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Heart and Mind
.~::DaI: Cassandra ::~.
~. .~

Cassandra Pentaghast sat in Skyhold’s tavern, she sat at the end of a long table, the rest of the Inquisitor’s inner circle sitting together along the sides further down.

Cassandra looked down at her tankard, the amber liquid inside ebbing at the sides as she idly swished the cup. Her thoughts were a mess, her mind and her heart pulling in different directions. She took another swig from her fourth cup of ale that night and looked up at the company before her.

The Iron Bull, a large one eyed
Ben-Hassrath, had his arm around the Tevinter mage Dorian’s shoulders, the dark skinned man laughing heartily at a previous comment by The Bull. Solas, Varric, Commander Cullen, Scout Harding, and Warden Blackwall were playing a game of Wicked grace. Sera sat on the table, her legs crossed and her arms flailing as the Red Jenny told a story, the spirit of compassion, Cole, was listening intently from under his broad hat. Lady Josephine and the Qunari Inquisitor beside him.

Cassandra’s eyes lingered on the Inquisitor. The giantess was smiling, her crystal blue eyes on the loud blonde elf.

“Copper for your thoughts?” A voice asked. Cassandra looked sharply to the speaker, the final member of the Inquisitor’s circle sat beside her. The dark skinned enchanter sipping out of a delicate silver goblet.

“No” The seeker stated blandly and turned back to her drink.

“Come now, no need to get defensive” Vivienne scoffed, her attention returning to the chatter before them.
“I simply think you seem angrier than usual, and that’s saying a lot” the Orlesian retorted. Cassandra finished her drink and glowered at Vivienne.

“I would thank you to mind your own business” she snarled. Vivienne simply shrugged.

“Fine” she said and returned to her wine.

Cassandra ordered another cup and looked to the Inquisitor. Adaar was taller than any woman she’d met, the Qunari standing strong at seven to eight feet tall. She would a beacon of hope for all Thedas if given the chance, her unlikely rise to power being a riveting tale.

Adaar’s eyes drifted to meet Cassandra’s gaze, her dark lips formed a smile and Cassandra found herself looking away.

‘You will not muse this stupid feeling! Stop!’ She scolded herself. Adaar was a flirt, everyone knew this. Cassandra had found herself at the mersey of the Herald’s playful banter many times, her heart fluttering each time, if only a little.

Cassandra downed her drink in one go, the ebbon fluid cooling her throat and mind. She thought on when she had first met the Qunari, a desperate attempt at taking her mind off what plagued her.

Members of the Chantry had brought her in the day the breach opened in he sky. Saying the fade had opened and dropped her out, a spectral figure behind. Many soon came to believe it was the holy Andraste, delivering her chosen right to the people. But as the only survivor of the Conclave, Adaar was arrested and detained.

Cassandra had feared the Qunari on their first meeting. The snarling giant making quite the wrong impression.
But her voice and personality didn’t fit the mercenary giant. Helping to stabilise the breach, she earned the title many still worshiped.

“Herald of Andraste” Cassandra mouthed the words absently as she thought. The herald had done much to aid the building of the Inquisition, and bettering of Ferelden. The mage had gained many friends and allies, getting lost through time to save a dying town of only a few people. She helped wherever she wanted, seeing all life as worthy to protect, unless proven otherwise.

A groan and laughter made the Nevarran look up, Commander Cullen was removing his shirt after loosing another round of the game before him to one of the others. Sera was laughing and clapping, cheering the embarrassed commander on. Dorian was watching with lidded eyes, making known he liked what he saw. Adaar was chuckling, Cole looked up and in hushed voices spoke with he Inquisitor, causing her to laugh louder.

Cassandra couldn’t help but smile, morale was high in the small tavern, many laughing and singing, the happy attitudes were refreshing. Although she still would not let her guard down, she would not be fooled again. The last celibration she had let her guard down had turned to a massacre.

