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Aquarius Midheaven Women
The Aquarius Midheaven Woman can be an entirely different kind of woman than you might think of. She is an avid lover of logic and an independent spirit. Despite her need for attention she also needs space to think. Give her the attention she needs and help her through her childhood in a logical manner. This will help you take huge leaps in your career.

If she's born with her midheaven in Libra She's drawn to work that requires balancing the scales and fighting for justice. You could consider becoming a mediator, or in a field that requires you to see all sides of an argument. Venus, the ruler planet of Libra is thought to be an enthusiast of the arts. You should also know that Venus is an excellent communicator.

Libras are flexible and intuitive when it comes to careers. They tend to gravitate toward the fields of psychology, law, and the arts. Sometimes they may need a little push to find the right path for them. Midheaven in Aquarius is a positive trait and you'll be able to see that they are very committed to their work. If you're looking for a career that gives you a lot of satisfaction, they could be the perfect choice.

Pisces is ruled by Pluto which is a fixed water sign. Scorpio midheaven women are independent and tend to be more transparent about their lives than those with Scorpio midheavens. If they were born with Pisces as their midheaven, they will possess exceptional investigative skills and an unwavering desire to make a difference in the world. They could be a successful detective or scientist, or even the owner/operator of an occult shop.

The Aquarius Midheaven could be located in Aries. This could make her goals very different from that of the average woman. The Aries Midheaven sign is a strong advocate of challenge, freedom and the ability of one to realize one's vision. If the Aries Midheaven was born in Aries, her father may be an entrepreneur or an athlete and instilled in her a healthy sense of competition and independence. A career in leadership and competition can be extremely rewarding, as long as you're not competing against anyone who is.

Capricorns are very hardworking and ambitious. Their success is often built on their long-term plans and perseverance. Capricorns are attracted to jobs which require organization and security. They are also extremely patient. This combination of qualities will enable them to achieve their dreams, regardless of what their circumstances are at the moment. These characteristics make them suitable for career paths that require a lot of perseverance. They will take on whatever it takes to climb to the top.

Careers that allow them to utilize their intuition and empathy will be ideal for them. They will enjoy careers in social work, teaching and nursing. They might find themselves in the family business or following a career that their ancestors chosen. The Aquarian Midheaven woman's intuitiveness and sensitivity will lead her towards the right career. You will find success in all of these fields and she will be happy in every aspect of your profession.
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