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S1-Start of Call
Opening Spiel
Acknowledge,Empathize and Reassurance.

Hi, I appreciate your patience holding on the line thank you for choosing (xfinity) my name is Ronnel!


I can see here on my system that you're calling in?
Oh, I see by the way congratulations on acquiring our new equipment and i'm happy to assist you in activating your new equipment.


How can/may I help you today?
Can you tell me more about your issue/concern?


Can you tell me more about it?


I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I'll exhaust everything to resolve your concern about ________,so ___. I'll be your partner and resolution expert.


First and foremost, this is not the experience we want you to have. I'll exhaust everything here on my end to resolve your concern/issue about_______ so__.
Allow me to correct things for you.



I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Don't worry you have me on the line and i'll do/exhaust everything here on my end to resolve your issue/concern.


I apologize for the inconvenience, this is not the experience we want you to have. Don't worry you have me on the line and i'll do/exhaust everything here on my end to resolve your issue/concern.

Issue and Concern

Oh, I see thank you for bringing this to our attention and don't worry you have me on the line and I will do/exhaust everything here on my end to resolve your issue/concern.
If not able to activate/resolve the customers (equipment-issue/concern).
Then provide the best resolution to activate/resolve the (equipment-issue/concern).

I apologize for the inconvenience about (issue/concern) that is not the kind of experience that we want our customers to experience but don't worry you have me on the line and I will do/exhaust everything here on my end to provide you the best resolution about your (issue/concern).


Ask probing questions
If not able to activate the customer's equipment or resolve their (issue/concern) then provide the best resolution to the customer to (activate the equipment) or best resolution (issue/concern).


By the way, I just want to highlight that you can use our amazing XFINITY application to control the WIFI experience of the users inside the house. You could change the WIFI name and password, configure the settings, and also pause devices from using the internet when it's mealtime or sleep time. Inside the application is (XFINITY Rewards) where you can find your current rewards and free perks. In case you are outside your house, you may connect to XFINITY Wifi Hotspot using your XFINITY Email's username; these are XFINITY customers exclusive hotspots so you are connected to the internet at all times.

S3-Selling or Pitching

While we're running some diagnostic checks, would you mind if I ask you some series of questions?
Are you currently subscribed to any mobile carrier services?
How's your experience so far?
How much are you paying per month?
Is that unlimited data or by the gig?
If I could give your lower mobile data plan rates, and give you monthly discount on your Internet bill – would you be interested switching data provider?



1 Line OPEN for DEVICE SALES and Bring Your Own Device

$45.00 Adding a second line of Unlimited, By the Gig, or a tablet makes
the first line of Unlimited $30/ month
2 Lines


3 Lines


4 Lines


Lines 5 - 10

plus $20/per line

Switch data plans at any time. Mix and match By the Gig and Unlimited on the same account.

By the Gig

1 GB


3 GB


10 GB


Savings Calculator

My Source



Interested:I really appreciate your time answering all of my questions. The reason why I asked is because I see big savings that we can take advantage right now if we integrate XFINITY MOBILE to your current services. You can save up to (figures) monthly discount on your internet bill.

Which will save you a (FIGURES) per month and will save you a (FIGURES) per year.

CUSTOMER PICKED By the Gig: For the By the Gig Plan, you can start with our most affordable offer of 15$ with 1GB of consumable data per month, with inclusion of unlimited calls and text nationwide.

CUSTOMER PICKED Unlimited: We also have great deals with our Unlimited Data Plan. You can get it for only 45$ per month also comes in with Unlimited Calls and Texts nationwide. If you go for two lines, we'll slash that off to 30 making 2 Unlimited lines for only $60. If your busy at the moment or need to think about it first - I can schedule you to your most convenient time while we check for the best offer for your account. So what do you say are you interested about it or not?

Can I have your mobile number so that I can contact you with your free time about this promotion?

Not Interested:Ok thank you so much for answering my questions.

S4-End of Call
Closing Spiel
Close Strategy

Is there any XFINITY related concern I can/may help you with?


Alright just a quick recap today you called in for activating your equipment and we discovered that you acquired our equipment and we were able to activate it with your cooperation and patience. Can you confirm that this resolves your concerns today? (pause for response) Great! I'll now tag your ticket as resolved. I would sincerely appreciate any feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today. Appreciate your kindness, again this is Ronnel from XFINITY have a goodnight, staysafe and goodbye.

Technician Appointment

Alright just a quick recap today you called in for activating your equipment however we weren't able to succesfully activate it here on my end. And in my system we were routed to a technician appointment to resolve this issue/concern. I will now tag your ticket as resolved don't worry the technician appointment that I provided you will be a permanent resolution because once the technician visits your house they will look for the source of the problem. They will tell you what they will do and they will be the one to activate your equipment or resolve your issue/concern.
If you don't have a cable wall outlet they will be the one to install it.
If you're cable wall outlet is not working or if you're line is cut they will be the one to fix it.