Possessed and tainted Templar’s had stormed Haven, the only warning was the young spirit arriving to desperately warn the people.
Many had died, the Herald lead most of the forces in haven, helping the townspeople to safety and warding off attacks from gaining entry to the inner walls.
Cassandra remembered that day as if it had only just happened, although months had passed.

“Is everyone safe here?” The Herald asked, the ex-Templar commander spoke up, striding over to the Herald,

“These walls shall hold against the Red Templar’s! But not the dragon!” Cullen warned desperately

“The Avalanche was the best we could have hoped for, the Elder one won’t be recovering from that easy” Cassandra commented, looking around the Chantry. People were scared, fear and grief hung like a thick fog on the room.

“Yes, that may work” Cole mumbled, holding the dying chancellor upright.
“He wishes to speak” the ragged boy said, looking up from under his hat.

“There is a tunnel, by pure happenstance I wandered it, and now I am the only who knows of its existence” the dying man, Roderick, coughed, his crushed ribs making speaking painful.

“He says that if we go, we could leave haven safely” Cole finished, turning to Lilianna and nodding in agreement to her unspoken thoughts

“And we could bury Haven with those bastards inside” she concluded quietly.

“Someone would have to stay.” Varric thought aloud, running a hand through his dusty blonde hair.

“This sounds like the best... and only idea” Solas added,
“We would need someone to use the trebuchet to cause the avalanche. A sacrifice if you will.” The elven apostate added, his eyes scanning the gathered crowd of soldiers that mingled in the crowd of townsfolk.

“Then we have a plan?” The Herald asked, the group nodding sullenly.
“Get everyone out of Haven and signal me when it’s time” Adaar said turning and walking towards the door.

“No!” Cassandra protested, joining the Herald’s side.
“You cannot! You’ll die!” Adaar put a large hand on Cassandra’s shoulder, not saying anything.
“No” she ordered again, forcing her will upon Adaar.

“I’m not letting you die seeker. Not for me” Adaar cooed, “I need to fix this alone” she stated, turning and leaving Cassandra in the emptying halls. Ice sealing the doors behind her.

Something had changed that night, the Herald lived through fighting a Darkspawn magister, and an archdemon alone, having a mountain fall on her, and the hour long trudge up through strong blizzards and up the mountain.
Divine bad luck as Varric put it, a blessing as many others said.
They had moved to Skyhold and she had become their leader, the Inquisitor.


Cassandra yawned, placing her head on the table fiddled with her raven black hair,

“I think you’ve had enough to drink there” Vivienne’s voice came, Cassandra tried to retort, a slurred grumble coming out instead. Looking up she finished the last of her mug, she had lost count several drinks ago.

“Seeker! Makers breath, are you sure your not done?” Varric asked, laughing at the strong headed warrior laying face down on he table. She simply scowled daggers at the sly dwarf, laughter came from the remaining group and she guessed they were detected at her. She looked around, most of the company had left at some point, leaving only few. Warden Blackwall and Sera talked, the tithe elf remaining on the tabletop, Cole rested sleepily against the Inquisitor, and the storytelling dwarf sat with Hawke, who had wondered in at some point and taken Solas’s place.

“Even she needs to relax sometimes” Adaar chuckle, stroking Cole’s long tangled blond hair gently, not unlike a mother would to her child.
Varric srugged, causing the famous Kirkwall Champion and the listening others to laugh.

“I don’t get it” Cole mumbled, looking at the Inquisitor for clarification, though she had none verbally.
Cassandra felt she didn’t deserve the Inquisitor’s kindness, not after what she had said to her.


“Can we speak privately?” The Seeker asked as the Inquisitor approached,

“Sure” Adaar chirped, “I was coming over to hang out anyway!”


Leading the two through the fort of Skyhold. She had thought of a place they wouldn’t be interrupted, a quiet place they could talk.

