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Bitcoin as the world's reserve currency: is it feasible or likely?

This financial structure is close to the point of collapsing, and this world reserve currency - the US dollar, keeps falling every year. Does this mean that the that the current system will soon come to an end and that the world will require some sort of new world reserve currency?

Bitcoin and blockchain have changed the world of finance and offer the best solution for traditional finances tied to and controlled by rich countries and individuals.

What is bitcoin?

When it comes to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is the unrivaled supreme king in the top spot. The origins of bitcoin go back to 2008 when it was invented by the pseudonymous programmers named Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency.

The method used by cryptocurrency is placing transactions into a distributed ledger , also known as the blockchain. The legitimacy and security of these transactions is checked with cryptography.

Bitcoin is used as a currency as well as a storage of worth, similar to gold. Since when it was launched it's price has increased by a significant margin. When a bitcoin is divided in 8 decimals this is known as a Satoshi. Presently, the cost of a bitcoin is $20780 USD, and it may have even reached $64400 USD a few times.

What cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are can do is truly astonishing.

creating pathways to decentralized finance as well as a way to protect economies from the threat of inflation, and working against authoritative Internet monopolies and allowing for advanced technology are a few them.

Reserve Currencies

Reserve currency refers to any currency that is maintained in large numbers and is maintained by major financial institutions. These currencies are utilized to influence global exchange rates, investments or debt obligations, and even trade transactions.

The largest reserve currency as of now is the US dollar.

It is because many products like gold receive their value from USD. The dominance of USD is massive, with 58.81 percent of global reserve of fiat under their names. This race's runner-up will be Euro with 20.64%. Prior to the time that USD gained the lead however, the British pound was considered to be the largest reserve currency right up to the year 1925.

Many economists and financial experts are of the opinion that the time span of a dominant currency is around 100 years. They additionally suggest that the power of the USD is now in its final decades and will begin to fall off.

Numerous reasons can result in the dominant reserve currency getting rid of. War, inflation, conquest as well as the formation of alliances, as well as excessive money printing are just a few of the reasons. Since we are familiar with reserve currencies today lets take a look at how the USD became so strong.

World's dominant currency US Dollar

One of the main reasons for increasing the USD was the events that occurred during World War 1. In that time, allies were caught and had to go to the USA to purchase their crucial supply of war materials. They purchased these supplies with large amounts of gold. This allowed us in the USA to grow to the biggest gold-bearing nation in the world.

This gold was an important source of power in backing the power of the US dollar. The dollar was strong even in World War 2, the US had the strongest economy and its rivals had to concentrate on fighting. Additionally, the damage that the war caused to cities that were industrialized in those countries would also benefit the USD.

This led to countries depending on the US for funds to increase their dependence. A lot of countries applied on loans to the US and the US complied with low interests. Because of this, when the wars were over, the USA as well as USD were the best in the world in terms of financial standing.

The Dollar replacing gold

In 1971 in 1971, US began printing money at a high rate to aid their war efforts in Vietnam. This put other countries on the defensive, and they started to convert their dollars back into gold. This led the acting president and, later, President Nixon to break the bonds between gold from the USD.

Even after removing gold, USD is still the main currency due to the amounts the other countries had accumulated. Although not as robust when it was first introduced, USD is now primarily supported by US Treasuries.

The decline of the Dollar

Decoupling with gold was one of the first step towards the declining of the US dollar. The fall began to accelerate even more after the 2008 financial crisis and the Covid-19 disease in 2020.

It is believed that the Federal Reserve System and the US government had to agree to an emergency bailout of $7.77 trillion for the economic downturn to safeguard the banking system. The figure climbed to $9 trillion during the outbreak of covids, as well as the value continues to rise.

From everything that happened in 1971 and the scourge of excess money and inflation, printing will make a difference to the worth of any currency. Countries such as China or Russia have already begun looking into alternative currencies and even working to create Central Bank Digital Currencies.

The problem with a national reserves base currency lies in the strength that it grants the country that is the owner and the associated currency. USD is an excellent illustration of this. Many countries have already spoken out about worries about the ways in which the US has armed itself against the Dollar.

If, for instance, the wire transfer is made in USD requires settlement, it requires approval from a US bank. If they want to not to accept the payment, the US can prohibit these payments. It is also another reason that could lead to an economic collapse of US dollar.

When gold was separated from the USD and the USD, the gold price was not even close to reaching its original value and was able to decrease. The USA was transformed from the largest creditor in world to becoming the one with the highest debt and trade deficit.

The Rise of the Bitcoin

As the inevitable fall of the US dollar, nations are beginning to move away from the reliance on dollar. Paraguay as well as Argentina have already begun using Bitcoin to settle their export agreements.

In the meantime certain countries such as Venezuela are allowing bitcoin in worldwide and domestic trade. Furthermore, federal reserve digital currency 2021 and South America have become crypto-friendly, while Malaysian officials are taking legal action in order to make bitcoin a legal currency.

