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The Health Benefits of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is a well known ingredient in many dishes. Known as the saltiest salt available, it is commonly used in Asia, particularly in India. Himalayan crystal salt was first brought to the western world by Captain James Cook in his tour of India in the late 1800s. Since then, this salt has been used to enhance all kinds of dishes including: ice cream, salsas, dips, desserts and more.

Although pink Himalayan sea salt contains no trace minerals such as potassium or magnesium, it does contain sodium. In fact, the amount of sodium in a packet of the product is greater than the amount found in an average can of soda. Moreover, it is not sodium chloride, as you find in bottled waters, but sodium chloride. It is a tasteless, colorless salt that is high in sodium. One ounce of this salt can have a daily serving size of about three tablespoons or about one-eighth of a cup.

While there are a variety of other salts that are high in sodium, including black sea salt and even potassium chloride, Himalayan crystal salt is the most highly processed and commercially available salt in the world. Although it has come to symbolize health, wellness and natural beauty, it is difficult to find this salt in stores where it originally came from because the processing removes any trace of minerals. In order to retain the natural flavor and taste of the salt, manufacturers often substitute other ingredients for it, such as potassium or calcium chloride. There are some notable side effects to eating products made from this salt that consumers should be aware of:

The biggest side effect of pink Himalayan sea salt intake is in relation to sodium intake. Because of the process used to produce it, the salt will typically raise your sodium intake by as much as nine percent. While this may not seem like a lot, especially when you consider the wide range of sodium substitutes available, it can add up over time. Over the course of a year, your sodium intake can easily reach dangerous levels. If you or your loved ones are concerned about your sodium intake, you should speak with your doctor about whether or not you need to change your diet or begin taking a low-salt diet.

Another side effect associated with ingesting too much sodium is electrolyte imbalance. Because of the magnesium content in pink Himalayan sea salt, it can also contribute to this imbalance. A person who ingests too much may feel fatigued, depressed or have an irregular heart beat. A doctor may recommend that a patient avoid foods high in magnesium, such as whole grains, salt and meat.

If you are thinking about starting a low-salt or low-sugar diet, you should know that you should not combine pink Himalayan sea salt and other table salts. While the two minerals do play well together in recipes, they do not mix well together in the rest of the food. Instead, you should substitute the salt with unsweetened yogurt, rice bran, almond flour or rice cereal. These can help to maintain the correct mineral levels. To avoid mineral deficiencies, you should eat a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean meats and fish.

A very common complaint often voiced about the mineral qualities of many table salts is that they leave a bitter aftertaste on the mouth. This is particularly true for people who suffer from sensitive teeth or gums. Many people report that switching to a more natural product, such as coarse pink Himalayan sea salt, greatly improves their tooth and gum health. Not only does it improve their flavor, but also their texture. Salt can really ruin your tooth enamel if you take too much in, so be sure to use a very small amount during your most sensitive tooth brushing and gargling sessions.

One of the best known health benefits of this mineral is its effect on the heart. There are a number of theories surrounding the health benefits of mineral contents. Some experts think it helps maintain a healthy blood circulation. Others think it has an effect on cholesterol levels. Still others believe it increases the endurance and stamina of the heart. Whatever the case may be, it's easy to see why pink Himalayan sea salt can be a great addition to your pantry and kitchen pantry.
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