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Specific EMF Protectors Regarding Mobile Phones
Cell phones have become an essential part of our contemporary society however, they can also present various health risks. Exposure to the radiation of cellphones can impact your fertility, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. In the end you may want to consider purchasing an EMF protection for your phone.

Radiation from cell phones can cause brain tumors.
The National Toxicology Program has released an investigation into cellphone radiation and brain tumors. They found that high exposures to radiation from cell phones could cause tumors in rodents. But, the results are not without controversy, since experts claim that rat experiments cannot be directly compared to exposures that are caused by the use of cell phones within the actual world. Although cell phone radiation can cause brain tumors, more study is needed before making any conclusive conclusions.

Another study conducted by UC Berkeley has found that the use of mobile phones significantly increases the risk of brain tumors. Researchers looked at 46 studies from around the world and concluded that using cell phones for more than a 1000 hours per year increased the risk of developing brain tumors by 60%. Furthermore, using a cell cellphone for 10 years doubled the risk of developing brain tumors.

It could influence the fertility
If you are a woman and you're concerned about how the radiation from mobile phones can affect fertility, you may want to consider purchasing EMF protection for your cell phone. Studies have proven that EMF radiation may cause sperm cells to be damaged and lower the chances of conception. Men must also be aware about the effect from EMFs to fertility. Studies have shown that exposure to cell phone radiation can increase the production of proteins in the testicles, which have been connected to reproductive damage and carcinogenic risk. It also affects sperm motility and the physical structure of the sperm cells.

Research has shown that males exposed to the radiation of cell phones may be more susceptible to infertility than females. The radiation from cell phones, especially WiFi, is similar to X-rays. Both radiations are absorbed by the body, but the resulting damage to DNA can vary from one individual to another. Mobile phone radiation is most likely to impact sperm which develop near to the phone. The radiation can affect the viability and motility of sperm and may reduce sperm count below a healthy level.

It can affect blood sugar
Many medical experts are worried that the EMFs generated by cell phones can affect the levels of blood sugar. According to them, EMFs cause DNA damage and inhibit the repair of DNA. They also worry that cell phone radiation can be able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which shields the brain from harmful molecules. Additionally it has been demonstrated that cell phone radiation can lower sperm motility and reduce the number of sperm. Additionally, the use of polluted electricity has been proven to raise blood sugar levels for diabetics. In fact, a report published back in 2008 showed that EMFs contribute to the increased blood sugar levels of diabetes people and diabetics. Further, they believe that EMFs could be an important factor in misdiagnosis of diabetes as well as other ailments.

Several studies have indicated the effects of exposure to EMFs on health issues such as lack of energy, fatigue and a lack of motivation and increased chance of developing heart disease as well as cancer. Furthermore Proteck'd Apparel have revealed that exposure to high concentrations of EMFs during pregnancy is linked to ADHD as well as asthma and autism. These effects do not occur immediately but may build up as time passes.

It could cause an increase in blood pressure.
Mobile phones release EMFs, which can cause an increase in blood pressure. These EMFs may alter the chemical composition of blood and alter the physiology of the heart. A recent study conducted in Libya found that prolonged exposure to EMFs alters the hematological parameters and increases the risk of cardiac arrest. If you suspect your smartphone is causing elevated blood pressure it is recommended to take steps to lower the chance of.

EMFs disrupt the heart's SA node, which regulates heartbeat by sending electrical impulses to the heart's muscle cells. This mechanism regulates the rate of heartbeat and blood pressure to provide optimal oxygen levels. It is controlled by the autonomic nervous system as well as the hormones epinephrine as well as norepineph, also known as catecholamines. Apart from disrupting this natural heart system, EMFs can also cause high blood pressure and heart failure.

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