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Acne is an inflammatory response due to mostly incompatible/corrupt food, lifestyle patterns, lack of sunlight, and proper sleep. How I got rid of mine and helped others was via an elimination diet. Just because someone is skinny, doesn’t mean they are healthy! They could have visceral fat deposits within their organs, or countless other mental/internal problems. I see a lot of people with acne problems too, that right there shows they are unhealthy.

I recommend an elimination diet as many people eat hormonally triggering foods without knowing, and sometimes blood//vitamin/allergy tests can help , creating somewhat of a baseline, but they are not fully accurate and sometimes are completely off in terms of vitamin/bacterial saturation stored within certain hard-to-detect organs/areas. Overall, Learning about ancestral nutrition and the genetic makeup of food, it’s origins, how it has changed, micronutrients, macronutrients, within certain combinations of foods/spices/herbs for healing....all help in better understanding of how nature and certain combinations of those listed above can be of medical healing. Most don’t realize that our skin is like our 2nd mouth, and certain medications, unnatural shampoos, detergents, synthetic vitamins/ointments/serums, and even makeup are notorious for causing breakouts or clogging up the skin pores, leeching through the skin barrier and getting into the bloodstream, affecting the lymphatic system, making one more prone to acne. May Allah SWT give you and us all shifaa, ease, and ample health, Ameen. As long as we are at one with our body, intellectually and instinctively, think with open minded perspectives and patient approaches, sets the body up for long term successful health. Trialing, experimenting, results....all part of the journey of life.

Certain foods can definitely have correlation to acne and/or fluctuating hormones in negative ways. But simple lifestyle optimizations also greatly helped not only myself, but many others. For example, Another skin and internal healer is natural vitamin D from the sun , but some docs think vitamin d supps are the same as the sun....although it is actually a bit contradictory, as synthetic vitamin D supplements may cause more harm than good, due to sourcing/aflatoxin concerns....and are nowhere near as beneficial as natural vitamin D from sunlight, especially when it comes to the skin and certain healing processes within the body. Similar also goes with gardening and/or grounding/touching some soil, as there are beneficial bacteria strains (SBO’s...Soil based organisms) that absorb through the skin and act as internal defenders/healers, strengthening the immune system while at it. The more we connect with our roots, and the wonderful/miraculous beauty Allah SWT created, called nature, the more we start to speed up the remediation process.

Wanna know what is crazy? They add these low quality , toxic man-made vitamins (added to our foods), especially Milk/cheese/dairy, rice, etc. They also mix many of these toxic vitamins in the Animal’s diet and then the animal’s meat becomes like a health-problem-trigger food for us. These foods then cause bile dumps/inflammatory reactions to occur like acne (hormonal fluctuations), and toxic build up of its saturation within certain organs. its a shame many parents feed their kids an unnecessary amount of new age foods/dairy on a daily basis or get them hooked. I was also fed a lot of it growing up. There aren’t many accurate blood testing methods to figure out how much one’s liver/organs has toxic vitamins/heavy metals saturated with, and the free flowing regular blood tests are not accurate one bit as it doesn’t take into account for organ excess vitamin/heavy metal saturation, due to the blood test drawing blood from a vein. I’m sure the elites are already on a low vitamin A/D/Man-made vitamin diet or they developed a way for themselves to test their liver for such. We are also given Vitamin a from our Mother’s in the womb through bacterial and blood transport. Wanna know what’s interesting, lots of Christians and Catholics have it in their scriptures about refraining from organ consumption as it’s is seen as disgusting and demon/devil food. Many animal organs are saturated in heavy metals and excess toxic vitamins. Even in Islam, there is a Sunni sect that discourages organ consumption seeing it as Makrooh for various Islamic reasons -

Dislikeable parts of meat -

So what I want you to do is the following for experimentation, atleast for a couple weeks if possible. if you can’t get fresh raw milk from an A2 pasture-raised cow in your state, or nearby state, that hasn’t been pasteurized nor has been fortified (added) with toxic/low quality man-made vitamins……then heavily reduce or remove dairy consumption, including butter, ghee, cheese, ice cream, and to an extent, eggs too. Go to any grocery store, and you will see yogurts, milk, and even some juices and orange juice, fortifies with vitamin A and D. Cheese although states it’s ingredients are milk, that milk is usually fortified. Butter is yellow due to its overload of vitamin a, which should be lowered or cut out if someone is suffering from acne. Countless products also contain man-made or increased levels of toxic substances, but the labels don’t specify this. Even I, and many others, went dairy free, and never looked back, as we feel better, acne vanished, etc. Most Cows these days are also genetically bread-hybrids , A1, not the same as the OG natural cows hundreds of years ago , which are A2. Even A1 dairy and meat can cause inflammatory reactions and acne in sensitive people. But A1 cow meat is usually more safe than the A1 dairy (milk/yogurt/cheese/ice cream/etc). One needs to test it out and see for themselves. I personally do not do well on red meat and dairy as the majority of my protein source, but others have been fine with the meat, just not the dairy. Some might even get acne from shrimp and tuna due to Arsenic sensitivity (heavy metal that can be toxic due to these foods containing a lot of it). Others nut butters. Even candy/chocolate/breads as most of that is made with bad dairy. Another fraud and scam is fish oil. Countless unbiased uncensored studies showing how fish oil oxidizes extremely quickly, and numbs receptors within us to make it feel
Like it is working, but all it is doing is just causing more silent inflammation to build up…to the point that others end up taking more every year to cope harder. They add this fish oil crap to milk and countless other foods too. It’s healthier to just eat some frozen wild caught salmon every week or some certain healthy white fish.

