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Can-Spam Laws Help You?
The decision to rent email lists can often be one of the best decisions a niche marketer could make. However, it is also one of the hardest. Without an understanding of how these leads were collected, nurtured and in some cases hammered into spam email submission it is difficult to really know if your investment is yielding any results at all. Fortunately, this article will walk you through the process of renting email lists and hopefully make it easier for you down the road.

To rent email lists first you need to understand what is available on the market today. There are many ways to do this and they range from free sources on the internet, to more expensive marketing methods. Ultimately, for our purposes we will focus on free marketing sources that a niche marketer should be able to use with relative ease. If frescodata search for "list building" on a typical search engine, you will come up with literally thousands of sites that offer lists for rent. While this is great in theory, the truth is that more often than not these lists are old or outdated.

Many marketers fall victim to the free advertising trap. They flock to websites offering lists for "free", and in doing so they end up with the problem of spam. Spam is a problem in today's world and can harm your business in a variety of negative ways. If you choose to rent email lists, remember that you need to be careful of who you give your email addresses to. This is especially true if you plan on sending bulk emails out of your campaign.

Another thing to remember when renting your opt-out lists is that you should clearly define your opt-out criteria. In other words, you should tell your potential recipients how you intend on using their email address. For instance, if you intend on conducting email marketing campaigns only with regard to people who have actively opted in, then it would be best to tell your recipients where that people can find out about your mailing campaign. If you attempt to rent email lists using the standard opt-out method, you will find that a large majority of recipients will simply click "unsubscribe" and never receive your messages. As a result you will lose a good deal of opportunity to make sales.

One way that you can avoid the spam problems associated with opt-out lists is to institute some sort of permission-based email marketing system. If you create an email list that exclusively utilizes opt-in lists, you will greatly increase the chances of receiving messages from real people. However, because permission-based email marketing systems require recipients to provide valid contact information it will take some time before you can get a decent number of messages to your email addresses. Furthermore, those who are able to provide valid contact information may elect not to use any other lists you may offer. Because of these considerations it is preferable to rent email lists through a provider that provides you with contact information as well as an optional permission form.

It should also be noted that you do not want to use rented email lists that only provide your web site links in the signature section. In fact, if you conduct email marketing campaigns that consist solely of links then it would be pretty bad business. After all, it would pretty bad advertising for you if people believed that you were providing advertising for products or services when in actuality, you were simply sending people to web sites that contain nothing but product links. At the same time, you do not want to end up being the victim of spam complaints because someone found their web sites listed in your rented lists and complained because they felt like you were using them as your own. In addition, it would also be pretty bad public relations if you ended up being the target of spam filters because you used someone else's lists.

If you have a business that involves distributing emails to people, such as an accounting firm, then it would also behoove you to rent lists for your mailing list recipients. This way you can be sure that those individuals who will receive your emails actually want to receive them. They may not have recently been exposed to your products and services and if you are relying on this as a reason for why they have not yet responded, then you will only be opening yourself up to having those individuals to unsubscribe from your list. At the same time, if you have a mailing list consisting of both existing and potential clients you will only be wasting your time and resources are sending emails to people who have no interest in receiving your communications.

Renting email lists should never be done in a haphazard manner. The internet has changed in the past decade and it is constantly evolving. As a result, the rules that govern renting email lists have also changed. Don't make the mistake of assuming that just because an email address was registered to your company at one point in time that it will still be valid in today's market. In fact, some companies have actually been penalized for failing to keep these lists up to date and in compliance with anti-spamming laws. By staying on top of the rules and regulations governing marketing online, a company can be assured that it is acting in a proper manner that is in compliance with the standards set forth by the United States and Internet Registries.
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