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5G Towers and Your own Health
Although the IARC classifies RF-EMF exposure as being in the 2B group (possibly carcinogenic for humans) however, there isn't an universally agreed upon safety limit. Furthermore it is crucial to note that safety limits vary greatly around the world. Additionally, there is an issue with conflict of interest. As more cities adopt 5G technology the more people are exposed the frequency than ever before.

IARC classification of RF-EMF exposure as Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic for humans)
The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has classified exposure to RF-EMF as being in the 2b group (possibly carcinogenic to humans). This classification implies that further investigation is required. However the IARC used a relatively small amount of evidence only a handful of case-control epidemiological studies - in order to come to their conclusion.

While certain studies have suggested RF-EMFs may cause cancer, others have found no evidence for the possibility of causing disease in humans. In 5g towers radiation symptom , which was launched in 1996 did not publish its findings, therefore this classification is not definitive.

IARC safety limits vary considerably all over the world.
There are numerous opinions on whether or not working, living in a school close to cell towers increase the risk of developing cancer. But, more research is needed to determine if the RF radiation generated by cell phone towers are damaging to your health. Moreover, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and IARC are yet to officially classify the effects of towers for cell phones on human health.

Current wireless technologies create radiofrequency exposures, which can cause harm to humans, animals, and the environment. Researchers have warned that 5G should not be introduced before adequate research is completed about its impact on human health.

Conflict of interest
The conflict of interests surrounding 5G towers has led to alarming questions regarding the effect of EMF radiation on human health. The stakes of this debate are immense and encompass the government and industry. The world's most renowned scientists have documented the damaging consequences from EMF radiation on humans as well as animals. In the face of mounting research, it is evident that the present regulatory framework of non-ionizing radiation is ill-suited to protect human health.

Impact on cognitive function

The increased frequency of mobile phone towers like those being constructed for 5G by mobile networks operators, could increase exposure to radio frequency (radio frequency) waves. Scientists have speculated that these RF waves could affect the brain. However, this hasn't been proven.

Although there has been some controversy over the safety of 5G but the reality is that it hasn't yet been thoroughly tested to determine whether it can cause health problems. Even though the technology is new, there hasn't been enough time to examine the long-term effects. Also, there is a dearth of scientific studies regarding the possible effects of 5G areas that are densely populated in densely populated areas.

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