All Accutane does is halt our livers/kidneys, which clears the skin temporarily because the liver and kidneys are not moving around blood, but with that, toxins build up inside of us. Acne is a form of toxin release. Just like how our organs store toxins and excess vitamins for later, the organs of animals, even grass fed, store quite a bit of toxins and toxic levels of certain vitamins. Case studies have shows People have died eating polar bear liver due to the toxic levels of vitamin a. Many who went carnivore meat based diet with organ meat consumption felt fine at first, but developed an array of health and liver build up problems later down the line due to human’s liver storing excess vitamins and toxic loads from animal organ consumption, halting proper filteration, as the liver becomes too saturated. A diet without such potentially toxic organs is more optimal.

Aside from a sabr-filled elimination diet, there is another vital aspect to acne’s increase……That one should do to boost their immune system to be able to handle such foods in that in case of a one-off situation where one consumes or eats low fortified quality foods, they will have a minimal inflammatory reaction. This method below is simple, has centuries worth of science, and makes sense.

First is, Male ejaculation and bile dumping -

Based on things other men have relayed to me previously, along with my own recent experience, I absolutely believe that the (men's) masturbation causes a bile dump, influx of stress hormones to raise, leading to toxic bile/pus starting to come up to the surface. Why else do you think majority of people who have acne get in when they hit puberty? Usually due to them getting into self masturbation.

This explains why "nofap" and semen retention (aka not ejaculating) have risen to prominence in recent years and are associated with innumerable health benefits

For a very long time, it has been recommended by coaches to male athletes to not have sex in the day or week before big games

Out of many vital vitamins/minerals within our bodies and fluids…..Ejaculation rapidly depletes the body of ZINC, which is needed for testosterone production, and immune defense. Having it depleted constantly by your hand, that's not good. this video about a marsupial that literally kills itself via releasing, disintegrating itself (probably from toxic bile) from the inside out:

Takeaways from this, men:
- stop watching porn, for multiple reasons
- stop wasting your zinc and dumping bile into your blood via unnecessary ejaculation
- you can have fun sexually with a halal partner , as the response is different, and even mastering not having to ejaculate at the end

I wanted to share the following experience as it greatly helped not only me, but other’s as well in terms of many health problems. A simple underlying mechanism which could have huge potential for both men and women.

Many moons ago, I recall in my teen years, had really bad constipation and countless health problems. An elimination diet helped but problems still persisted. However, when I fully stopped masturbating, within just a week, my digestion, acne, psoriasis skin, mental clarity, joint pain, bodily functions, etc, pretty much fixed itself.....along with histamine issues resolving after a few months. A quick keyword search of “Kidney TCM” on the website Forum gives some great insights, reasonings, and science behind how physical/mental masturbation, as well as excessive sex effects, stagnates, and backs up the kidneys/liver/pelvic floor tightening (anxiety), mental state, and digestion based on century-old Ayurveda/Traditional Chinese Medicine....which is massively overlooked compared to most of the redundancy Big Pharma and modern allopathic medicine spews. The fluid that would have been released by masturbating, is more-so important not being It’s a vital fluid that many ancient medicinal fields claim to be the internal building blocks for bone marrow, autoimmune strengthening, the gut microbiome, stomach acid production, joints, intestinal peristalsis, brain development, testosterone production, calcium homeostasis, energy production, and countless other contributions. Makes sense why many religions consider masturbation bad too. I’ve personally seen a good chunk of people put many of their health/digestion problems into remission by avoiding unnecessary masturbation/excessive sex. Hence why many fighters abstain from releasing leading up to a fight. There’s science that shows halal sex with a partner produces positive , healthier hormonal/chemical reactions and responses within the body, unlike self-masturbation. Masturbation/fapping is different than having sex, but even too much sex can cause the same issues, same with overly sexualized thoughts. There is so much more to life than just sex and women, multiple purposes. Keep your options open and try when feasible, but don’t stress urself out. Breathe out the horniness, stay calm, collective, and controlled with sabr. Like the Hulk in a way. Again, at the end of the day, still, it comes down to the quick motto of steps in order to make the poise choice, “Stop, deep breathe, ponder, think, continue to deeply breathe, remedial methods/tactics/nutrition/lifestyle/reasoning, clarity, realization, Taqwa (God consciousness), Alhamdulillah, progression”. Calmness , coolness, collectiveness, productive/positive activities and thinking, deeper purpose/understanding of life, deep breathing, connecting with nature and sunlight, other optimizations.....all help to not fall into the temptations of releasing your vital fluid unnecessarily via physical/mental masturbation and excessive both men and women experience the problems I mentioned above. Mind over matter, patience, control. Your body and soul will thank you.......Godspeed!

Long ago, Even though in the past I would find relief letting one out , however I think it was just band-aiding/numbing something neurologically/internally,, kind of like over the counter pain killers.....while causing underlying issues like constipation, sinus/skin/acne/joint problems, and food intolerances/sensitivities to return for me. Feels like all my organs get jammed, and lower back pain around the kidney area ensues. I’ve noticed when I refrain from letting one out via masturbation, and then increase certain compatible foods, and beans/fruits and at times, mixed/cooked with MUFA oils, along with lean meat, everything goes back to normal, as I’m clearing up my skin/passing bowel movements many times a day. With those passing of bowels, I generally feel better and lighter afterwards, so a detox mechanism. I’ve tried the same dietary approach protocol after masturbating, and my problems come back fairly quickly. I’ve also tried many probiotics in my lifetime, and none worked as well as just not masturbating. It’s truly surreal. Wet dreams are natural, a way for the body to expel anything unnecessary or ridding of topped-off fluids naturally. However, after some time, mindset adaption, and control, they don’t occur much anymore. I understand everyone’s body is different and unique, so as long as we are at one with it, think with open minded perspectives and approaches, sets the body up for long term successful health. Trialing, experimenting, results....all part of the journey of life
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