The long stone balcony stood behind several beams of scaffolding, the seeker moving effortlessly thought the obstacles. There was a thunk and a string of quiet curses in Qunlat, the Qunari native language. Cassandra turned to see the tall Qunari rubbing her head, horns caught on a beam. The Inquisitor looked at Cassandra and smirked.

“You just wanted to see me embarrass myself huh?” She joked.
Cassandra groaned, helping the woman through.

“I wanted to speak privately.” Cassandra repeated once they arrived. The balcony overlooked Skyhold’s garden, people buzzed around the colourful nook, tending to the plants, scurrying around to complete various tasks, or just relaxing.

“Are we not?” Adaar responded happily, walking over to the railing and peering down below. Cassandra scoffed, beginning to pace the end of the balcony they stood on.

“The flirting” she began, Adaar lent against the balcony railing, watching the seeker quietly.
“With me, I’ve...” she continued, her words sounding doubtful and unsure.
“Noticed it. Unless it’s my imagination, Which is entirely possible.” She gushed

“If it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop” The Inquisitor offered, her long black hair whipping in the wind. Cassandra shook her head, her words a mess.

“No! I- I mean- yes!” She blurted, before letting out a frustrated groan.

“Seriously” The Inquisitor began softly, her blue eyes watching the Nevarran royal pace back and forth.
“I can stop if you wish Seeker” Adaar added before Cassandra could interject, the seeker looked up, the smile hadn’t left the Inquisitors face, her eyes gentle and friendly. Time past as the two held the others eyes, the wind rustling the leaves below.

“Inquisitor...” Cassandra said at last, looking down in shame.
“I hope you realise, I cannot return your...” she paused, looking for the right word
“Affection” Cassandra waited for the Qunari to speak, to say anything, a bad witty remark, another joke? Perhaps another flirty comment to persuade her. But none came. Cassandra struggled with speaking, her chest burning at her own words.

“You are the Herald, The Inquisitor, my- our, leader...” she began, not looking up from the cracked stone by her boots.
“You are...” she desperately searching for the words, saying the ones that flew through her mind,
“A Qunari... and a woman” she finished. The Seeker realised in horror at what she had said, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

Silence fell over the balcony. The words Cassandra had said laying thick the atmosphere. Adaar nodded, not letting herself show how hurt she was by those words.

“That’s okay” she said, holding out a large grey hand, Cassandra looked up in surprise, trying to hide how hard she fought for composure.
“Can we still be friends?” The Inquisitor asked, Cassandra nodded and shook the outstretched hand.

“That is my hope” she replied, before hurrying off, leaving the lone woman on the balcony.


Cassandra lifted her refilled mug to her lips. What she had said was for the better, yet as time passed the pain only grew. Voices spoke behind her, unable to focus on what was being said she ignored it.

The bench beside her dipped and Cassandra looked over at the hands now resting on the table beside her. Grey, grey leather-like skin made the figure unmistakable. Cassandra lifted her drink again, aiming to finish it when a hand intercepted the tankard. The hand radiated a dull green glow, this had was gloved, the glow dulled but not blocked.

“I think you’ve had enough Seeker” Cassandra grumbled in protest but didn’t fight.
“Are you okay?” The Inquisitor asked, Cassandra didn’t move, she thought she nodded, but no movement came.
“C’mon, let’s get you back” she offered, helping the seeker up.

Now on her feet, Cassandra’s head was spinning, the room tilted and she fell onto the Inquisitors grasp. She righted herself to have little change.

“How many did...?” She managed to say

“Thirteen” The Inquisitor answered, carrying Cassandra out of the tavern and towards her quarters. Cassandra made a sound similar to a shocked grunt, earning a chuckle from her companion
“Right, everyone kept filling you up so see how far you’d go”
Another grunt.

