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Minecraft Snapshot 20w48a

Technical Changes in 20w48a

- Added a freezeDamage game rule that allows players to choose whether snow caused by powder causes freeze damage or not

Fixed bugs in 20w48a

MC-3615 - Lava and water are completely transparent at certain height levels MC-176614 - Swimming or doing certain actions make the player appear strange/doesn't have animations for swimming + doing certain actions MC-198864: World border does not render below y=0 and above y=255 MC-203602 - The Spyglass animation is incorrect when swimming MC-203645 - Spyglass wobbles when walking when it is in use MC-203824 - Strange hand animation when attacking and using spyglass at the same time MC-2053925 The items in the bundle disappear when you empty the bundle in the inventory when in Creative mode when the inventory is full MC-203951 - The elder guardian particle is moved when an elder guardian moves MC-204323 Inconsistency: Cutting copper blocks into slabs only yields 4 slabs instead of 6 MC-204424 - Using a spyglass while gliding with an elytra points the spyglass down in the third person view MC-205041 - Full leather armour doesn't prevent freezing damage MC-205069 - Powdered snow does not give you a frozen effects when you are in creative mode MC-205072 - Snow Ambient Effects can't appear correctly on the edges of a Powder Snow Block MC-205145 . Compass with no point at will spin quickly when it's in a the bundle. It is possible to make a map from an empty map, but it does not play any sound MC-205220. Chest closing sounds are synced with closing animations (MC-205321). TNT flashes can be transparent again in MC-205627. The mod for items does not change the visual appearance of an item in an item frame.

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