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Technician Flow Queries:
1. At which point of time in flow you want to change the Status from NE/NER to UE ? Will it be on assignment of Technician by Lab co ordinator ?

2. So without connection with WOD, a technician cannot make a Evaluation Report ? So my understanding is that It is compulsory to have WOD first then only there can be Evaluation report.

3. In Evaluation Report (Listing changes required):
(a) Sales Person filed to be added.
(b) Put status to have Urgent/ Not
(c) Customer complain in check mark style & comments.
Note: Do we need to have same fields like we have it in the Create WOD form ? As that data is also brought here as it is. If the technician is also goin to add new complaints than already registered while creating WOD form then we can add check boxes to add any extra complaints or comments.
(d) We will make a section as Technician Feedback under which we will add following:
- Check box which is already there "If Parts Required" for enabling partsheet for mentioning parts needed for repair (parts sheet)
- Time (evaluation time/estimated repair time/actual repair time)
Note: A table will be created to put values for evaluation time/estimated repair time/actual repair time and their rate per hour, which will be carried forwarded to internal quote's total estimated the cost.

4. Action Status:
We have all these status already in the WOD, So we can bring a list for status relevant for a technician to update the WOD status from the Evaluation report only. Will that do ?

5. Techicnians Comment section is already there where the original comments will carried forward from the WOD and also futher Technician can add more comments. Also there is Comment section at the bottom of the Evaluation report to add specific comment by the technician to maintain as a log.

6. There is already a text box for Evaluation Result which you can consider as a Test Result.

7. There a attach a document section on the left hand side of the screen where they can attach any document not only just an Image.

8. We will hide the rate/ hour field and bring that under as per [Point 3.(d) Note's section.]

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