The Inquisitor held a one way conversation about the night to her as they walked. Arriving at Cassandra’s room, Adaar pushes open the door to the forge, the armour clad warrior cradled in her other arm. Adaar went the the third floor, where the Seeker had made her quarters. She lay the drunken woman down, she kneeled down before Cassandra’s bedroll, and removed the thick boots the Seeker wore, placing them neatly on the floor beside them, the Inquisitor then fussed with the seekers armor, the thick black metal didn’t look comfortable to sleep in. One the armor has been removed and she had been tucked in, Cassandra lay comfortably in her think purple shirt and dark pants. Brushing the hair out of the sleeping forms eyes the Inquisitor thought.

‘She doesn’t want you, stop thinking this way’ she told herself, leaning herself on the balcony railing of Cassandra’s makeshift room.
‘She doesn’t want a Qunari, or a woman.’ Adaar thought, but her heart ached for Cassandra.
There was a sleepy sigh and shuffling under the old brown sheets.

“Your gonna have one hell of a hangover” The Inquisitor sighed, rubbing her aching left hand, the hand gloves to hide the spread of the mark. Adaar went down to the forge, finding the washroom sink, she filled a glass with water and quietly returned, to place the drink down.
“G’night, sleep well” she whispered to the sleeping seeker. Adaar stood, her boots tapping softly on the wooden floor as she approached the stairs again, her short pointed ears picking up on a mumbled voice.


Adaar looked over to find Cassandra’s hand outstretched towards her, eyes still closed in the dark room. She spoke again, this time he word barely audible. The Inquisitor walked back over, sitting herself beside her friend.

“Sure, I’ll stay”

The two let the warm silence fall as slumber took them. Both silently grateful of the others presence.


Cassandra’s head throbbed with uncanny wrath, the dull sunlight blindingly bright through closed eyes, she groaned, deeply regretting the drinks the night before. Something moved and Cassandra lifted her thumping head, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the morning light.

A figure sat by her bedroll, Cassandra noticed her hand interlaced with the Inquisitors hand, the feeling of her skin was welcoming against her own, Cassandra stared at the interlocked hands, hers looked so small, her tanned skin pale against the scared onyx grey hand clasping hers.

‘She... slept here? On the floor?’ Cassandra asked herself, looking at the horned Qunari by her side.

Adaar wore the same cloths she had the day before, her blue shirt cut close around her blouse, the sleeveless shirt showing her large muscled arms, tattered with scars and freckles. Her tanned hide pants dusted with mud from training, long midnight hair remained tied up in a messy bun, face cupped in her gloved hand, resting on one leg held her upright.

Cassandra cursed her aching head and lay back down, she closed her eyes and tried to wait out the hangover, she came to when she was nudged awake gently.

“Drink” a voice ordered, Cassandra opened her eyes to see the Inquisitor still beside her, holding a glass of water. Cassandra sat up again with the Inquisitors aid and drunk the contents of the glass. Giving the glass back. Turning onto her side to face her friend, she let her displeasure known with a long groan.

“I’d think so” The Inquisitor yawned in agreement,
“The others kept refilling your tankard” she continued.

“What happened?” The seeker asked, closing her eyes against the light

“Well, Solas, Josephine and Varric managed to bet the Commander out of his smalls,” Cassandra snorted in bemusement,
“Cole tried ale for the first time, not a fan apparently.” Adaar shook her head wistfully, she was all to fond of the demon boy.
“Bull and Dorian spent the night together I think, and Sera told us all stories about the Red Jenny’s”

“Oh” came Cassandra’s answer,
She pondered for a time, unsure of what to say next, so she didn’t. A thin quiet settlers over the two.

“Your hand is small” the Inquisitor commented lightheartedly. Cassandra opened her eyes and looked at the Qunari, her attention sat upon their hands, she didn’t speak, instead waiting to see what else the Inquisitor thought.
“It’s cute, for a race that talks big, humans are so small” she concluded absentmindedly.

“Your hands are just big” the Seeker mumbled, the Inquisitor looking over at her,

“I get that” she said, her voice changing from the carefree tone to a quieter one. Silence fell again.

