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Online Psychiatry
In the past few years, the world of online psychology has transformed from a small niche to a widely accepted form of treatment. According to reports from the American Psychological Association (APA), almost 60 million American adults are currently subscribed to some type of online therapy. That's approximately one in three people! Clearly, the benefits of online therapy extend far beyond just the convenience of the patient.
What is online therapy?
Broadly defined, online therapy is any psychiatric or psychological treatment administered over the internet. The term “telepsychology” is also used synonymously. However, many prefer the term “e-therapy” to specifically refer to treatment administered via the internet.
There are several different types of online therapy, including:
Matching Matching is the process of connecting individuals with similar interests and/or problems with a professional therapist via the internet. For example, if you're looking for a dating coach, you would enter your preferences in a questionnaire and then you would be connected with a dating coach who matches your interests and background. Similarly, if you're struggling with depression, you can find a therapist who treats that as their area of specialization and who is available via online psychology / psychiatry platforms.
Consultation / Information-gathering In this type of therapy, users are questioned about their interests and problems, and the information gathered is used to guide the development of a treatment plan. For example, if you're seeking information on depression, you would be presented with a number of different treatments plans along with their advantages and disadvantages. You would then choose the one that most closely matches your needs and interests.
Treatment In this type of therapy, users are asked to complete a series of questionnaires that determine their current mental status and the degree of difficulty they're experiencing. Based on the information provided, the treating therapist develops an individualized treatment plan that may involve the patient completing homework assignments, following a certain diet, or engaging in certain behaviors. Treatment may last for several weeks or months.
E-Mailing / Electronic-Message Therapy (EMT) Similar to consultation / information-gathering, e-mail therapy involves the administration of therapeutic interventions via electronic mail. However, instead of simply providing information, e-mail therapy involves the direct, personal interaction between patient and therapist. That interaction may take the form of an e-mail exchange or a weekly phone call. If you're seeking treatment for anxiety, you would be e-mailed relaxation techniques or guided self-help books. If you're struggling with depression, you would be e-mailed a list of potential talking points with which to discuss your feelings. E-mail therapy is sometimes more convenient for the patient, as it can be done at any time that suits the patient's busy schedule.
Video-conferencing Video-conferencing involves the live, remote communication between two or more individuals. Similar to virtual therapy, video-conferencing allows patients to see and speak with a professional therapist without having to be in the same room. It also allows for the possibility of incorporating educational material into the session, such as slide presentations or recorded videos of neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health professionals explaining various mental disorders. Because video-conferencing involves the remote participation of one or more individuals, it is not considered online therapy.
Why are so many people seeking online therapy?
The demand for online therapy is on the rise, largely due to the increasing usage of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. These platforms have created a “therapeutic community,” allowing patients to connect with other individuals who are going through similar experiences. Additionally, the increasing acceptance of alternative healing methods such as meditation and acupuncture has led more and more people to seek out online therapy as a means of self- exploration or as a complement to their conventional medical treatments.
Cost-Efficiency The cost-efficiency of online therapy is a major selling point, especially as more and more people can't afford traditional therapist rates. According to MarketWatch, the average price of a therapist session in the U.S. is $125. While there are various online therapy platforms that offer group sessions and one-on-one counseling for significantly reduced rates, these are offered on a limited basis and are often not accessible to everyone. Therefore, those who can't afford traditional rates may find it more economical to pay for online therapy than to seek out a private therapist. Moreover, the increasing number of therapists who specialize in online therapy is also enabling more people to find quality, affordable care.
Convenience Another major benefit of online therapy is its convenience. Patients can access their therapists from any location that has an internet connection, including their home and office. Moreover, they can continue to follow the therapy sessions even when they're out of town. Most online therapy platforms offer web-based applications as well as traditional desktop or mobile apps, enabling patients to participate in their treatment from wherever they choose.
What are the requirements to become a Board-Certified Clinical online terapi ?
To become board-certified, a clinician must have an advanced degree in clinical psychology, either a Ph.D. or an Ed.D., plus at least five years of supervised clinical experience. Additionally, they must pass a rigorous national exam administered by the American Psychological Association (APA). Successful completion of the exam ensures that the candidate has the required knowledge and skills to practice clinical psychology. To learn more about the requirements for becoming a Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist, visit this website by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Increased Accessibility The accessibility of online therapy is another major benefit. Most major internet service providers (ISPs) offer broadband coverage, which enables online therapy to be performed from almost anywhere in the world. Even better, some clinics and medical centers are starting to make their clinical journals and resources available for free online. As a result, anyone with an internet connection can now gain access to the information they need to successfully complete their treatment course. This, in turn, may lead to increased acceptance of alternative therapies by conventional, physician-based health care providers. Increased accessibility is also prompting more and more people to seek out online therapy as a convenient and affordable alternative to in-person treatment.
What are the different types of therapists available through online therapy?
The field of psychotherapy is highly specialized, and becoming a licensed therapist is not easy. It is a common misconception that you can just walk in the door and start treating patients. Instead, you must undergo rigorous training and then you must complete several supervised clinical internship programs before you can become a licensed therapist. Fortunately, there are many different types of therapists available through online psychology platforms, and patients can find a therapist who specializes in their area of need and interest. Here are just a few of the different types of therapists available through online therapy:

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