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What is Gemstone Energy Medicine?
Gemstone energy prescription medication is the art and science of uplifting one's body, emotions, mind, and spirit using healing gemstones or remedies imparted while using energies of these gemstones. It is a modality that work well directly with the body's energy field. This energy field includes the aura that surrounds our bodies, as well as the energetic counterparts of physically manifested tissue.
The underlying premise for gemstone care is the principle "as above, so below." The energy field of our bodies exists "above" with a higher vibration than physical tissue. It is also in line with the observation that the energetic condition of tissue and cells precedes its physical manifestation. Health issues, disease, weakness, pain, even injuries are caused first by disturbances inside the energetic fabric. When you release these disturbances, then harmony and health within the physical tissue costs nothing to heal.
Gemstone energy medicine also works with a deeper level to find and address the emotional, karmic, or mental influences that caused the energetic disharmony in the first place. Thus science of energy medicine are ideal not just for helping one's body handle manifested health concerns, also for preventive therapy. If you use the gemstones or gemstone remedies that you're fascinated by, disharmony at higher levels of your being is going to be corrected before it manifests physically.
Gemstone energy medicine practitioners respect the innate intelligence of the body, and observe that intelligence exists at various levels and body centers. Levels of intelligence range from the molecular, cellular, organ, organ system, and entire body, and also the emotional, karmic, mental, and spiritual. Intelligence centers range from the heart, head, stomach, plus more specifically, each of the chakra centers. Using gemstone therapy to and open these intelligence centers helps someone make better choices in every aspects of life, such as what foods you can eat, how to handle it when challenged by relationship problems, how to succeed financially, what therapies will best treat a particular health, and also which gemstones to use for self-therapy.
Evaluation of the energetic causes of health conditions is definitely an advanced study. By applying therapeutic gemstones inside the aura, a gemstone therapist can determine the sorts of energetic anomalies and imbalances that underlie a health issue. A gemstone therapist would compare the gemstones a client's energy field commonly attracts, like the purpose of these gemstones in addition to their anatomical affinities, with all the way the client's energy field interacts with the gemstones. This process can paint images from the energetic nature of the disharmony and give clues about how to alleviate it.
Because gemstone energy medicine works energetically, it is a complementary modality. It can be used safely with mainstream medicine, chiropractic, herbs, flower remedies, massage, cranial-sacral therapy, homeopathy, psychotherapy, and others. Gemstone energy medicine provides fundamental energetic support to further improve the rewards an individual receives out there other therapies.
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