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後期中間 Additional1-8.docx



The cattle are grazing on the grass.


Her family was a small one.


This city has about 4,000 families.


The police are now looking for the terrorists.


How many people were there at the meeting?


Singapore is made up of many peoples - Chinese, Indians and so on.



Give me two pieces of paper and a ballpoint pen.


I had a slice of raisin bread, ham and a glass of tomato juice for breakfast.


Mr. Saito usually puts a spoonful of sugar and a little milk in his tea.


I have three pieces of luggage here.


Let me give you some pieces of advice.



Mr. Nakano has read all the works of Plato.


You sometimes wear glasses, don't you?


Three fires broke out in this neighborhood yesterday.


He has little furniture in his room.


People from Western countries may not know much about the major peoples of Asia.



February is the second month of the year.


I'm fond of grapes, but don't like grape juice.


I want to eat an apple, but I don't want to eat an orange.


Jupiter is one of the planets of the sun.


Lake Biwa is the biggest lake in Japan.


There was a dog in front of my house. The dog looked hungry.


I write to my grandparents twice a month.


I bought the book that you told me about.


We cannot live without water and air.


It's too hot in this room. (Will you open the windows?)


There are twelve months in a year.


Kamikochi in Nagano Prefecture is an area of outstanding natural beauty.




It is not Tom's idea, but mine.


Their average scores were higher than ours.


Is Nancy a friend of yours?


I talked to some classmates of Mike's.


I like that smile of hers.


(1) それは本当に違いないよ。 彼女自身がそう言ったんだから。

It must be true. She herself said so.

(2) 彼は家を出てからずっと一人で暮らしている。

He has always lived by himself since he left home.

(3) 自己紹介をさせてください。

Let me introduce myself.

(4) テレビそれ自体は必ずしも子どもに悪いわけではない。

TV itself is not necessarily bad for children.

(5) 君は自分で決めるべきだよ。

You should decide for yourself.

(6) けんかしてけがをするなんて僕は愚かだった。

It was stupid of me to hurt in a fight.


(1) 君の家から港まではどれくらい距離がありますか。

How far is it from your house to the port?

(2) ここでの生活費は他のどの都市の生活費より高い。

The living cost here is higher than that of any other city.

(3) その映画を見た人たちはそれを感動的だと思った。

Those who saw the movie thought it was moving.


(1) 君のこの(これらの) セーターは僕には小さすぎるよ。

These sweaters of yours are too small for me.

(2) テーブルの上にあるものは何でもご自由にお召し上がりください。

Help yourself to anything on the table.

(3) 彼はうれしさでほとんど我を忘れた。

He was almost beside himself with joy.

(4) 彼はどこででも気楽にしている。

He makes himself at home everywhere.

(5) アメリカンフットボールのルールはラグビーのルールと違う。

The rules of American football are different from those of rugby.

(6) その会議の出席者はすべて女性だった。

Those who attended the meeting were all women.

(7) この黒いいすを修理してもらうのに50ドルかかりました。

It cost me fifty dollars to have this black chair fixed.



(1) トムはとてもいいカメラを持っている。僕も同じものを買いたい。

Tom has a very nice camera. I want to buy the same one.

(2) SF映画が好きな人もいれば、ラブストーリーが好きな人もいる。

Some people like science fiction movies, and other like love

(3) 私はコンピュータを2台持っている。1台はデスクトップでもう1台はノートパソコンだ。

I have two computers. One is a desktop, and other is a notebook.

(4) 私がここに来て2週間がたつ。もう2週間滞在する予定だ。

Two weeks have gone by since I came here. I'll stay for another two weeks.

(5) 彼女の父親は車を3台持っている。1台は日本車で、他の2台は外車だ。

Her father has three cars. One is a Japanese car, and the others are foreign.

(6) 何か詳しい情報が必要ですか。

Do you need any further information?

(7) 運転している時はいくら注意してもしすぎることはない。

One can never be too careful when one is driving.

(8) このジャケットは気に入りません。もう一つ別のものを見せていただけますか。

I don't like this jacket. Would you show me another one?

