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Bitcoin as a world reserve currency. Is it possible? plausible?

A financial system that is currently in place is nearing the point of collapsing and its reserve currency - the US dollar -- keeps falling every year. Does this mean that the that the current system will soon come to an end, and the world will require an alternative world reserve currency?

Blockchain and bitcoin have already revolutionized financial markets and are the best options for traditional financial institutions that are tied to and controlled by rich nations and even by ordinary people.

What is bitcoin?

If it's about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the unrivaled ruler sitting at the top spot. The concept of bitcoin dates all the way back to 2008 by an anonymous programmer whose name was Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency.

The way in which cryptocurrency work is by sharing and storing transactions in an unidirectional ledger called the blockchain. The security and the legitimacy of these transactions are confirmed using cryptography.

Bitcoin is used to exchange currency in addition to a store with value comparable to gold. This is because since it's release that the cost of bitcoin has gone up by a huge margin. When a bitcoin is divided up into 8 decimals, that is called a Satoshi. At the moment, the price for one bitcoin is $20780 USD, and it even reached a price of $64400 USD at one point.

What cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are capable of is simply amazing.

The creation of pathways to decentralized finance to save economies from inflation, battling authoritative Internet monopolies, and opening ways for advanced technology are a few them.

Reserve Currencies

The term "reserve currency," refers to any currency that is that is held in large quantities and maintained by major financial institutions. Reserved currencies are used to control international exchange rates, investments loans, investment portfolios, and sometimes even transactions in trade.

The most important reserve currency in the moment remains the US dollar.

It is because many commodities like gold get their value in USD. The dominance of the USD is enormous, with 58.81 percent of the world's reserve of fiat assets in 2021 to their name. The third place finisher are Euro with 20.64 percent. Prior to the time that USD overtook the list however, the British pound was the top reserve currency, up to 1925.

Many economists and financial experts are of the opinion that the time span of a dominant currency is roughly 100 years. usd reserve currency add that the dominance of the USD is nearing its end years , and that it will begin to diminish.

Many factors can contribute to a dominant reserve currency dropping its importance. Conquest, war, inflation and the formation and development of new alliances and the excessive printing are among the causes. Since we're aware of reserve currencies now and we're looking at the process by which the USD developed into a strong currency.

US Dollar

The major reason for the rise of the USD was the circumstances of World War 1. During this time, allies got cornered and had have to look to the USA for their badly needed War supplies. They then payed for the supplies with vast quantities of gold. reserve currency definition allowed that the USA rise to becoming the biggest holders of gold in world.

This gold was a significant engine behind the strength of the US dollar. And even during World War 2, the US was the world's largest economy and its competitors had to focus on war. Furthermore, the destruction caused by the war to cities that were industrialized in those countries will also be beneficial to the USD.

It led to countries being dependent on the US to obtain funds more. Additionally, many countries applied on loans to the US and the US accepted loans with low interest rates. Because of this, when the wars ended, USA along with the USD were the best in the world financially.

The Dollar is replacing gold

In 1971 In 1971, US began to print money at a higher rate to support their war efforts in Vietnam. This made other countries cautious and they began changing their dollars back to gold. This was a signal to the acting president then, President Nixon to dissociate gold from the USD.

After the demise of gold, USD continues to be the dominant one due to the massive amounts which other countries have amassed. Even though not as strong in the past, USD is now primarily supported by US treasuries.

The decline of the Dollar

Decoupling with gold was some of the first steps toward the devaluation of US dollar. The decline began to accelerate by the financial crisis of 2008 and the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020.

It is believed that the Federal Reserve System and the US government were required to provide an emergency bailout of $7.77 trillion for the economic crisis to secure our financial system. The value was raised to $9 trillion in the time of the covid pandemic and continues to increase.

From the events that occurred in 1971 through the pandemic, high inflation and excessive cash, printing will certainly reduce the value of any currency. Countries like China and Russia have already started the search for alternative currencies , and are working in the direction of creating Central Bank Digital Currencies.

The problem with a national currency being the reserve base currency lies in the strength that it grants the country that is the owner for the currency. USD is an excellent example of it. A number of countries have already spoken out about worries about how the US has been able to use the Dollar as a weapon.

For example, if a wire transfer with USD needs settling, it requires clearance from a US bank. If they select to settle, the US is able to prevent these payments from being refunded. reserve currency look is also a significant fact that will cause the devaluation of the US dollar.

Following the separation of gold from the USD It was never even close to reaching its original value and kept getting down. The USA changed from being the largest creditor in the globe to becoming the nation with the highest debt and trade deficit.

The Rise of the Bitcoin

With the inevitable collapse of the US dollar, nations are beginning to separate themselves from the reliance on dollar. Paraguay and Argentina have already begun to use Bitcoin to settle contracts for exports.

