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"Oh my gosh, why are you so annoying?" N dragged out every word as he said this "I have no idea how I put up with you." He looked at his friends and they started laughing like a bunch of idiots. "Yeah, so why haven't you broken up with me?" I spoke. N's friends started laughing again but N gave me a warning look. They knew I was joking...I was joking right? I mean no one ever took me seriously even when I wasn't kidding, so why did I feel so hurt now? I thought about what said to N the rest of the day and just when N's soccer practice had ended, I finally got my thoughts straight.
I was just on my way to talk to him when T got in my way. "Looking for me, Kitty?" he smiled down at me. " I'd rather gouge out my eyes than look at you." I smiled back at him. T just finished soccer practice too, so his shirt was soaked with sweat, which it just made it cling to him revealing the outline of his muscles-which of course I was not looking at. He was also the only guy I had to really look up at. Anyway... normally, I would stay and chat with him for a bit, but I really needed to find N "I need to talk to N, and you are kind of in my way right n so if you'll just-" "N doesn't want to talk to you right now." T said while taking a step-in front of me "Look, I don't know what you said to him, but he seems pretty ticked off about it at the I would just avoid him if I were you." He said this in a very decided voice. I took a deep breath "I know he doesn't want to see me, but I have to talk to him and clear thigs up." T looked at me for a minuet then stepped aside and said "Okay, but please be careful." I smiled at him again. "I will."
I walked up to N, trying to look confident, which is something I'm usually not good at. But this was finally something I knew I wanted, so I couldn't help but feel a little confident. "Hey, we need to talk about what I said earlier, I-" "You don't have to say anything K, I know you didn't mean it. So, let's just put it behind us, ok?" he looked at me sympathetically or was it mockingly...I never noticed until now, but N NEVER took me seriously. I started to get mad at myself. How had I dated this jerk until now? "That's the thing N. I DID mean what I said earlier." and now I said each word carefully "I don't want to date you anymore. Let's break up, ok?" N was starting at me...along with half the guys on his soccer team including T. Since when where they all listening? And watching. Had they been standing there the whole time? "Fine" My thoughts and head turned back to N. "You wanna Break up?" he continued to whisper; his voice was dangerously calm. "We can do that." He put his mouth close to my ear. "But just remember, you started this." Then he pushed past me and walked off.
I felt hand rest on my shoulder. I shudder and turned around to see T. "You ok their K?" he asked, I started to nod but I shrugged my shoulders instead. "Do you wanna go talk about it?" I nodded this time. and started to leave with T but before I knew what happed I was laying on my back on the ground, my arms hurting. I looked up. "So, you left me for some freckled freak!?" N yelled. I thought he had already left. "No, I left you because you don't care for anyone but yourself you jerk." I spat at him. Then my jaw started hurting along with my arms. Then my stomach too. I could barely breath. N had started punching me but then T got between us. "Who do you think you are!" N yelled at him, but T punched him in the face then stomach and kicked him to the ground. "How do YOU like it?" T asked him quietly. "Don't EVER touch her again. Because I promise I'll never go this easy on you again." T turned to me and carefully picked me up and walked off. "Easy. That was going easy? N can't even get up." I tried to laugh but it hurt my stomach. T smiled "Let's just focus on you right now."
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