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Hello Professor Moore, my name is Kenneth Casey. Just a little bit about myself: I'm a business administration major here at Vincennes University, currently in my second year here at the college. As of right now my plan after completion of my associate's degree in Business Administration is to transfer into VU's Technology Management and Leadership Bachelors program. I chose business as my concentration in college because the prospective and challenge of owning my own technology-based business one day sounds exciting and enticing. Outside of college, I'm also very close to getting my licensing in Real Estate. I'm unsure at the moment if I intend on entering the Real Estate industry or just treating it as a side gig, but I'm excited to pick it up as a hobby and find out what kind of path it can take my down!

Some personal information about me: I'm from Olney Illinois, a town about 40 minutes away from here famous for their albino white squirrels. I grew up in Olney with my grandparents and my two sisters, one of them being my twin. I lived there my entire life up until recently, as I decided it would be best to move into an apartment on campus to shorten the commute.

Outside of school, I very much so enjoy traveling, so much so that I prioritize and budget towards being able to travel. Within the next two months, I have a trip planned to Cleveland and Chicago, both of which I'm very much so looking forward to. What I enjoy so much about traveling is getting to leave your bubble of familiarity and indulge in experiences that you otherwise would never be able to without traveling. I enjoy learning about the different ways people live in different places and getting to experience is first hand is an awesome feeling to me. One life goal is mine to go to all thirty major league ballpark.

So that's me, a business major with a thing for Real Estate and a passion for traveling. Thank you for listening to my first speech, I hope I was able to help you paint as better picture of myself and what kind of aspirations I have in life.

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Regards; Team

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