(9) これはとても簡単な問題なので、どんな生徒も答えられる。

This is such an easy question that any student can answer it.

(10) あなたは他人の権利を尊重しなければならない。

You must respect the rights of others.


(1) そのテレビドラマのどのシーンが好きでしたか。-全部です。本当に感動しました。

Which part of the TV drama did you like? -All of it. I was really impressed.


Does each of the students have their own room in this dormitory?

(3) 土曜日と日曜日ではどちらが都合がよいですか。-どちらでも大丈夫です。お会いするのが楽しみです。

Which is more convenient, Saturday or Sunday? -Either day is OK. I'm looking forward to seeing you.


I invited Bill and Andy to the party, but neither of them came.


Both of my parents work, so I'm alone during the day.

(6) 彼らは皆独特の個性を持っている。

Every student has a unique character.


I like none of these shirts. Please show me some others.


(1) 何か他に質問がありますか。

Do you have any other question?

(2) 星占いを信じる人もいれば信じない人もいる。

Some believe in astrology and others don't.

(3) いつでも好きな時にお越しください。

Please come any time you like.

(4) 彼は他人が自分のことをどう思っているのか気にしない。

He doesn't care a bit what others think about him.

(5) キャプテンは新しいメンバーの一人ひとりに自己紹介するように頼んだ。

The captain asked each of the new members to introduce them-selves.

(6) このCDを両方とも土曜日までに返さなければならない。

I have to return both of these CDs by Saturday.

(7) この機械の使い方をお二人のどちらかご存知ですか。

Do either of you know how to use this machine?

(8) 私たちの二人ともコンテストには参加できません。

Neither of us are able to take part in the contest.




Edelweiss is a flower native to the Alps.


There is nothing interesting in this weekly magazine.


I'm looking for someone interested in astrology.


Look at the sky full of brightly colored a fire works.


I'd like to eat something unique to this area.



John was aware that Linda was lying.


Bob is ready to take you to the airport.


My sister is pleased with the new house.


Don't be afraid of making mistakes.


I'm sure of him passing the exam.


Jim is dependent on his parents for his living.


(1)あきらめるな。 まだこの問題に取り組む時間が少しある。

Don't give up. You still have a little time to work on this problem.


I don't have much money with me.

(3)彼は自分の思う通りにふるまう。 他人が言うことはほとんど注意を払わない。

He goes his own way. He pays little attention to what other people are saying.


I need to stop at the store for a few things.


I have little, if any, hope.



He is seldom late for school.


I've always wanted to go to Scotland.


Luckily, I was in time for the last train.


It began to rain just as I was going out.


You got up very early yesterday, didn't you?




It was so dark that I could hardly see.

b) 私はとても一生懸命に泳ぐ努力をしてきた。 今ではほとんどどこででも泳げる。

I have tried very hard to swim. Now I can swim almost anywhere.


a) あなたはもっとはっきりと話さなければならない。

You must speak more clearly.

b) 明らかに君は間違っている。

Clearly, you are in the wrong.


a) 兄は昨夜とても遅くに帰宅した。

My brother came home very late last night.

b) 私は最近家にいない。

I haven't been home lately.


a) 通りを横断していた時,あやうく車にひかれるところだった。

I was nearly hit by a car while I was crossing the street.

b) 春休みが近づいている。

Spring vacation is drawing near.




What time does the bus for Tokyo leave?


The little boy was sitting on his father's shoulders.


There are a lot of mistakes in your essay.


I was moved by the last scene of the movie.

(5) 成田空港から東京ディズニーランドまでバスで行くとどれくらい時間がかかりますか。

How long will it take to go by bus from Narita Airport to Tokyo Disney-land?


She and I sat down at the corner table and asked for coffee.


There're some books on the table.


My father retired at the end of March.


This temple was built in the eighth century.


I was a member of the volleyball club.


(1)犬は門の下をすり抜け, 庭の中に駆け込んだ。

The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the garden.


It was four degrees above zero this morning.


He got angry and told me to get out of his room.


The magician put a handkerchief over the glass.


My score in mathematics was far below the class average.

(6) ピーターは茶色のジャケットの下に新しいTシャツを着ていた。

Peter wore a new T-shirt under his brown jacket.


