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Dear Kiya,
aka the love of my life <3;
in the past year and a half, (exactly 547 days, 18 months, or 1.5 years)
you have completely changed my life, we started off rough,
and for a long time it was like that, and yeah, it was all my fault.
but we're past that now, and i cant tell you how happy i am that we are.
you've changed my life, i went from some weirdo, who spends more of his time playing video games and talking to hoes, than anything else in his life,
to some weirdo, who is madly in love with this girl named Kiya, and doesnt want anything more than to make her as happy as she makes him.
and im soooooooososososooo happy you've pushed me to make that change,
like, i dont know where id be now, or what id be doing if you hadn't helped me change.
honestly, i would never have changed from that self centered dick if you didnt give me a reason to.
That reason is love, now, i know that sounds corny as balls,
its the truth. id you hadn't made me fall in love with you like you did,
i would be the same way i was.
im not really sure why it took me so long to realize what i had, but im telling you right now,
if i had one wish, with no limits, i could wish for anything in the whole wide world,
that would be the first thing i would wish for.
but, for whatever reason you decided to stay with me, through all the shit i put you through, and i am so, soso beyond happy that you did stay by my side,
and because of that, im going to do the same for you, until the day i die, and even afterwords, ill always be there Kiya.
some people have told me, that "statistically speaking, you're not going to last"
but when i heard them say that, all i could think was
"if we've made it this far, through all of this shit, we can make it through anything"
anyways, ive kind of gotten off track..
so, Kiya, i am so sorry that i put you through so much, but we're together now,
and nothing is going to change that.
once i made my "change", we were off to an amazing start,
that happened in abouttt, the second to last semester of 8th grade,
and ever since then ive been the happiest ive ever been <3
after i made the change, art class was still kind of awkward, because we sat sooo farr from each other,
but once we were in gym, those were the dayyysss,
us playing basketball together, even though we were both pretttyyy bad, made me smile soo much.
and seeing you smile everyday, and laugh, and just being happy,
made me soo happy, because i knew that i was the reason you were happy <3
once summer came, i came to your house at leaaaasssstttt 3 or even 4 times a week,
and that was sooo soo fun, i love spending time with you and your family <3
the time we went tubing was sooo much funnn <3
and the food was greaattt, and every second that i spent with you made me more and more happy <3
just being able to come over, and cuddle with you, and paint your nails, and laugh, and watch movies, and kiss, and eat, and talk to your family, all just made me feel so welcome in your home <3
it made me feel like i was really a part of the family <3
i never really realized how much every little detail meant to me until now,
everytime you did your hair, everytime you tried to make me smile, everytime you fell asleep in my arms, everytime you kissed me, everytime you told me everything was going to be okay,
i think about it so much, you try so hard to make me happy, and thats why i try just as hard to make you happy, because you deserve just that, to be happy, and satisfied <3
there isnt anything better than falling in love,
especially with someone who not only loves you as much as you love them, but also loves you enough to push you, and challenge you to do better for yourself.
thats something ive come to love so much about you Kiya, youre always wanting me to do better, youre always telling me to do what you think is best, when you know im not doing the right thing.
youre always there telling me to do better, when i am satisfied.
thats something i can only say for you and a few other people, such as my mom and other family members,
but never anyone who isnt related to me, until you.
you really do care, more than just as a girlfriend, but you care like how a parent would,
and thats one of the many, manymanymanymany, reasons why i love you. <3
lets talk about our trip,
i think everyone and their mother knows that we are going to florida,
im not sure when anymore, it was supposed to be in the summer, but it got moved,
but, we are going to freeking florida together, regardless of when,
not many couples at the age of 14 can say that, and i wanna thank our moms for letting it happen,
i cant wait to spend a whole week with you, its going to be the best time of my life,
after we found out the news that we might go during the summer, you started coming to my house, so that you could get used to my family, and not have to worry about being shy while we are in florida,
little did we know, that you were going to fit right in, and im so glad that you have,
i think youre still a little bit shy, but, its cute <3,
just like how i felt like i was a part of the family at your house,
you are the exact same way. we all love you here, especially me of course <3
but so does Meadow, Rosy and my mom,
man, do they love the shit out of you.
you are literally family,
we all love you here, i cant even count how many times ive smiled, or laughed, or just stared at you, because you looked completely gorgeous, in just one time that you come over, i cant imagine how many times it would be if i tried to count the number that ive accumulated over all of the times that ive came over to your house, or youve came over to mine.
nobody has ever made me as happy as i am, because of you.
youve changed my life Kiya,
i dont know what i would do without you.
school is starting, and i remember us talking about how scared you were,
and about how you thought it was going to be hard, and dont get me wrong, i think it will be too,
but you know what? we can get through it, im going to help you, and you will help me <3
ive never been so confident about school in my life,
but i know im going to love every second of it, because every second im going to be thinking about how im doing all of this for our future,
so i can support the family we will have one day,
you make me so happy Kiya.
