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Stolarski, J. & Vertino, A. 2007. First Mesozoic record of the scleractinian Madrepora from the Maastrichtian siliceous limestones of Poland. Kitahara, M.V. Miller, D.J., Cairns,S.D and Stolarski, J. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships among the Scleractinia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) inferred from mitochondrial COI sequences. Stolarski, J. 1991. Miocene Scleractinia from Holy Cross Mountains , Poland; Part 1. Caryophylliidae, Flabellidae, Dendrophylliidae and Micrabaciidae. Stolarski, J. 2000. Organic components of the skeleton of scleractinian corals - evidences from in situ acridine orange dye stainings. Gugała, M., Stolarski, J., Krysiński, P., Biesaga, M. And Mazur, M. 2009. Chemical methods of surface modification for visualization of organic inclusions in biogenic minerals. Stolarski, J., Meibom, A., Marrocchi, Y., Domart-Coulon, I., Mazur, M., Kret, S., Dluzewski, P., and Chalmin, E. 2009. An integrated structural and biogeochemical model of skeletal growth of deep-sea scleractinian coral Desmophyllum. Benzoni, F., Stefani, F., Stolarski, J., Pichon, M. & Galli, P. 2008. Integrative Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Siderastreid Scleractinian Corals. Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals 2012, April 2-7, Amsterdam. 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Muscat, Oman. Domart-Coulon, I, Stolarski, J., Brahmi, C., Janiszewska, K., Hoch-Gutner, E., Shemesh, A. & Meibom, A. 2013. Simultaneous formation of two basic microstructural components in scleractinian coral skeleton during night and daytime, visualized by in situ 86Sr pulse labeling.

Brahmi, C., Meibom, A., Smith, D.C., Stolarski, J., Auzoux-Bordenave, S., Nouet, J., Doumenc, D., Djediat, C. & Domart-Coulon, I. 2010. Skeletal growth, ultrastructure and composition of the azooxanthellate scleractinian coral Balanophyllia regia. Brahmi C., Kopp K., Domart-Coulon I., Stolarski J., Meibom A. 2013. Skeletal growth dynamics linked to trace-element composition in scleractinian corals: a strong biological control over biomineralization process. Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Escrig, S., Meibom, A., Stolarski, J. 2019. Scleractinian coral biomineralization and Mg/Ca in the changing ocean. Euro ISRS (International Society for Reef Studies) Symposium 2010: Reefs in a changing environment, 13-17 December 2010 - Wageningen. Geological Society of London Special Publications 336: 211-224 doi:10.1144/SP336.10. Vertino, A., Freiwald, A., Rosso, A., Stolarski, J. & Taviani, M. 2007. Deep-time perspective to deep-water frame-building corals. Vertino, A., Bosellini, F. & Stolarski, J. 2011. Scleractinians from the Mediterranean: what has happened since the end of the Miocene? Bosellini, F.R., Wallace, C. & Stolarski, J. 2013. Exploring the roots of the dominant present-day staghorn coral Acropora: the potential of the european fossil record. Bosellini, F.R., Stolarski, J., Vescogni, A. 2019. Exceptional development of dissepimental coenosteum in i new Eocene scleractinian coral.

Frankowiak, K., Stolarski, J., Mazur, M., Gothmann A.M. Przeniosło, R., Stolarski, J., Mazur, M. & Brunelli, M. 2008. Hierarchically structured scleractinian coral biocrystals. Benzoni, F., Stefani, F., Stolarski, J., Arrigoni, R., Montano, S. 2010. Molecular phylogeny leads to a revised diagnosis of the family Pocilloporidae based on skeleton micro-morphology. Houlbreque, F., Meibom, A., Cuif, J-P., Stolarski, J., Marrocchi, Y., Ferrier-Pagés, C., Domart-Coulon, I., and Dunbar, R. B. 2009. Strontium-86 labeling experiments show spatially heterogeneous skeletal formation in the scleractinian coral Porites porites. Ninth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC 2009), June 21-26, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Budd, A. F. & Stolarski, J. 2009. Searching for new morphological characters in the systematics of scleractinian reef corals: comparison of septal teeth and granules between Atlantic and Pacific Mussidae. Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Mazur, M., Kitahara, M. and Cairns, S.D. Stolarski, J., Kitahara, M. V., Miller, D. J., Cairns, S.D., Mazur, M. and Meibom, A. 2011. Deep-water corals reveal much deeper evolutionary origin of Scleractinia. Stolarski, J. 1996. Scleractinia Paleogenu Polski.

Stolarski, J. 1996. Origin and phylogeny of Guyniidae and Flabellidae - Recent and fossil evidences. P-13, p. 164. The 14th International Symposium on Biomineralization (BIOMIN XIV) From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science, October 9-13, 2017, Tsukuba, Japan. 15th International Symposium on Biomineralization 9-13 September 2019, Munich, Germany - Abstract Book, P-79. 15th International Symposium on Biomineralization 9-13 September 2019, Munich, Germany - Abstract Book, P-4. Kalka, M., Ozyhar, A., Stolarski, J., Dobryszycki, P. 2019. Proteins involved in Cyprinus carpio otoliths biomineralization. Johnson, K. Stolarski, J., Cairns, S. D. Budd, A.F. zobacz , M. V., Cairns, S. D., Stolarski, J. Blair, D. and Miller, D. J. 2010. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the Scleractinia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) based on mitochondrial CO1 sequence data. Stolarski, J. 1990. On Cretaceous Stephanocyathus (Scleractinia) from the Tatra Mts. Stolarski, J. 2007. "Weaving" of the fibrous skeleton of Scleractinia. Coronado, I., Esteve, J., Cruz, J.A., Stolarski, J. 2019. Crystallographic and biomineral organization of the cuticle of Devonian trilobites- tailored armours of the past. 2013. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a tool for measuring primary geochemistry and characterizing vital effects in fossil corals.

Stolarski, J. & Taviani, M. 2002. Oligocene scleractinian corals from CRP-3 Drillhole, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. P-47, p. 198. The 14th International Symposium on Biomineralization (BIOMIN XIV) From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science, October 9-13, 2017, Tsukuba, Japan. Stolarski, J. 1998. Conopora (Stylasteridae, Hydrozoa) from the Eocene of Seymour Island. Stolarski, J. 2015. Chronicles of scleractinian coral families: Phylogenetic significance of the skeletal thickening deposits. 2015. Fine scale diagenetic alteration of the skeleton of the Triassic scleractinians: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Frankowiak, K., Kret, S., Meibom, A., Stolarski, J. 2015. Structure of growth bands within skeletal thickening deposits in scleractinian corals. Stolarski, J. Reynaud, S., Ferrier-Pages, C., Janiszewska, K., Domart-Coulon, I., Beraud, E., Marrocchi, Y., Mazur, M., Szlachetko, J. and Meibom, A. 2010. Scleractinian corals cultured in low Mg/Ca seawater form aragonite skeleton. In Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. Stolarski, J., Mazur, M., Dłuzewski, P. & Kret, S. 2008. Influence of biological processes on the structure of calcium carbonate biominerals: Microscopic approach.

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