A proposal from China and Russia in 2009 proposes in 2009 that world leaders should be able to replace USD as the reserve currency , and search for a currency with zero ties with any country.

The closest thing we have to an actual currency that we currently have is bitcoin. Furthermore, Russia recently even stated the willingness to accept bitcoin as payment for oil-related resources such as.

The adoption rate and the price of bitcoin has soared from the time it was first introduced. Although it has experienced the price drop in recent times due to the outbreak, experts have suggested that the future of bitcoin is steady and may even surpass the $100 000 USD price soon.

Will Bitcoin become the new Dollar?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that has no owners. It is therefore safe from authorities using it to their own purposes. If the reserve currency not owned by any government the chance of a country using it as a way to gain influence is not a possibility anymore.

A second important point is that every fiat currency we have ever had to use has failed. It's not just the British Pound, which was the most effective currency decreased its purchasing power by 99.5 percent.

Incidents such as inflation caused by excess money printing cannot happen with bitcoin as it has a limit on supply at 21 million. In addition bitcoin is more secure and transparent and can be transferred more quickly at an incredibly low cost.

Since it's an uncentralized currency it is impossible for anyone to prevent, limit, or manage bitcoin's supply to ensure that they get the profits. Additionally, Bitcoin is an ultra-portable cash that's easy transport anywhere, unlike other value-based currencies like gold or cash.

In addition, it is the only currency that is durable versatile, portable, divisible uniform, and scarce, which is a hallmark of an asset that's viable.

The best thing about bitcoin is that, while fiat currencies are subject to inflation, bitcoin can enjoy deflation. As an example, what we could buy for $100 is more than 2022 compared with what we can buy with the same amount earlier in the year 1950. On the other hand, what we can get for 1 Bitcoin for 2022 is unimaginably excessive when compared to what we could buy for the similar amount of the year 2011.

A different term commonly used in this area is the term "Sound money" which is a reference to currencies that do not have the potential for unexpected appreciation or decrease in value. Although digital currencies may not gain widespread acceptance, Bitcoin may be the most sounding money available right now.

In a world where a country doesn't get affected by inflation, the lifestyle and quality in the lives of citizens are guaranteed to improve. In light of all this there is no possibility , but it is only a matter of time until bitcoin can take over.

The World on Bitcoin

If we were to have bitcoin as the central currency, the picture would be quite differently from what we're experiencing now. A world without bitcoin would mean that is free of inflation or centralised authorities manipulating currencies for their benefit.

Fairer distributions of finance and a lessening of the gap in wealth will lead to less mistrust between the nations and individuals. In the past A sound system of money in the market is bound to make a difference in the way people live.

Abatements in corporate bailouts and borrowing money based on promises will make sure to raise the corporate and financial responsibility that companies and governments have.

In addition, bitcoin could make a difference to the global equity markets .

Why isn't it easy?

Although this sounds lovely and lovely, the transformations that are required to take place before this can happen aren't easy. global reserve currency is greed humankind has to defeat to ensure a better future for everyone. No matter if it's for money or to hold power, all greed does creates negative consequences for all those around them.

A popular saying states "don't change what's working" Many people fear a huge shift like this. Although the current system for currency may seem like working but that's only a little in the process of being in danger of collapse. The task of removing people from this mindset is an additional challenge that we will have to take on.

Although most people are aware of what bitcoin is and how simple it is to grasp but many feel that the entire concept is complicated but are hesitant to be out about it.

Large reserves held by governments in USD is another factor that hinders the transition towards bitcoin. In the event that a new currency develops and takes over these countries, they'll drop millions of dollars, and possibly billions of USD. This is why it's simple to understand why they're so reluctant toward new changing currencies.

The Bitcoin liquidity as well as nations that launch New Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) also slows the pace of change. Comparing federal reserve digital currency 2021 to the USD the bitcoin liquidity is significantly lower. Also, CBDCs of the future take advantage of the potential of bitcoin. Even if the majority of people know the meaning of bitcoin and what it is, people who are less knowledgeable are more likely to opt for their country's CBDCs over bitcoin.

Even though these indicators show that the potential of bitcoin as the reserve currency remains uncertain yet, there are positive aspects. The high levels of Bitcoin acceptance around the world, and countries trying to lead the race in blockchain and have the most cryptos are aiding this course.


The proper implementation of bitcoin will surely benefit the human race. If it becomes the primary currency throughout the world this will resolve issues such as currency centralization and inflation and will level the playing field. It will also assist in improving the living conditions for the citizens, leading towards a more functional economy.

A great way to heal the current world that is corrupt is through the introduction of a better reserve currency. Since bitcoin is among the most impactful, innovative and adaptable currencies in the world, there is any other choice better than it.

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