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Fleur De Sel
Fleur de sel, or flor de sal, is a thin crust formed on the surface of seawater. Gathered since ancient times, fleur de sel is used as a finishing salt and has been used as a purgative and salve. Its savory and salty flavor lends itself to various uses. Here are a few examples. Read on to find out which is the best. Also known as fleur de sel flakes, fleur de sel is available in many different sizes and price points.

Flakes of fleur de sel

Flor de sel is traditionally a sea salt produced in Brittany, France. Though produced in other countries, this salt retains its distinctive flavor and flaky texture. It can be used to season a variety of foods. Its strong briny flavor complements shellfish and meats. Flakes of fleur de sel are particularly good for garnishing baked goods and desserts, and are often sprinkled over ice cream, yogurt, and salads.

A French term for fleur de sel, it is a delicate white salt that crystallizes on the surface of seawater. Traditionally, it was used as a salve and purgative, but it has now become a popular finishing salt. Flakes of fleur de sel are highly valued because of their delicate salty flavor and crunch. It adds an irresistible, delicate flavor to almost any dish.

Medium grain

French salt is known for its distinctive delicate taste, but the finest variety is a rarer type called fleur de sel. This salt is hand-harvested from shallow evaporating pans. As a result, its delicate flavor is best for finishing medium-bodied dishes. Medium-grain fleur de sel comes in flat packs or glass jars that measure four inches by six inches and two inches in size. For best results, store fleur de sel in a cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

The quality of fleur de sel depends on both its natural environment and the production methods. While it is produced in the same way as agricultural products, its production requires stricter regulations than most other salts. The harvesting process also includes sanding, which ruins the delicate texture of the seaweed. Moreover, fleur de sel is very expensive, costing up to 200 percent more than ordinary table salt. However, it is worth the price.

Salty flavor

Fleur de sel is a specialty salt found in Brittany, France. It can elevate a dish by adding mineral complexity. Its fine particles melt in your mouth when moisture is present. The salt lasts for about 10 years. Here are a few benefits of fleur de sel. A pinch of fleur de sel can enhance a dish. Use only a small amount when cooking. Buying a large quantity is not a good idea.

Fleur de sel is expensive and works best as a garnish or condiment. You should sprinkle it over food before eating it. This salt is not only good for savory dishes, but can also enhance the flavor of fruit, vegetables, and seafood. Its flaky texture makes it an ideal addition to desserts, such as salted caramel and buckwheat crepes. It can be found in gourmet shops such as King Arthur Baking and gourmet grocery stores.


Fleur de sel is a delicate salt that is more expensive than other types. It is not crushed or ground, so it doesn't lose its texture or flavor when heated. Using fleur de sel can transform a bland meal into a gourmet one. If you want to relive the gourmet experience at home, you should invest in some good quality fleur de sel. But how much should you spend on it?

While you can find cheaper varieties of fleur de sel at Walmart, you may want to consider the higher quality, more expensive versions that you can find elsewhere. It is worth it to spend a little more money on high-quality fleur de sel , even if it costs a bit more. In fact, some retailers offer a one-year warranty on their products, so you know that the quality will last a long time.
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