“Inquisitor?” Cassandra asked, looking at their hands still intertwined, both awaiting the other to move first.
She hummed in response, and Cassandra continued.

“I’m sorry”

“For what? You didn’t do anything” Adaar asked, her eyes finding the seekers.

“I cannot help but to think back upon what I said on the balcony...” She began.
“I said things that I shouldn’t have”

“Seeker, it’s fine, you don’t need to apologise” The Inquisitor interjected, Cassandra looked up, her mud-brown eyes meeting the paler eyes of the Qunari.

“No, I need to, I...” In all her training, the Pentaghast heiress was horrible with words, a blade she could know every technique, every strategy. But her words failed her so often.

“Listen, Kadan, we will talk more when your sober” Adaar said as she stood, bumping her head on the low sloped roof before making her exit.

Cassandra listened as the heavy footfalls retreated quietly down the levels of the forge, only fading away as the door clicked closed behind the fleeing figure.

Cassandra let out a roar of rage, sitting motionless for a time, cursing the Maker. Why had he made her faith work so hard, surely she had proven herself already,. Her whole life knowing nothing but faith and order, had been shaken to its foundations. All by one woman, a living miracle.


“Had fun last night Seeker?” Varric called from his desk as Cassandra walked into Skyhold’s main hall. The woman stoped, turning to the dwarf, glaring at him.

“You are an ass” she growled, the dwarf laughed, he took of his reading glasses and smirked at the Seeker.

“Well you made no objections to our fist time we decided to fill your mug up!” He teased, leaning back in his chair.

“I did try to stop you dear” Vivienne called from her balcony above, Cassandra looked up, scowling at the enchanter. She ignored the chuckles from Varric as she continued walking.
She entered the small office that Lady Montilyet resided in

“Lady Seeker! Good morning!” Josie greeted, looking up from her paperwork,

“Good morning ambassador” Cassandra greeted, nodding respectfully at the Antivan lady.

“I’m afraid you just missed the war meeting, you and the commander both” the woman noted, dipping her quill into her ink pot before retrieving a small scroll from her desk.

“I guessed as much, did you win the commanders dignity again?” Cassandra asked, Josephine laughed, handing the report to the Seeker

“You never bet against an Antivan, gambling is almost second nature to most, southerners really don’t seem to remember that” she laughed, flexing her stiff fingers and fiddling with one of her bright rings.

“He does well in chess though I hear” Cassandra commented, scanning over the daily report in her hands,

“I have heard such, I will have to convince him to play me one day” Josephine lamented, chuckling at the idea. Cassandra smiled, her aching head thrumming to any sounds around.

“Thank you Ambassador, I should return to my duty’s, we still on for lunch?” Cassandra asked, handing the report back to Josie.

“Oh, yes, we haven’t had to reschedule” she confirmed, placing the report back into its slot of the week, Cassandra turned, her confident stride taking her across the room quickly.
“Oh and Seeker!” Josie called, Cassandra turned, meeting the doe eyes of the Antivan noble,
“I hear Solas makes an excellent herbal cure for hangovers”

“Not a chance” Cassandra retorted hastily, not willing to ask the apostate for aid on such a merger matter.

“As you wish” lady Montilyet agreed, grabbing a new slip off her pile and jotting notes down as Cassandra left the office.


Skyhold’s never ending chatter filled the courtyard as Cassandra walked the ramparts, her dark eyes scanning the mountains that stretched he horizon. She was never one for words, her words were messy and curt, so she thought. Her mouth moving to the words of the chant she rehearsed every morning. Her mind not on her faith, instead on the one distraction she loathed and adored.

“You shouldn’t hold it like that” a voice stated, she past him, the spirit Cole sat upon the wall, back facing the warrior as she passed, his ratty hat shading his face from view.
“It will only hurt”

“I don’t need your opinions” Cassandra sneered, having little liking for the Inquisitors pet, prodding into her mind.