When holding the customer on the line

Can I hold you on the line for a couple of (seconds/minutes)
I will be working here on my end if that's ok with you?
Please stay on the line!
Ok, Mr./Ms. thank you for your patience.
Thank you for patiently waiting on the line Mr./Ms.

I will be holding you on the line mr./ms. because I will be working here on my end if that's ok with you?
Please stay on the line!
Ok, Mr./Ms. thank you for your patience.
Thank you for patiently waiting on the line Mr./Ms.

OFTEN onset/opening part


You know what, that's a really good question! I want to make sure that I provide you with the correct information so please allow me to check all of my resources to ensure that the information I will provide is correct. I promise this wouldn't take long, and I will get back to you to provide updates.

My remote is not working.

I understand that you are excited/upset.
Allow me to check things we can do to make sure that you can resume your favorite TV shows. We'll run some steps and check for our options as we fix your remote - I am with you all the way.

I need a tech right now.

I understand the urgency to have your issues resolved by sending out a tech. If you would allow me to, we can try resolving your concern over the phone with just a few steps - if it does not work, we'll definitely put the tech as one of our priority options.

I don't have a wall outlet.

I understand that you have no wall outlets yet. For us to activate your services, we'll need to have one so we can send signals to your equipment. We can definitely use the Xfinity App to schedule a tech appointment and I will be very glad to walk you through the process.

I am not at home right now.

Alright then, we have a few options for that. First, you can activate your modem through Xfinity App for as long as the modem is already added on your account. I can also try to give you a ring if you are available later on to make sure everything work fine. Please take care on your way home.

I am seeing XRE-10000

The error you're seeing just needs a quick fix. I can definitely help, and we'll make sure that your services are running after we update a few things on my end. I know you are excited, and trust me - your services will work before the end of this call. Okay?

There is a pending order

"I was running diagnostics when our system detected that there is a pending work order related to your services that I need to update so we can proceed with the activation. Do you mind if I place the call on hold for a quick minute?"

Weak or No Signal

Weak or No Signal? This message usually happens because the box is either off, the connections need to be checked, or the TV source or input does not match the connections. We'll just need to check on those, and we're ready to have your services working. I understand that your services are important and I am here to help.

OFTEN In the middle of the call

Tech Appointment swivel from XAPP to ITG

I apologize that the app was not able to secure a tech appointment. No worries, we can schedule your technician appointment from our end after running a few questions. We'll make sure that full documentation is placed, including the error you received while you were trying to schedule an appointment through the app. The tech will discuss the root cause of the issue, as well as any potential charge prior to starting the job. I am positive that our technician will deliver permanent resolution for this concern. I truly appreciate your patience.

Cable Box is not in the account

Our system shows that the box is not yet registered on the account. I will be needing the Full Serial Number of the box to have it added, then we can activate once we're done. The serial number is usually at the sticker at the back or below the box tagged as MHOST SN or MCARD SN.

Owned Modem is not in the account

Our system shows that the modem is not yet registered on the account. To fully activate the modem, I will be needing the full CM MAC address, and the make and model of the modem to have it added. It's sometimes tagged as HFC MAC Address. Once your modem is added, we can proceed by using Xfinity App to activate the service.

Detected an Outaage

While running some diagnostic checks, our system has detected that there is an outage in your area. I know that you are excited to have your services back, and what I can guarantee is that our technicians are already deployed to check the root cause of the outage. By the time the outage is done, your services should be up and running.

You can check outages and their estimated fix time using the Xfinity My Account App. You just need to have your Xfinity Username and Password. Aside from that, this is an all-around app you can use to manage your account.

OFTEN by the End of Call

Led to SOAK

"I understand you're frustrated with this ongoing technical issue, and it’s important we get your services back up. To be understanding of your time, may I verify a mobile number where we can text you upon completion? Your services should be up in the next ______. I have seen how this goes before and I am sure this will resolved soon."

Customer Unresponsive

Hi _____. It's been quite a while since I last got a response. If you could hear me, please give us a ring at 1-800-XFINITY or visit us at I'll be disconnecting the call now to assist other customers. I hope you understand. Thank you.

End of Life (EOL)

"Xfinity wants to ensure that you will enjoy the full benefits of your services. Getting the best internet speed is our top priority". Please be advised that it is ideal that your device be updated, and old one be returned to the nearest Xfinity office. I believe that you have been notified on this ahead and should be receiving a new one via mail. Is that something you can confirm? Furthermore, I will be able to help you by processing a shipment.

Device active on different account

"Upon reviewing the device, it was identified to be associated with different active account and it's stopping us from adding it to your account". To avoid any inconvenience in the future, we can always get you a brand new device and I can absolutely help. We can have a priority shipment for a day or two process or we can always have the device swap to the nearest local store". Which do you prefer?"

Ask probing questions:
Where did you pick up the device?
Have you been using same box before?
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Regards; Team

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