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Orbera and Obalon Procedures
The procedure involves inserting a deflated balloon through the esophagus into the stomach. The balloon is filled with sterile saline solution and left in the stomach for up to six months. The balloon works to limit the amount of food that the patient can eat and retrains the brain to recognize when the stomach is full.

The Obalon procedure is similar to Orbera, except that patients will retain a balloon in their stomach for six months. They are trained to control their portion size during the training period, and after six months, they can have the balloons removed in a minimally invasive manner. However, patients should be aware of some of the risks associated with the Obalon procedure, including the fact that a second procedure may be necessary.

The Obalon balloon is filled with gas, so it is relatively light. It floats to the top of the stomach, so most people experience mild nausea and cramping after swallowing it. The balloon will stay in the stomach for six months, and weight loss will occur gradually. Individuals with difficulty swallowing pills may also experience discomfort with the Obalon procedure.

The Obalon procedure should be performed by an experienced physician who has received special training in this type of procedure. Patients must also follow a strict diet and exercise plan prescribed by their physician after the procedure. This will ensure that they are receiving the most beneficial results. It is also important to note that the Obalon procedure has a good safety profile, resulting in minimal nausea and vomiting. The Obalon technique can even be used in pediatrics, with promising results. In addition, it can be used to treat obesity earlier, when the body has not reached its maximum BMI.

After a medical consultation with your doctor, the balloon will be implanted in your stomach. This is usually done through an endoscope, which is a thin hollow tube with a camera. The implanted balloon will be about the size of a grapefruit. The procedure is relatively quick and requires only one office visit. You may experience some discomfort during the first few days after the procedure.

The FDA continues to work with the manufacturers of intragastric balloons. Since 2017, the FDA has worked with manufacturers to update the labels on these devices with possible risks. The FDA will continue to monitor the device and keep patients and providers updated on new findings. It will also update the label to reflect any changes or concerns.

Obalon is a new type of gastric balloon. Patients receive three smaller balloons over the course of eight weeks. Each balloon is inserted through a simple procedure in the doctor's office. After swallowing the capsule with a catheter attached, the doctor will insert the balloon and check it with an x-ray. The balloon is then inflated using a special canister of gas. Patients are typically required to return to the doctor's office every four weeks until all three balloons have been placed.

Although the Orbera post-approval study did not report any cases of acute pancreatitis, two patients had developed an acute pancreatitis event after the balloon was implanted. This was not fatal, but the risk of duodenal obstruction was high, and two patients subsequently had to be removed.
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