we're going to go far in life, together <3
i love you, so much my queen <3
Dear Kiya,
aka my baby <3;
so, day two of typing this thing, and i already know youre going to love it..
i just told you goodnight, and that i love you, so i guess its not really day two? but whatever,
i couldnt sleep, so i decided to work on this,
today was rough, we argued a lot, but by the time bedtime came, we were telling each other how perfect we both are, and that we love each other,
i actually showed you some of this, and you said it was great, (youre probably remembering it right now) so i knowwww youre going to be crying by now <3
anyways, thats off trackkk,
baby, you are so amazing,
literally everything you do makes me smile so much, from the littlest things, like saying 'soso much', to the bigger things, like sending me selfies, weather you think they are good or not.
i always know they are going to be good though, youre abso-freeking-lutely gorgeous.
you are the most gorgeous girl ive ever seen,
and you might think "oh, he's just saying that, i've seen prettier"
well, youre wrong, im saying it because thats the truth
youre the most gorgeous girl ive ever seen, in my life.
not just gorgeous as in beauty, but that too,
gorgeous as in, love, happiness, a future, a heart, and yes, beauty.
thats why youre the most gorgeous girl ive ever seen <3
because you were made for me, like how i was made for you,
to others you might not be, but to me, you are perfect.
and thats good, because if everyone else knew how amazing you were, everyone would try to talk to you.
i love you so much, and im so glad that i met you when i did,
because i dont know how i managed to live without you for so long,
i met you when i was 13, that means 13 years with no Kiya,
i dont know howwww i did it,
i dont know howwww anyone does it,
everyone needs a Kiya in their life, you honestly make everything better,
any time ive ever been sad, or upset, you were there to tell me everything will be better, and that you love me. <3
that means a lot more than you might think it does baby, without you being there there's a lot of stuff i wouldnt have got through as easily as i did with you.
basically what im trying to say is, im beyond grateful for you, and everything you do.
you make me so happy Kiya, i say this literally all the time, but its the truth, you make me soso happy. <3
i cant wait for you to see all of this baby, i know youre going to be sooo happy <3
so babe, i dont know if youve realized, but even when we're fighting, or arguing,
i never dont say "i love you"
because i cant imagine you letting you forget that even for a second,
because if i let you forget that i love you, even for a second, then im doing something reallllyyy wrong, so even when we're mad, and are being short, i have to say i love you.
and that brings me to another topic,
i know you love me too.
why? because you tell me so much, you try to make sure i know, and i can tell, you prove it with your actions, and with your words, and it just makes me sooo happy that you love me as much as i love you,
you can ask my mom, or meadow, or even my dad, i talk about you all the time,
ive even sat down with meadow and tried to explain to her how much i love you, and just wound up getting watery eyed, because i knew that i was truly in love,
to be honest, its happening again as im typing this, its still four days until 1 1/2 years, but, i felt like i needed a couple of days head start, so that i could write as much as you deserve <3
hopefully i write a lot, and it doesnt get repetitive, because i have a lot to say.
remember when we were at your house on new years? and we played uno with your mom, and cuddled and watched harry potter,
then kissed when the ball dropped?
or remember that time when we went to the outdoor movie with Morgan and Terris, and the next day went to a regular movie and saw Jurassic World?
orrrr remember all of those times after my game where we stayed to watch your brothers, so we could spend more time together?
every single one of these things made me soso happy,
and these are only a few memories, we have had sooo many, and we still have many many many more to come <3
my favorite memory with you so far, is probably that one time, when we were sitting in your room, and you went up to get a drink of water,
and i was staring at you, because you looked truly beautiful, and you looked at me, and once we made eye contact, we started laughing, and couldnt stop for like 5minutes,
i still think about that to this day, and that was a month or so ago,
i would never be able to share a moment like that with someone i didnt truly love.
i do truly love you Kiya, with all of my heart <3
another memory we have together, one of the funnier and most recent ones, is when we were sitting on your bed, and we were laughing about something,
and all of this sudden, you start grunting, and it was really funny, but the funniest thing was when afterwards when you fartedddd,
it was so cute, and so funny, and we still talk about itttt
im never going to let you live that down baby,
but its okay, because about a week before that, i did the exact same thing, just with less gruntinggg.
what im tryinngggggg to sayyyyy hereeeeee is that we have a lot of memories together that we've made just this summer, and this didnt even scratch the surface of them,
and we are going to make sooo manyyy more throughout highschool, and the rest of our lives <3
i love you so much Kiya, so much <3
i think i can actually fall asleep now, so goodnight my queen <3
Dear Kiya,
aka my queen <3;
it's day three, with three more days until one and a half years <3
im sooooooooooooo excited bae <3 i love you sooooo much <3

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