“You are hurting, I can help” Cole stated, standing up and jumping down to follow.

“My thoughts are mine demon” Cassandra answered, fiddling with one of her gloves, the gauntlet sitting wrong.

“Tightening hearts, straining mind, ‘Maker why? Why do I have these thoughts? Am I not enough?’ Clawing shadows, doubt and hurt-“ Cole spoke, his words seeming detached, distant from what the mans own mind though. His blue eyes now glowing a sickly green.

“Stop” Cassandra ordered, interrupting his readings. They walked in silence for a time, before their eyes turned to the tower that stood above Skyhold, the peck of the fort, and the room that had been given to the Inquisitor, although rarely used.

“She worry’s about you, you’re sad, and that makes her upset. ‘Kasaanda sorrows, I am her victim” Cole continued, his ease with the foreign language surprised Cassandra.

“Kasana..” she questioned the word sounding off when she said it.

“Kasaanda” Cole repeated,
“Adaar says it when she thinks of you” Cole explained.

Cassandra turned to where she could see the roof of the forge, knowing the training grounds lay just out of sight beside it. That was her usual destination, but turmoil churned in her gut.

“Cole, do you know Qunlat?” She asked, turning to where the man had stood moments before, he had moved to sit on the ledge, legs dangling of the wall.

“Yes and no” he answered absently, his attention fixed on the soldiers below, running through repetitive drills, they knew it so well, it confused him why they had to keep practicing them daily .
“I hear what they say, and it makes sense, like the magic dose” he clarified, Cassandra huffed, crossing her arms, the thought of magic talking, quite unsettling to her.

“You want me to help you understand?” Cole said, standing up and turning to face Cassandra, she gave in, she knew, that he would want to help, and he could.

“I’m sure the library has a book on Qunlat, Dorian must have it I’m sure” she stated, turning to look towards one of Skyhold’s spires, library held within.

“You want me to get it because you don’t want to?” Cole asked, Cassandra glowered at him, the library was well guarded, every entrance had someone of note near it. The library in Haven was easier to sneak into, nobody hung out in that old dusty room.

“Yes, it would help a great deal” Cassandra lamented, turning to look at Cole, he nodded, turning from her and vanishing, crackles of green light fizzling to the ground.
“Maker” Cassandra uttered, rubbing her forehead with her palm, her footsteps clicking across the pavement as she continued her walk, mind adrift.


“Cassandra? You in there?”

Cassandra snapped back to reality when the Orlesian spymaster touched her shoulder, the redhead studied Cassandra with unreadable blue eyes.

“What?” She asked, looking sharply up at the three others with her,

“I was asking your opinion of the food, you’ve barely eaten” Lilianna sighed, leaning back in her chair to sip at her tea.

“It’s fine” the Seeker answered, her response sounding harsher than she meant, a common happening. Picking up her fork Cassandra prodded at the dish before her,

“Is this about last night?” Josephine asked, drumming her fingers on her cup.

“Last night?” Lilianna pondered, raising her brow at Cassandra.

“Oh you should have been there! It was truly an amazing time!” Josephine began excitedly,

“Makers breath” Cullen groaned, placing his face in his hands in embarrassment,
“I had enough people witness to my humiliation thank you m’lady” the man informed, repositioning himself. Lilianna hummed knowingly,

“Yes, I did get a report of a man running through the barracks in his smalls” she cooed, her foxy smirk detected at the blushing commander as he stuttered out his defence.

“Getting a little tipsy isn’t something to be ashamed of Cassandra, we’ve all had it happen before!” Josephine continued, steering the conversation away from the commanders prude shenanigans.

“‘A little tipsy?’” Cassandra asked,
“I was not ‘tipsy’ I was humiliatingly wasted” she argued, crossing her arms and leaning back, watching the groups reaction,

“It can’t be that bad” Cullen offered when none spoke up, reaching for his tea.

