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"Here I came to the very edge

where nothing at all needs saying,

everything is absorbed through weather and the sea,

and the moon swam back,

its rays all silvered,

and time and again the darkness would be broken

by the crash of a wave,

and every day on the balcony of the sea,

wings open, fire is born,

and everything is blue again like morning. "

_ Pablo Neruda

Cyrus knew he should'nt be running away with an officers hat but he was at a crossroad here.

Bullets of large, salty sweat washed down my face onto a new stolen hat as I ran the long black,concrete rode. My over sized orange tattered shirt was sunken on to my chest like I just took a dip in a lake. My shoes was ripped apart at the tip and was making my feet highly uncomfortable to walk in a single line. The The hot Florida summer night was like a over sized heater on my tan skin pinching and aggravating my old wounds that sent waves of pain through me.

Starving from the lack of food put slow paces into every step I took,but that won't last for long ,not after I deliver the package that is.

I could hear sirens going on down the rode. Red and blue lights brighting up the pitch-black darkness of the night.

"They are gaining close on me I need to hurry to "The safe Haven" before they capture me or worse they sent me back to him,"I reminded myself "if he can't help me I don't known who can." I ran into the dark woods where big neon orange glow sticks were set out for me.

They were tapped into every forth tree that one of Antonio gunes had made for me so I wouldn't get lost or forget where the werhouse is located at. Giving off a glomming glow to the dark woods. Like I'll forget the only place that's keeping me alive go figure.

Really I think that it's an innocent way of telling me I'm a lost puppy that's in need of a owner,or I'm a That's always in the need of protection"Well then if that's what he think then he's surely wrong

. I though I only been with Antoino and his group called themselves "The scavengers" for about a year now. They actually found me when his cousin Hassen had found me nearly dead from dehyration and starvation behind a oak tree with the letter "A" carved into it.

He took me under his wing and showed me how to snatch things without others noticing. How to pick a lock using nothing ,but a nail filer. Also how to pick the most With my right fingers cluched onto the black cap,and a deep sigh I ran my usual routine following my daily path that fate have designed for me. Taking another deep sigh I try to remember my matto "Forgot the past and move forward." I have been using that line for months now trying live with the fact that she's gone and their is nothing you can do about it.

If only my she was here I wouldn't be in this predicament then I won't have to live with him. I can still remember her golden royal curly blonde hair that falls over her shoulder whenever she is scolding me after she sees my report card . That perfect pearly white smile she alway gave me when ever I do something stupid,or when I can make her laugh by trying to pronounce large annoying words that both she and I know can't say.

Those beautiful light green eyes.
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