This aromatic oil is also recognized to possess anti-inflammatory properties . It can also help to reduce arthritis-related pain. Combine a couple of drops the oil and carrier oil. Use it to massage your body.

It can also be applied to massages using aromatherapy. Its calming effects provide another reason to use it. The calming effects that lavender oil has can be employed to alleviate restless legs syndrome. It is a condition that occurs when legs are uncomfortable or want to be moved. It is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and makes it a great massage oil. It's completely free of artificial scents, colors or preservatives. That makes it the ideal option for those who prefer a relaxing massage that is not scented.

Lemongrass oil

If you're considering the use of Lemongrass oil to massage your body it's the right spot. The scent is not only wonderful, but it has numerous benefits. This essential oil is an herbal stimulant. It can be utilized to relieve stress and headaches. The antiseptic and combating and deodorizing properties makes it ideal for skin care products. The citrus-y odor creates a natural bug repellent.

Lemongrass is used for aromatherapy massages to treat various diseases and disorders. It can be applied using your fingertips, Q-tips, or a fork. It can be mixed and rubbed into the temples. You can rub it onto the temples and chest, and make use of it to calm down. It is suggested to apply lemongrass oil twice per week for best outcomes. Important to remember the fact that lemongrass essential oil may cause a greater chance of allergies or skin sensitization than many other essential oils. So, be aware.

Oil of Geranium

Geranium oil is a relaxing vitalizing essential oil which originates from the geranium flower. The floral scent transports people to a tranquil garden where they relax with the aromatherapy massage. Geranium oil can be used in traditional healing practices to enhance circulation, boost the nervous system, and as an Astringent. It can be beneficial for those with depression, anxiety, stress as well as menopausal-related symptoms.

The aroma of roses is renowned for its ability to diminish acne. The oil of Geranium is perfect for massages since it aids in maintaining the health of your skin. You will have radiant and healthy skin thanks to its properties for skin tone. It can be mixed with carrier oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil to create a more pleasant experience to your skin. Geranium essential oil may be utilized to help promote healthy skin and treat tension and inflammation, as well as pain and nerve issues.

Grapefruit oil

Grapefruit essential oils are ideal for massages using aromatherapy. It's a good option for treating everything including stomach ailments to effect of hangovers. It can also be used as a perfume. It is possible to dilute it with the carrier oil like Jojoba oil and then applied to the chest and upper chest. The body is able to expel oil. It has many advantages to grapefruit essential oil and this article will discuss the benefits of a few.

It has a pleasing and refreshing scent. The main chemical component is limonene. It has been shown to have the ability to purify and protect against oxidation. It's thought to play a key influence on mood improvement. It also has other significant terpenes. They are also recognized as being effective antioxidants and cleaning agents. It's a wonderful cleanser. It is soothing and helps deal with stress and mental tension.


Lavender aromatherapy massage can decrease burnout at work and in personal life. The results of a study assessed its effects on clients' burnout. The massage had beneficial effects on HRV as well as the stress of work. Participants experienced less exhaustion following the massage with lavender aromatherapy. This was in line with prior studies. It is feasible to reap better health benefits through massages with essential oils which soothe the body.

Essential oils, including lavender, have a tremendous benefit to the body and mind. Essential oils are used to boost massage effects by boosting one's immunity and improving ones mood. The benefits of lavender essential oil can be particularly beneficial for insomnia and any other sleep troubles. The oil can also be an effective remedy for mood disorders, depression, and anxiety troubles. People suffering from depression may find it helpful because of its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.


One study found that aromatherapy massage using Geranium oil decreased symptoms of depression among post-menopausal women. In this study, women were randomly assigned to either the aromatherapy massage using geranium in almond oil as well as a group of placebo-controlled participants. The women who received the massages saw significant improvements in their spirits and less fatigue. While there are some risks by using essential oils they are usually safe.

An additional study revealed the benefits of aromatherapy massages in women who have PMS. The intensity of PMS symptoms decreased significantly with this method. It was then followed for 8 weeks. Both groups utilized Geranium essential oils that were diluted in almond oil. Massages using aromatherapy were given by qualified midwives. The women reported feeling less pain. Aromatherapy massages significantly decreased the symptoms and symptoms of PMS.
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