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All Zoomed Out?

CONVERSATION Article Content

This article first appeared on The Conversation, an independent and non-profit source for news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. You can find disclosure information on the original website.

All Zoomed Out? Zoom fatigue during the Christmas season: How to deal


Author: Jaigris Hodson, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Royal Roads University

Article content It's official. The Christmas season in North America and Western Europe will be quite different this year. We've been instructed to utilize virtual tools to share Christmas cheer with our loved ones since the second wave of pandemics. We might all be hesitant to go to holiday gatherings in person in order to stop the spread of COVID-19 until there is a vaccine available.

Content for articles Unfortunately, however we've been doing everything digitally from our couches for months, and the majority of us are getting exhausted of it all, with good reason.

Do we simply forget about holidays? Or do we look for new ways to make it memorable? My research on digital literacy reveals ways we can connect this Christmas season, even if we are physically separated.

Video is the answer to everything

Zoom fever was all over the country during the initial months of the pandemic. People were glued to work, happy hour or board game nights, and other events as well. Many felt that they had hit a brick wall. Zoom fatigue is real. Recent research suggests that the constant efforts to connect using video chat platforms (Zoom, Skype, Teams and similar) could be dragging us out.

Article content While you think about how to spread holiday cheer and want to know how to accomplish this without using video chat, you also have to find ways to avoid doing it all using video chat. Instead, learn from digital natives and revel in the holiday season across a variety of platforms.

Different platforms for different social groups

My research has revealed that younger people aren't likely to use social media platforms in a way that is based on their relationships with those platforms. For example, teenagers use Facebook to stay in touch with their families and teachers, yet they use Snapchat with their friends. They play massive multiplayer games.

This type of interaction using digital technology is beneficial for all. Zoom is a fantastic tool to work with. However, Zoom users may also be interested in exploring other methods to stay connected with their families and friends. You can use apps such as Rave, Airtime, or Teleparty to share your favorite movies in synchronization with your friends. Or you could visit family and friends virtually through games like Animal Crossing, World of Warcraft or Minecraft.

Article content Get digitally creative

There are many ways to connect with your loved ones and spread holiday cheer. The sky, and your creativity are your only limit Here are some of my favorites:

Create and share a music playlist. Research has proven that sharing music is linked to friendship. You could curate an appropriate holiday music playlist on an online streaming platform such as Spotify and share it with your friends this festive season. This could help you connect with your friends to your family and friends as you shop for food online, play games and post holiday memes to your WhatsApp Group.

Text messages: A 2016 University of Minnesota study found that text messages are viewed as more personal and warm than emails. You can stay in touch with your beloved ones during the holidays by sending them frequent text messages. Sending emojis and gifs in your text messages will even improve your emotional connection with your loved ones.

Article content: Host a virtual New Year's celebration on YouTube. A Christmas-themed ceilidh in Scotland is a festive tradition where family and friends get together to tell stories, dance, and sing songs. MINECRAFT SERVER LIST YouTube lets you create a virtual ceilidh for those you love. Each participant can upload a video in which they sing, play an instrument or tell a story. You can then curate the videos into playlists that the group can enjoy while they eat their Christmas cookies. In the end, research has shown that YouTube is a place where communities are built and is also an area where videos are shared.

Turn on your radio, tune in, then get out

Holidays can be stressful. You may feel you are tempted to accept every invitation. But, you have to take some time to disconnect from your digital devices. For those suffering from Zoom fatigue, some universities recommend that doctoral students incorporate the time to detox from digital devices into their schedules.

Article content Sometimes, you'll need to utilize videoconferencing to recreate a holiday dinner or cocktail party, so make sure you combat Zoom fatigue by balancing your video chat with other methods to connect described above.

Don't forget the old-fashioned methods to stay in touch even if you're not on your computer. You can make calls, send cards or write to your loved ones. Sometimes these are most impactful because they are something we encounter often in our uber-connected world.


Jaigris Hodson is awarded funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Research Chairs Program.

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