In the meantime certain countries such as Venezuela have permitted bitcoin to be used in commercial transactions both in the country and globally. Additionally, Central and South America are getting crypto-friendly, while Malaysian officials are taking legal steps to accept bitcoin.

A joint proposal by China and Russia in 2009 suggests to be able to replace USD as an official reserve currency. Also, it is recommended to search for a reserve currency that has no connection to any other country.

The closest thing we have to the kind of currency we currently have is bitcoin. Additionally, Russia recently even stated that they're willing accept bitcoin as a payment method to purchase oil and other resources.

The adoption rate and the price of bitcoin have gone up since its initial inception. Even though it's seen the price drop in recent times due to this pandemic, experts advise that the bitcoin future is stable and will even exceed the $100 000 USD mark very soon.

Will Bitcoin be able to replace the Dollar?

Bitcoin is an online currency with no owners. This eliminates the potential for authorities using it for their own gain. Since the reserve currency is non-owned by any country the chance of the country using it in order to gain advantage is not possible.

Another significant fact is that every fiat currency we've ever encountered has failed. inflation excessive money 's not just the British Pound, which was the most effective currency had its value decrease by 99.5 percent.

Ailments like inflation due to over printing of money cannot occur in bitcoin, since it has an available limit of 21 million. Furthermore bitcoin is more secure in its transparency and can be transferred faster, at half the cost of fiat's price.

Because it's a decentralized currency There is no one to be able to stop, limit or control bitcoin's value to gain more of the revenue. In addition, Bitcoin is an ultra-portable cryptocurrency that's possible to take anywhere, unlike the other types of value holders such gold or cash.

Furthermore, it is the only currency which is durable that is portable, portable and divisible. It is also uniform, and scarce, which are all characteristics of an asset that is viable.

One of the advantages of bitcoin is that, while traditional currencies suffer from inflation, bitcoin enjoys deflation. As an example, what we can purchase for $100 is more than 2022 comparison to what you could buy with the same amount at the time of 1950. What we can get for 1 Bitcoin in 2022 is shockingly higher when compared with the same amount in 2011.

Another popular phrase in this area is the term "Sound money" which refers to currency that aren't subjected to sudden appreciation or depreciation in value. Although digital currencies may not get wide acceptance, Bitcoin could be the most convincing money available in the present.

If a country does not get directly affected by inflation level of living and the overall quality of life for its citizens is sure to improve. If you take into account all this it's not a possibility , but it is only a matter of time before bitcoin comes into the picture.

Bitcoin: The World on Bitcoin

If we had bitcoin as the currency of reserve, it would appear very more different from what people are experiencing now. A world without bitcoin would mean that is free of inflation or centralised authorities manipulating currencies to benefit themselves.

Fairer distributions of finance and a lessening of the gap in wealth could increase trust between both nations and the people. bitcoin reserve currency have already discussed having a sound financial system inside the economy is sure to enhance the way that people live their lives.

Reduced corporate bailouts and borrowing funds based on promises will raise the corporate and financial accountability of both the government and business.

Bitcoin can also improve the balance of equity markets around the world.

Why can't it be as simple?

Though this all sounds nice and wonderful, the changes that are required to take place for this to be a reality aren't as simple. Greed is the biggest tackle that humanity must face in order to secure a better future for humanity in general. Be it for wealth or to be able to control power, the only thing greed can do results in bad outcomes for the people around them.

According to the old saying "don't change what's working" Many people are worried about a large shift like this. Even though the current currency system seems to work however it's only working, and it is in danger of collapse. Removing people from this mentality is another tackle we must over come.

Although most people are aware of the meaning of bitcoin and how simple it is to grasp, many think that the entire concept is complicated and are hesitant to become more transparent about it.

Governments holding large reserves in USD is another cause which slows down the shift toward bitcoin. Should a brand new currency gain momentum and is adopted the hoarding nations, they will experience losses of millions, even billions in USD. This is why it's simple to see why they are unwilling to accept new currency exchanges.

The Bitcoin liquidity as well as countries coming out with newly created Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) also slows the pace of change. When compared with USD and the USD, the liquidity of bitcoin is far less. Also, CBDCs of the future additionally benefit from the possibility of bitcoin. Even if everyone knows the meaning of bitcoin but aren't fully aware, they're sure to choose their country's CBDCs over bitcoin.

While these are signs that the potential of bitcoin as the reserve currency is not so bright yet, there are positive aspects. There is a high level of Bitcoin adoption around the world and countries trying to lead the race to become a blockchain leader and have the largest cryptos are helping the course.


Proper implementation of bitcoin will surely benefit mankind. If it's the only reserve currency for the world the world, it will remove issues like centralization of the currency and inflation and also level the playing field. This will help in increasing the living conditions of the society leading to a stronger economy.

One way to help heal the current state of the world full of corruption is the introduction of a higher reserve currency. With bitcoin being one the most impactful, innovative and flexible currencies in the world today, we see any other choice better than it.

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