That girl raised the cat over her head.



Some guests came toward me.

(2)君はなんて不注意な運転をするんだ。 さっき赤信号を通り抜けた。

What a careless driver you are! You drove through a red light just now.

(3) 子どもの頃よくその川を泳いで渡ったものだ。

I would often swim across the river when I was a child.


Do you know the girl standing by the window?


"The Twilight Express" went along the coast of the Japan Sea.



She wore a red scarf around her neck.


I'll visit your office between two and three o'clock.


The man hid behind a tree.


Just beyond my backyard was a quiet apple orchard.


That singer is popular among young people.



We stayed at the hotel for three nights.


I'll finish the report by the day after tomorrow.


She will stay here until next Friday.


Let's meet during your stay in Tokyo.

(5) 彼らは6時前に帰宅した。

They got home before six o'clock.




I trust Oliver very much, for we have been friends for twenty years.


Ann and Cathy are sisters, but they don't look alike.


The road is slippery, so you had better drive carefully.


Shall I help you, or will you do it by yourself?


Tom belongs to the soccer club, and he practices hard every day.



Go along this street, and you'll soon see the library on your right.


Have a good rest, or you'll make a serious mistake.


I don't like either carrots or tomatoes.


She gave the poor family not only clothes but also food.



Either you or Bill has to take part in the meeting.


Nancy can speak neither German nor French.


The singer is very popular both at home and abroad.


Not only the children but also their father enjoys playing this computer game.



One more step, and I would have fallen off the cliff.


How would you like your coffee, black or white?


I had neither the time nor the patience to discuss the problem with them.


Susie is very nervous, so you should be careful in what you say to her.



Take the 8:30 train, and you'll be in time for class.


My car is very old, but it is very reliable.


My grandfather usually spends Sundays either gardening or playing golf.


In Canada, they use not only English but also French.




I have no doubt that she is innocent.


The fact is that he is seriously sick.


It doesn't matter whether you win or lose.


It is very important that parents try to listen to what their children say.


The girl asked me if I knew the way to the flower shop.



I'll write to you as soon as I arrive in Rome.


I would often go fishing when I was young.


You must stay at home until you get well.


Alice looked after my dog while I was away on a trip.


They began to climb the mountain before the sun rose.


It has been ten years since she went back to her country.


After she finished the cleaning, she went to the movies with her friend.


As children grow older, they become more independent of their parents.



No sooner had my father hung up than he remembered what he wanted to say.


You have to finish your homework by the time I get back.


Every time my grandson sees me, he asks me to buy him a toy.



It is no wonder that he is angry with them.


Scarcely had I got off the bus when I noticed I had left my shopping bag behind.


The moment I reached my room, the telephone rang.



It is certain that they are responsible for this terrible accident.


His success depends on whether he does his best.


The moment I saw her face, I felt something was wrong with her.


Brenda started to make excuses as soon as she met her teacher.




Although winters in Britain are cold and there is usually snow, there are very few ski resorts.


As I told you before, you have to take all those courses.


Since these cups can break easily, you must handle them with care.


Now that the war is over, we can enjoy a life of peace again.


I couldn't meet him at the station because my car ran out of gas.


Unless I'm mistaken, the meeting starts at three.


Young as she is, she has a strong sense of responsibility.


If you have any trouble, please feel free to call me.



Whether they are rich or poor, people must be treated equally.


I'll go out even if it rains.


As far as the climate is concerned, Greece is a comfort-able country to live in.


Though it was raining, Alice went out without an umbrella.


You can use this room as long as I'm here.



He worked all night so that he could get the job done in time.


Any book will do as long as it is interesting.


Richard studies so hard that he does well at school.


It was such a heavy box that I couldn't carry it to my desk.


Be sure to take a map in case you get lost.



Strange as it may sound, love and hatred are closely related.


This island is so small that it takes no more than a day to drive around it.


Unless George stops smoking, he will run the risk of getting lung cancer.


No matter how tired I am, I find time to play with my children.


Once you press the enter key, you can't change your decision.


Don't touch my desk; leave it as it is.
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