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When we decorate the house for Christmas lighting plays a big part as we aim to brighten our home in the depths of winter and unleash some festive spirit.

Things to consider when buying lighting
Is it an LED bulb? LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs are the best option for your decorations as they are the most energy-efficient light bulbs on the market.

Does it have the highest energy label rating, an A++? By choosing the most energy efficient light-bulbs you can make a large difference to your household bills.

Are they halogen bulbs? These were banned back in September 2018, however you may still find old stock around/ within your own decorations from previous years. They were banned due to their energy inefficacy.

Are they CFL bulbs? They are less efficient than LEDs and contain a small amount of mercury which prevents them from being able to be recycled.

Christmas trees
The debate around whether real or artificial trees are better for the planet is contentious.

Many consider the surge in demand for artificial trees as an attempt for consumers to go green due to the ability to reuse the tree and prevent a real tree from being axed. However, environmentalists and energy analysts would argue otherwise.

It is in fact the manufacture of the artificial tree that is bad for the planet as it is manufactured from oil, which creates most of its carbon footprint. The industrial emissions produced when the tree is made also contributes to its carbon footprint.

With this being said, we would recommend opting for a real tree as the more sustainable option. However, there are still important things to consider when choosing this option.

Things to consider when buying a real tree
Is the tree locally sourced? Friends of the Earth advise to look for a tree that is locally sourced or at least one that is grown in the UK and with FSC certification to avoid emissions from transporting and importing.

How are you disposing of the tree? If your tree ends up in landfill it will decompose and produce methane gas which is 25 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2. To avoid this from happening, it is important to note that most local authorities offer a collection service for real trees shreds them to be used on gardens and parks.
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