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good afternoon to all
im nithish kumar
im going to present about the topic
"the impact of netflix on youth"
digital technology have evolved more rapidly
than any other innovation
they reached nearly half of the worlds population
"the effect of digital streaming platform"
netflix impact the way teenagers behavein social relationship
specifically with family members and friends
teenagers r interested in watching new content that
transmits different social values and introduce
different culture and experience
"binge watching"
1 it is the addiction of viewing certain contents
in very short period of time
2 . it affects viewers specifically teenagers
by making them anti social or
accelarating their emotional sensitivity
AS PER 2022,theree are 225 million tootal netflix users
by this way youth are pulled towards the ott platform
customer centricity
integrated viewing experience
innovation and etc
The majority of respondents stated that watching series on
Netflix is a daily habit for them. Teenagers can watch a number of episodes at leisure time,
which highlights how addicted are they to the content they watch.
In light of this, results show how parents should monitor and censor the content
that their teenage children watch on Netflix for long hours.
However, the results also show that there are parents who do not practice direct censorship.
Such is clearly illustrated in their habit to watch their
teenage favorite content before they do in an attempt to check its validity.
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Regards; Team

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