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How an Aussie Dad Stopped his Children from Spending Hours on The Computer

A father was able to get his children off of their screens and into cleaning up parks and beaches in an act that helped them become more active and involved.

Jon Owen, 47-year-old father of Sydney was inspired while watching a nature documentary together with his kids Molly 10 and Eve 8.

He started by taking his kids and their friends down to the beach where they would do different projects.

One day, the kids went to Bondi and picked up trash at the basketball courts.

Daily Mail Australia's Owen said that the kids got so excited, it became competitive to see who could pick up more.

Mr. Owen said his children, Eve, 8, (pictured left, at the far left of Bondi basketball courts) and Molly, 10, (pictured, second from right) get'so exuberant and competitive' over the projects he gave them

The app lets kids go on real-world challenges, including gardening and making worm farms, frog hotels and bird boxes

Two-time dad said he saw a difference in his children 'instantly after he began to give them mini-projects.

Mr Owen also challenged the children with tasks like making an entire meal out of leftovers or making a craft with old clothes.

He saw the positive changes in his kids 'absolutely immediately', with the added benefit of teaching children about accountability and making them environmentally aware in a fun manner.

Jon Owen (pictured) stated that he would like to make it fun for kids to learn how to live in a sustainable way.

Mr. Owen decided to invest in ensuring that primary school children in Australia get the same experience.

He was the co-founder of Genus which was a start-up in the field of technology that created an app to 'empower' kids to go on real-world missions and learn life skills.

The Genus app is being trialed in 40 schools across Australia and works as a platform to take students out to complete environmental projects.

Some of them include creating worm farms, frog hotels, bird boxes and doing arts and crafts with the app demonstrating to how to do it.

Once the 'mission' is completed they upload photos to the app before moving on to the next stage.

Mr. Owen created the app as an environmentally friendly and educational alternative to the games that kids are immersed in such as Minecraft and Fortnite.

It also includes word searches and quizzes that cover environmental themes, including activities where students use math to calculate the amount of soft plastic they can save from landfill.

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Owen stated that it was about taking kids on a thrilling adventure that provides an immediate benefit.

Mr. Owen stated that "Saving the Earth has always been seen as boring and hard... Genus makes sustainability a fun activity for kids."

Owen acknowledges that today's children are raised in a digital age. However, it's important to maintain a balance that encourages kids to be more active and get dirty.

Schools can use the app for no cost, however it will be charged to students in 2023, at a cost of two dollars per year.

Genus's goal is to use technology to solve real-world problems. The app will be crowdfunded to support its development.

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