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Article content A poll examining attitudes towards multiculturalism, and the PQ's Charter on Values revealed that nearly a third of Quebecers would like to have the Parti Quebecois's prohibition on religious symbols for employees in the public sector extended to the private sector.

Article content Forum Research poll for the National Post found that plans for the charter have split public opinion roughly in the middle with 45% backing the proposal, 49% disapproving and 6% undecided.

Article content The data show an increase in support for the charter that was previously at 58% in Quebec by an Forum Poll on Aug. 24.

According to the poll, 32% of people want the ban on the use of conspicuous religious symbols, such as burkas and turbans, to be extended to private sector services like taxi drivers and servers.

75 percent of respondents agreed immigration can make Quebec "strong", but half of Quebecers are against the concept of multiculturalism. They want new immigrants coming to Quebec to change their native clothes and dress to be more like Quebecers. Nearly 4 in 10 Quebecers believe that Quebec should only accept immigrants who speak French.

Article content "All Canadians know that francophone Quebeckers feel threatened as minority linguistics on an English-speaking continent." Lorne Bozinoff, Forum President, said in a statement. "But the degree of xenophobia that are evident in these results, particularly in rural Quebec, is truly troubling."

Support for the charter however, is unlikely to translate into political gain or the PQ A second Forum poll suggests.

It also found that the support for Liberals has risen to 42 percent in the province, an increase of more than 10 points over the election of 2012. According to the poll, these increases would be enough for the party to become an "hair thin majority".

Support for the Parti Quebecois sits at 35%, according to the poll. With support of 12, Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) was third.

The poll found that 87% of non-Francophone voters support content from articles.

If the results are projected to seats in the province's 125-seat National Assembly, the Liberals "would be on track to win one-seat majority," the poll said. The results show that Parti Quebecois (currently a minority government) would lose only one seat, meaning that the majority of Liberals' gains come from former CAQ supporters. CAQ won 19 seats in the 2012 election, however, the results of the poll indicated that the third party would only receive four seats "if an election were called today."

The two polls conducted by telephone conducted surveys of 1,179 Quebeckers who were of voting age and are considered accurate +3 19 times out of 20. The results were released on Saturday, as protesters marched through the city of Montreal to demand the approval of Premier Pauline Marois for the charter that would prohibit employees of the public sector from wearing visible religious symbols.

According to the poll, Ms. Marois's approval rating at present is just a little over 30%..

National Post with a file of the Canadian Press

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