“It was” she answered simply,

“But that isn’t what’s bothering you is it?” Lilianna asked, her gentle smile never leaving her features.
Cassandra shook her head, taking several mouthfuls of her lunch.

“Then what is?” Josie asked, slapping Cullen’s hand away from his sixth tart. The stubborn Seeker remained silent, chewing her meal with downcast eyes.

“I see,” Lilianna chuckled, patting the warrior on the back gently,
“Not eating or sleeping? Drinking more? Restless? Distracted? Does this sound right?” The spymaster quizzed, gaining everyone’s attention. Cullen straightened up, eyes wide with recognition.

“Why are you smiling?” Cassandra asked, concerned with the growing grins on Lilianna and Cullen’s faces.
“Stop” she ordered, glancing to Josephine, who had not caught on, was just as confused.

“If you were truly as drunk as you claim, pray tell, how did you get back to your quarters?” Lilianna teased, the reaction was instant, Cassandra’s cheeks lit a bright red, a short gasp slipping her lips. The memory of herself draped in the Inquisitors arms coming to light.

“Bingo” Cullen cooed, him and Lilianna swapping quick looks before both saying the drawn conclusion.

“You’re in love!”

Josephine gasped, her fingertips covering her lips, Cassandra stood, her chair protesting loudly at the sudden rough movement.

“I AM NOT!” She bellowed, her face bright scarlet, the residents of the garden turned, surprised by the sudden outburst. Cassandra sat down again, repeating herself at a lower volume,
“I am not in love”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, we’ve all had our crushes and flings” Lilianna mused, chuckling into her tea as she eyes her fellow.
“Or at least I’ve had flings” she corrected, earning a offended gasp from Cullen and a blush from Josephine.

“It isn’t like that!” The ravenette hissed, Cullen speaking before Lilianna could tease more.

“I use to feel the same way, I loved a girl in Kinloch, the Ferelden circle.” Cullen began, taking a bite from the cream tart he had taken while attention had been elsewhere.
“Amell was her name, wonderful woman, although a mage, we could never be” the ex-Templar reminisced.
“She was talented and smart, became first enchanter before the circles fell, dunno where she ended up”

“My first love was a woman named Marjolaine, my mentor when I was a bard” Lilianna began, Josephine piped up,

“Awful woman, glad she’s dead” The ambassador added, earning a laugh from her best friend,

“Indeed, but at the time I was smitten” Lilianna continued, reaching for her own small pastry that sat at the centre of the table.

“What happened?” Cassandra asked, riveted in the story’s before her.

“Betrayal” She answered, not wishing to speak further about Marjolaine.
“twas why I ended up in Ferelden, when the blight started. That’s where I meet Morrigan, who again, betrayed me”

“Yikes” Cullen winced with a chuckle, the redhead nodded,

“But I haven’t given up on love” Lilianna concluded, stealing a glance at the oblivious Montilyet.

The group talked about their love lives, Lilianna being the only to have been in any sort of courtship, and the only one to have been with a lover physically. The friends dispersed when a messenger arrived with news for the Ambassador and Spymaster.

And Cassandra knew what she needed to do as she looked up towards the turret the Inquisitors room was in, with luck, she’d be there.


“Inquisitor!” Cassandra called, opening the door to the bedroom, the large room had a large bed in the middle of the room, a desk piled with papers stood as the centrepiece of a small workspace. Large couch before a lit fireplace, the firelight dancing across the room

“Balcony!” The voice returned, Cassandra crossed the large room to stand on one of the two balcony’s. The view of sprawling Skyhold stretched below. There was sounds of shuffling as Cassandra looked around the empty balcony,
“Up here” Adaar chuckled, getting the Seeker to look up, the tall Qunari sitting on the roof.

“However did you get up there?” Cassandra asked as Adaar jumped down,

“If I stand on the railing, I can pull myself up” she explained, stretching. Now, Adaar wore a simple grey shirt, her long black hair cascading down her back like a ebony waterfall, Cassandra stiffened, closing her eyes as she spoke firmly.

