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10 Awesome Minecraft Seeds For Xbox One

I'm here to try and find the top seeds for Minecraft on Xbox One so that us console gamers don't feel at all. I found some weird seeds, incredible survival seeds, and nearly every seed a budding Minecraft player could possibly want. Here are a few of the most popular seeds available for the Xbox One version of the game!

Spawn close to a beach full of islands and biomes

Seed: -289973135

This seed has plenty of awesome little islands ripe for the construction of your dream mansions or idols of your favorite cereal mascots or statues of your Great Aunt Bertha right into the mountainsides. This seed is a fantastic choice for those looking to build amazing places and discover the world.

In addition to the building materials, the main beach has an abundant population of sheep, horses and pigs that can help you start your own petting zoo on the island. This is what people play the game, isn't it?

Seed with 3 water temples, and a village

Seed: 1152285461

Just at the spawn, there are two water temples, and another one is located elsewhere on the map. The seed also has a bonafide mesa biome and the village. This is an interesting seed that is worth checking out.

Location of Water Temples:

- X 263 and Z 359 -X 137, Z 233, X Z233 -X -250, Z 244

Amazing achievements in seed farming

Seed reaper

If you're looking to increase your Gamerscore, then Minecraft isn't such a bad game to use as it offers a wide range of simple achievements that even younger kids can easily achieve.

This seed is full of resources that anyone seeking to achieve would willingly sacrifice his unborn child to get. To name some, this seed has three villages, two blacksmiths, strongholds near spawn, and a wealth of resources close to the spawn. Minecraft This seed is great for farming Gamerscore or simply looking for a good seed.

All biomes, mushrooms islands and more are planted

Seed: Duke Leto II

This seed includes every biome in the game and has some really interesting scenery to boot. It's got amazing lava flows, huge snow biomes and mushroom islands. There's also a ton of cool things to see.

If you are looking for an average seed with no real gimmicks, then give this seed a shot.

Seed with every biome and every structure in the game

Seed: -2878103199665976685

Are you fed up of looking through endless lists of badly written Minecraft seedlists in order to have a good Minecraft experience? This seed contains everything you require in a Minecraft world.

This seed has every biome, every kind of dungeon, and each structure known to the Minecraft world; all it's missing are the pearly white gates of heaven, but who knows that the next patch may come with an authentic skin pack.

Near a plethora of diamonds

Seed: -2009079104

If becoming a brutal diamond warlord in Africa isn't really your thing but you've been drawn to shiny stones, then you may consider checking this seed out. There are three diamond mine locations that are close to the spawning point so you can get back to building your base and frightening the pigs you keep in the basement. Who thought that Minecraft was only for kids?

Here's the coordinates for those delicious diamonds:

- X 139, Y 17, Z 254 - X 156, Y 14, Z 268 Z 268 15, Z 52

Find a great area for a survival island to plant seeds

Seed: -9089409167323528152

Be your own Tom Hanks in this epic castaway adventure! This seed comes with an island that is useful in survival mode. Craft your own Wilson and create your own dentistry with this amazing seed. Check it out!

All biomes and 9 villages close to spawning are available for seed

Seed: 7022332759775054181

This seed is a real paradise for Minecraft seed; every single biome and nine villages are within 2,000 distance from the spawning point. If you're looking to be a lone survivor man, and fight the elements or simply build something amazing, this world is your oyster and can provide everything the growing Minecraft player requires. This Minecraft seed is fair and balanced.

Spawn near five villages and two desert temples

Seed: -9065479248748140566

Have you ever wished to play Indiana Jones and wanted to be the ruthless master of a peaceful community of villager? This Minecraft seed will make your bizarre dreams come real!

This seed will spawn you near two temples and five villages in the desert.

You can plant seeds in snow and jungle biomes in close proximity to each other.

Seed: -126880078651571709

This one is an unusuality. It is a forest biome that is surrounded by the snowbiome. I'm not sure what the Minecraft gods were thinking when they came up with this seed up however, who can we doubt their intentions?

This seed also contains a variety of fantastic animal spawns and cave-dwelling villager villagers to hang out with and play games with. This is what friends are supposed to do, right?

These are the best Minecraft seeds for Xbox One. What other seeds have found that you think should be added to this list? Send us your feedback in the comments below and make sure to look over our Minecraft seeds list specially curated by our writers!

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