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What Are the Benefits of Watsu Massage?

Among the many benefits of Watsu is the intense emotional experience it gives. When a person manipulates your body, nonsexual touch and a partner's direction of movements create an environment similar to the womb. Pressure points are stimulated and tissue is manipulated to allow your emotions to flow. Your emotions can also be transported by the water. This is a deeply satisfying experience for both of you. The water-based massage therapy helps you recover from injuries and ease stress.

Water-based massage therapy

Ai Chi, or water-based massage is a group fitness program that offers relaxation benefits. It doesn't require intimacy and focuses on life force energy. The movements, while different from traditional tai chi are remarkably similar. The only difference is that the technique is conducted in water instead of on land. Here are the advantages and drawbacks of water-based massage therapy. Before starting any water-based massage therapy session you should consult with your physician.

Watsu: This water-based massage therapy is a kind of Japanese massage. It is based on traditional Shiatsu massage techniques, but it is modified for use in warm water. It employs joint mobilization, gentle stretching and dance techniques to help promote healing and overall relaxation. The weightlessness of water permits the therapist to concentrate on a specific part of the body, and prevents the patient from realizing they are being massaged.

Pain relief

Watsu is a traditional Japanese method of massage, which assists people in finding relief from chronic pain by relaxing joints and muscles. 대한마사지 Practitioners of Watsu start by focusing on breathing slowly and then move their bodies in different ways. These gentle movements help the body gradually return to normal movements and prevent pain. Watsu can be used to treat various kinds of pain, including back muscle spasms, back pain and many other conditions. Below are a few benefits of Watsu massage therapy.

Watsu therapy can provide numerous benefits as well as pain relief. It can help the body relax and loosen tension, improve the circulation and increase flexibility. The treatment is generally performed in a serene setting. However some therapists prefer play soothing music during the sessions to aid in relaxation. Watsu is extremely effective in relieving discomfort and improving overall health. It is not recommended for everyone.

Recovery from injuries

Watsu is a practice that has been used by many medical professionals to aid in the recovery of various injuries. It has been proven to have numerous positive effects on the body and is recommended for use by doctors and physical therapists. In fact, it has prevented injuries in a few cases. Watsu treatment can aid patients in healing quicker and more efficiently.

Harold Dull developed Watsu in the 1980s. It is a combination of the techniques of shiatsu massage with immersion in warm water. To ease pain, this Japanese therapy applies pressure on specific points of the body. There are many practitioners who are certified in Watsu and all are adept in specific techniques. Watsu can be used to lower anxiety and improve the level of pain, as it is a non-invasive technique. The therapy can be used for a variety of reasons and has helped a lot of people recover after an injury or illness.

Stress reduction

Watsu is a popular method of stress reduction. But what exactly is it that works? Watsu is an unbeatable healing method that promotes a calm and frees the mind of all responsibility. In fact many Watsu practitioners report experiencing an increased awareness during sessions. Some people even sleep during treatments, allowing their bodies to the therapists to heal.

Watsu is a unique kind of bodywork that blends gentle movements and acupressure to reduce stress and improve general health. Watsu gives participants the chance to disconnect from their daily lives and connect to their inner self. This lets them focus on their emotions, and their feelings of well-being. It's similar to being held by a mother and allow emotions to flow naturally. Watsu might seem odd initially, but many find it to be a profoundly healing experience.


Relaxation with Watsu can be a relaxing experience that benefits your body and mind, as well as your spirit. The technique involves applying pressure to pressure points on your body to relieve tension and stress. It could bring back memories of past lives. To know more about Watsu, read on! Here are some benefits of Watsu. Here are the most important factors to keep in mind before scheduling your session. And if you've had an injury history, Watsu is the best option for you.

The Watsu pool is a water-supported pool that provides a weight-free environment that lets you relax your spine and ease sore muscles. The body-temperature pool that swirls around you can create a relaxing articulation. This therapy can trigger an intense Alpha state and a feeling of timelessness. It helps the client let go of stress and tension and reprogrammes them to live with more equanimity, peace and joy.
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