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NUS High Interview

Purpose: To know me better and to understand my interest, passion, inspiration and knowledge on Math and Science.

Q1 Why did you choose NUS High?
-Like sci & math
-Came to NUS High a few times (eg. Open house 2014 & 2015, IRS presentations,) and really liked the school
- Want to be a well-rounded and world-ready scientific mind to make distinguished contributions as Pioneers, Achievers, Thinkers & Humanitarians. (School Mission)

Q2 Do you have any other schools that you DSA for?
- to connect to roots, delve into culture
- want to become more well rounded individual
- But NUS High let me pursue my interests, develop talents
- I wanted to Experiment, Explore and Excel! (School Motto)

Q3 Can you tell me why NUS High should accept you?
- Very interested in Math and Sci
- Have high ability to learn math and science well
- NUS High will let me be a "wellspring of inspiration for Math & Science education and research." (School Vision)

Q4 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Strength: Science, Math, Robotics, logical thinking
Weaknesses: Handwriting, laziness (be careful when talking about it)

Q5 What is your favourite subjects?
-Math, Science
-CCA (Robotics)

Q6 Pls introduce yourself.
-GEP from Rulang to Nan Hua
-Like Robotics since P1
-Like to read books to build on knowledge
-Cheerful and positive character

Q7 Seems like your academic results not good, why?
- Weaker in languages (eg. Chinese)
-Exam skills not so good. After focusing more on that in 2nd half of P5, P5 SA2 and P6 SA1 results improved.
-Do well in paper 1 MCQ (usually 54 or 56 over 60) but not so good in paper 2 as I miss out small points that cost me marks.
-Don't check well, many careless mistakes

Q8 How will the people around you describe you?
^ Positive and cheerful
^ good at sci and math
^ broad knowledge
v too focused on own interests, don't do well in other aspects :(

Q9 What do you think about your performance during the camp? How can you improve?
-OK, Not bad
- Physics did not do so well, tried to think of science concepts instead of plain logic and common sense (some people inflated the balloon inside the glass, some people used candle wax to stick the chopstick to the glass)
- Chem was fine. I was observant and I used logic to solve the problem of cleaning the water on the deserted island.
- Bio was not bad, team encountered problem of not having enough falcon tubes so we stored some dye in a dropper and used the last falcon tube.
- Analytical thinking part very "eventful", <talk about teachers mistake>, "look before you leap, learn from other's mistakes", could still work even though utterly confused

Q10 Any questions for the interviewer?
- What is the chance for me to CO?
- Do you think they will take me? :)

Q11 Talk about a current affair and relate it to sci/math topic
-NASA discovery of Kelper-186f, a planet 490 ligt years away from earth that can support life.

Q12 Give an example of Math used in daily life.
- Car plate generated Checksum letter

Q13 Which topic in Math/Sci interested/inspired you the most?

Math interested
- Algebra can be used to solve most math questions
- can be universaly used

Math inspired
- Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio
- Present in nature

Science interested
- Watch documentary of animals' adaptations
- fascinate me how different animals have special parts that help them live (eg flexible spine of cheetah, blowhole of whale at the top of the head

Science inspired
- amazed by video of alkali metals reaction with water
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Regards; Team

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