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You Know The War In Iraq Is Winding Down
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Over Deep Silence: Antidote To War And Fanaticism? of our invasion of Iraq, we killed, by the calculation of your British Research firm Opinion Research Business (See 1 below), 1 million Iraqis, combatants and civilians the same. It is safe to assume that the same may occur in Afghanistan except that time the terrain works against us helping the odds favoring the opposing.

The Soviets fought an all-out war against this enemy using every conventional means at their disposal and suddenly lost. With a rotated Soviet troop presence of over 100,000, your neighborhood Afghan army of over 300,000, every one of the military might of the Soviet bloc, and lacking in the restrictions imposed with critical media, the Soviets could not stop Afghanistan becoming their Vietnam.

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A good girl - I wouldn't leave my purse of. My hands calmly searched through it for my cell phone. With luck and to my surprise I had reception. I called our field office in Jaffna. I didn't have to give much associated with the explanation. With the sound of my voice, my colleague grasped the degree of our situation immediately. The mine explosion was heard across town in our office. My colleague promised to get us out as soon as thinkable.

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