“We need to talk...”
Adaar sighed, clasping her hands behind her back as Cassandra leant on the railing, eyes turned to the sprawling fort below.
“I spoke with Cole today” Cassandra continued, drumming her fingertips on the cement railing.

“You did?” Adaar asked, surprised that the pious woman had even thought of him. Adaar had taken Cole under her care, treating the young spirit like the son she’d probably never have.

“I did” Cassandra confirmed, looking up to the Qunari who stood beside her, stoic as ever.
“We talked for a time, and between him and Lilianna, I decided we should talk... about us” she explained

“I can tell this means a lot to you Seeker” Adaar began, eyes staring out to the horizon sightlessly,
“I shall listen, speak your mind, whatever bothers you”

“When we first met, You were a captive, fated for death” She began, starting at the beginning,
“You faced charges placed by me, but yet you have never shown any resentment towards me for that”

“You had many reasons to suspect me” Adaar interrupted,
“I had no recollection of what happened, no alibi, and the only survivor witness to the explosion. I was the only one you could have suspected” Adaar countered, Cassandra sighed, shaking her head weakly

“Even so, you allowed me to stay by your side,”

“I couldn’t have escaped you even if I had wanted to!” Adaar laughed smiling down at the warrior

“This is what I mean!” Cassandra exclaimed, throwing her arms up in annoyance, standing before the Qunari head on,
“You don’t see the wrongs I have done! Nothing I do deters you! How?” She snapped crossing her arms and glowering at the Inquisitor.

“I admire you” she answered calmly, Cassandra shook her head, unsatisfied with the answer


“I had no idea what was going on, I was a simple mercenary, hired to be at the conclave. But then everything went wrong, but you stood proudly at the headlines, taking the lead, using the chaos” The Inquisitor continued, her scarred face blank and emotionless, but kind and expressive at the same time.

“I want someone who sweeps me of my feet, someone who gives me flowers and reads me poetry by candlelight! I want that ideal! But you- you are the Inquisitor, and the Herald of Andraste! You cannot be that person!” Cassandra exclaimed, averting her eyes as she couldn’t bare to look at the grey skinned woman’s disappointment,

“Why not?” Adaar answered simply, her blue eyes watching the raven haired Seeker,

“The world hinges upon our success, you cannot afford to court me” Cassandra defended, turning her back to the Inquisitor and moving to the other side of the balcony. The same response came, quieter.

“Why not?”

“We cannot be an item, it could only lead to heartbreak...” Cassandra defended, struggling to find any plausible response.

“Must it?”

“I-“ Cassandra stuttered, unable to respond this time, she felt strong hands press against her shoulders

“I am in love with you, it’s as simple as that” Adaar whispered, her voice barely audible above the wind that blew past the pair.
“Do with that as you wish Kadan”

“they will say one of two things about me” Cassandra began, giving in to the feelings her heart bore, turning to look up at Adaar, their eyes meeting
“One, that I stood at the Inquisitors side, her protector and her lover, that it was meant to be...” Cassandra continued, smiling at the Qunari as her eyes widened in surprise,
“Or that I was lead from the path of faith by the wiles of a madwoman...”

“I don’t care what ‘They’ say, what do you believe?” Adaar cooed, smiling fondly, knowing her heart had been accepted by the woman standing mere inches away.

“ I believe you are the Herald of Andraste, even if you do not.” Cassandra began, reaching to hold the Qunari’s hands carefully, feeling the heat of the mark beneath the Inquisitors glove, the mark that had started all this, and surely the method of their destruction.
“Beyond that, I believe only that you are capable of anything, and it frightens me. I have never known anything like it.” She continued, smiling up at the Inquisitor with determination
“I will not let Corypheus win, I will not let him take you from me.”

“I believe you Kadan” Adaar chuckled, leaning down as their lips pressed together gently, closing the couple in an embrace they would remember forever.

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