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One day, the PAW Patrol were out on a rescue mission when they came across a strange sight. A large, furry creature was walking around aimlessly in the middle of the forest. The creature didn't seem to be able to see or hear anything, and it was bumping into trees and stumbling around.

The PAW Patrol were curious about what this creature was, so they decided to investigate. They approached the creature cautiously, but it didn't react at all. It just continued to walk around blindly.

Finally, Ryder decided to try and get close to the creature. He slowly approached it from behind and tapped it on the shoulder. The creature suddenly let out a loud yelp and turned around quickly! It had bright green eyes that shone in the darkness of the forest, and it stared at Ryder with confusion written all over its face.
"Who are you?" the creature asked, its voice soft and gentle.

Ryder was taken aback by how sweet the creature's voice sounded. He suddenly felt a strong connection to it, as if he had known it for years. "I'm Ryder," he replied, extending his hand out to the creature. "And you are?"
The creature took Ryder's hand and shook it, its grip strong and warm. "I'm Marshall," the creature said, smiling brightly. "It's nice to meet you."

Ryder felt his heart melting at the sight of Marshall's smile. He couldn't explain why, but he felt like he could trust this strange creature with his life. They stood there in silence for a moment, simply enjoying each other's company. Then Ryder had an idea.

"Do you want to come on a walk with me?" Ryder asked, excitement bubbling up inside him at the prospect of spending more time with Marshall.

Marshall grinned and nodded eagerly before following Ryder as he started walking down the street. They walked in silence for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of Adventure Bay. Ryder felt like he could talk to Marshall about anything and everything, and he was grateful for the companionhip.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from somewhere nearby. Ryder tensed up, ready to spring into action if necessary. But before he could do anything, Marshall had already taken off running towards the sound. Ryder quickly followed after him, not wanting to let his new friend face danger alone.

They arrived at the scene just in time to see Chase jumping out of his police car with his megaphone in hand. He was yelling instructions at some criminals who were trying to run away.

Ryder and Marshall stepped forward as Chase called for backup. The criminals saw them coming and started firing shots in their direction. Ryder quickly put himself between Marshall and the bullets, shielding his friend with his own body.Thankfully, Chase and the other pups arrived soon afterwards and were able to take down the criminals without any injuries sustained by either Ryder or Marshall.

After the ordeal was over, Ryder and Marshall walked back to the Lookout. Marshall asked Ryder how he had known to put himself in front of the bullets. "I didn't," Ryder replied. "I just knew that I had to protect my friend."

Marshall was astounded. "You mean, you just knew what to do in a situation like that?"

Ryder nodded. "I've been trained for this kind of thing. I know how to keep myself and the people around me safe."
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